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��?� <br /> DEED RECOI-�.D NO. 96 <br /> 326,4i�'fH4AUGU5TiNECO.ORANDISLAHO,NEBR. . .� <br /> Sixty �ollars (�6�.�0) therefore, said amaunt being the highest bid offered. <br /> THEREF'ORE, BE IT ORDAI�iED BY THE MAYQR AND CIT� COUNCZL. OF THE CTTY 0�' GRAND I�LAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> 5EC�ION 1. The sale of the rea�. estate described as Lota Six and Seven (& & '�) , Hlock r` i <br /> � Twenty-nine (29) , Packer and Barrs 2�nd Addition to the Cit3r of Grand Ialand, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska� i <br /> , to Charles E. Tayl.or of said C3.ty of Grand Is7.and, be and �he same ia hereby direc�ed, authQrized :��,_. !, <br /> and confirmed. � � ' <br /> SEC�'IOTJ 2. The mar�ner and terms of eaid sale of' such real es�ate are as follow�: The purahaaer, <br /> C harles E. TayZor, bld the �um of Sixty-Dollars (�6o.0a) for said r�al estate and has paid th� <br /> amount of his bid in full. The �3ty of arand Island sha13 make, ex�eute and deliver to said <br /> �.: buyer a Qu3'� Cla3m Deed for said premi�ea and �he said City shalz not be required �o furnish an <br />' Abstracst of Title. <br />�,.. <br />� �ECTION 3. As provided by �aw, not3ce of such gale and �h� term� �hereof shall be publishc�d <br />� f or three consecutive we�ks in �he Grand Island Daily Indep�ndent, a nswspaper published in and <br />� ,� of �eneral circul.a�ion in the Ci�y of Grand ��land:, Nebraska, immediat�ly after th� pas$age� ar�d <br /> r , publication of �hie ordinance; and the �i�y �l�rk �.s hereby dlr�cted and ins�ructed to prepare and <br />�� :; publi�h �aid notice. � <br /> SECTION �. Author�.ty is hereby granted '�o the el�ctors of the City ofGrand Island, Nebraska, <br /> to fil� a remonstrance aga3.nst �Gh� sale signed by legal elee�ors of said City equal in nt�mber to <br /> th9.rty per eent (3�;�) of �he el�c�ora of �he City of Grand Island, vo�ing at the lagt regular <br /> � elec�ion h�ld in s�,id City be fi1�d wi'�h �h� Mayor and City Cou ncil wi�hin �hirty days af�er the <br /> ���;�?assage and publica�ion of this ordinanc�, �uch_ property shall not then, nar wi�h�.n one year "���_.. <br /> �her�after be sold. <br /> SECTION �. The sale of sa.3d real es'�ate ia hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; a�d <br /> if no remonatrancse b� filed against sueh sale, the Mayor and C�.ty C1erk shall, execute, anc�. <br /> deliver to Charles �. Taylor, a Qu3.t C1aim Deed far property and the �x�QUtion of said de�d <br /> is hereby au�horized without further ac�io�. on behalf of the City Counail.. " <br /> SECTIOPJ 6. Th3.s ord3.rt�.nce shalZ be in force and take �ffea� from and after its passag�, <br /> approval and publication as provided by law. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED THI� 15�h day of February, 19.�0. <br /> ATTEST; B. J. Cunnin�ham <br /> , Mayor <br /> F1o�Vd, S. White � <br /> C�.ty C3,erk <br /> Filed f or reeord th3s 10 day of April 1950, a'� 3:3Q o� eloek P.M. � <br /> ���� <br /> � ���REGISTER OF DE��S <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-t7-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0--4-0-Q-0-ff?�-- <br /> gUIT CLAIM DEED � <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this lOth day of February, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Forty- <br /> seven, between The Diamond Engineering Company, a Co-partnership of Grand Island, Nebraska of the <br /> first par�, and Henry F. Jess of the second part, iNITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, <br /> in cansideration of the swn of One Dollar and other �ood and sufficierit consideration to it duly <br /> paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has remised, released and guit-claim, and by these <br /> presents does, for itself, its successors and assigna remise, release and forever quit-claim and <br /> convey unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all its right, <br /> title, interest, estate claim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all <br />� Lot Twelve (12) , "Ross and Ashton Park" located and bein� a subdivision of a part of Lots Fourteen <br /> j (IL�) and Eighteen (18) of County Subdieision of the West Half' oP Southwest Quarter (W�SW4) and a <br />! part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E�SW4) of Section Fif�een (15) in Township Eleven <br />; (11) , North, Ran�e Nine ( 9) , 19est of the 6th P.M. , Hall Count�, Nebraska, and being the same <br />� premises included and described in a certain �'arranty Deed executed by all of the partners of The <br /> Diamond En�ineering Company, a Co-partnership of Grand Island, Rtebraska, recorded in Book 87, <br />, page 111, of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> To�ether with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above describ�d premises unto the said Henry F. Jess, his heirs and <br /> assigns; so that neither the said grantor, or any person in its name and behalf, shall or will <br /> hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but they <br /> and every one oP them sha11 by these presents be excluded and forever barred. " �`' <br /> ti.. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executed � <br /> for and in its behalf by one of the members of the co-partnership and affixed its seal the day � <br /> and year abvve written. <br /> � <br /> �: <br /> Sfgned, sealed and del3.vered in presence of TxE� DIAMOND ENGINEERING COMPANY, a Co- <br /> _ Vera E. �IcConau�he� � partnership of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> By Fred B. Winter <br /> One of the partners. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> � ss. On this llth day of February A.D. , 1g�7 before me, the undersigned Vera E. <br /> Hall County ) NfeConaughey a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and <br /> residing in said county, personally came Fred B. '►�inter, being one of the <br /> partners of The Diamond En�;ineerin� Company, a co-partnership of Grand Island, Nebraska, in whose <br /> behalf he executed this instrument to me known to be the identical person whose name is affixed to <br /> the foregoing instrument as one of the co-partners of the grantor and acknowledged the � same to be <br /> his voluntary act and deed end the volunta.ry act and deed of said co-partnership. <br /> W3tn��s my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) Vera E. McConau e Notary <br /> My commission expires the 5th day of July, 194? , nee Newman Public :.. <br /> Filed for record this 11 day of April, 19�0, at 4:10 o� clock A.M. J �,� <br /> Register of Deeds <br />