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_ � � <br /> c- `�'� <br /> D�ED RLCOI�.D NO. 96 ��� <br /> � 82641-THlAUGUST(NECO.GA11NDiSLANU,NEBR. � ' ���- � � <br /> wi'�h a11. the appur�enances thereunto belonging, to have and to hold t�ie same unto the said <br /> grantees as Jolnt Tenan�s, and not as tenant$ in common, and to their ass3.�ns, or to �he heirs 3 <br /> and assigns of the survlvvr of them, forever; it being the inten�ion af all partiee h�reto that <br /> in the ev�nt of the d�ath of either of said' grante�s, the entire fee simple title �o the real <br /> es�ate described h�rein shall vegt �.n the surviving grante�. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREDF I have hereunto set m.v hand th3.s 10�h day af April, 19,�0. � <br /> ( 2 .75 I. R. STAMP5) - <br /> In Pr�sence of (Cancel3ed ) <br /> Kenn�th H. Elson, <br />� Herbert F. M��r� . Referee <br /> S�'ATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS; On this 10�h da.y of April, 1950, before the undersi�ned, a Notaxy <br /> - COUNTY OF HALL ) Public in and for said County, personally appeared KennetY� H. Elson, <br /> Referee in the ease ref erred to in '�h� fore�oing deed, to mE person- <br /> ally known to be the id�ntical person whose n�me is subscribed to the for�going de�d as grantor <br /> and ackr�owled�ed �he ex�cu�ion thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as said Referee for the <br /> purpos�s therein expressed. . <br /> WITNES� my hand and Notarial 5ea1 the date last af oresaid. <br /> (SEAL) Hsrber� F. Ma.yer <br /> Notary Publie � <br /> My eommission expires on the 17th day o�' May A.D. , 1950, ��� <br /> Flled for reaord this 10 day oP Apri]. 19�0, a� 2:�0 o�elc�ck P.M. �, <br /> �� I� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS ill ' <br /> 0-0-�-0-0-p-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-d-O-Q-.0-Q-0-0-0-0-Q-O-0-0-0-fl-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q- <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> QUIT CLAIM D�ED , <br /> KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTSt ' ' <br /> That, �he City of Grand Iela.nd, a munieipal corporation, of th� County af Hall, and Stat� of <br /> Nebraska, for the eonsideration of �he aum of 5ixty Dollars (�60.00) does hereby Quit C1aim <br /> and convey unto Charles E. Taylor of 'the County of Haa.l and S�ate of Nebraska, all 1ts righ�, �, <br /> title and inter�st of wha.�soever natur�, in and to the Pollow�ng d�scribed real es�a.te, situat�d <br /> in the County oP Ha11 and S�at� vf N�braska, to-wit. <br /> � <br /> Lata Six �' Seven (6 & 7) , Block Twenty-nin� (29) , Packer and Barrs 2nd Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. ' <br /> Th� Grantor, the City of Grand Island, ahall not be required ta furnish an Abstract of Title. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEAE��', th� arantor, the �ity of Grand Island, in Hall Gounty, Nebraska, hae caused <br /> these pres�nts to b� signed by itg Mayor and at��ated to by the City Clerk and has caused the <br /> vff�.ela1 s�;a1 oP said City to be h�reunto affixed this �he 21st day of March A.D. , 195�• <br /> CITY �F GRA.ND ISLAND <br /> (GI`�Y) <br /> Frane�s Searson (SEAL) By B. J. Cunnin�ham <br /> Witn�sa Mayor <br /> Frances Searson <br /> Witness A��E3T: F. S. l�hite <br /> Ci�y Cle rk <br /> 6TATE OF N'EBRASKA ) . <br /> ���: On thls 21st day of March A.D. , 19�0, bef or� me �he undersi�ned, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) a Notaxy P�blic, duly commiesion�d and qualified for and residing <br /> ln said county; PepBOn�a.iy eame, B. J. Cunningham, Mayor, of the <br /> �lty of Grand Zsland, Nebraska, and Floyd S. Whi�e, City Clerk of said Ci�y to �:e pereonally <br /> known to be th� identical persons whose names are affixed to th� above �nstrum�nt as Mayor <br /> and City Clerk of the Gra�nor, the City of Grand Island, and to m� personally known to b� <br /> such officera of said City and they severallq acknowiedged �he exeau�ion of said inatrwment �o <br /> be their voluntary act and deed and the offlcial act and deed on the part of said c3ty of <br /> p�rand 2 sland. <br /> Witneas my hand and Notarial 5ea1 at Grand Island in said Coun�y, �he day and y�ar firat <br /> above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL) A. W. La.rson <br /> No�ary Public <br /> My �ommi�sion expire� the 23rd day of Dec 1955• <br /> ORDZNANCE N0. 23�� <br />�i AN �RDT�SANCE authorizing and direating '�he sale of cer�ain real eatate belonging to the <br /> i Clty of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the m,anner in which the same shall be sold and the <br /> ��rma of eaid �ale; proViding for the givin� of naticse of the sale of sa3.d rea7. es�ate and the <br /> �Germa thereof; and, providing for th� right to file a remonstranae against the sale thereof <br /> si�ned by lega.l eleetors of th� City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in, number to thir�y p�r <br /> cent (3()�) of �he electors of said City, voting at the last r�gular munl.cipal election h�ld in <br /> ga�.d City. <br /> WHEREAS, on the 9th day of February, 1950, Lots S3.x and Seven (b & 7) , Block Tw�n�y-n�.n� <br /> (29) , Packer & Barrs 2nd Addition, belonging to the said Ci�y of Grand Island, Nebraska, were <br /> purauan� to �he action of the Mayor and Clity Council offered f or sale at a public auction to <br /> the highes� '6ldder and Charles E. T�y1or, of the �ity of Grand I�land, Nebraska, bid the sum of <br />