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� <br /> ���� <br /> DEED RECOI�.D NO. 96 <br /> � 32641�'(NL11U6UfTINECO.CR11N0ISLAND,NE/R. <br /> REF'EREE�S DEE� . <br /> � REFEREE�s DEED IN PARTITION <br /> � <br />- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: � <br /> WHEREAS, in an action of partition pending in the District Cour'� af Ha11 Coun�y, Nebraaka, <br /> there Case 1Vo. J.1�9�, where Ida Buchf3nck was Pla3.ntiff and C1ara L. Witzke, Henry C. Wltzke, <br /> Laura Witzke Patton and �;amu�l E. Patton, her husband, Arthur Niemoth and Ber�ha Niemath, h�.s <br /> � �rife, Hugo Niemoth and Mari� Niemoth, h3s w1fe� Alma. Lehman, Meta Naffk� and Henry Noffke, her <br /> t' husband, E13.a Quandt, Paula Mueller and Albert Mueller, her ht�sband, Ernest Quandt and E�.la Quandt, <br /> h his wiFe, Martha Muell�r and Otto Mu�Iler, her huaband, Hulda. Rubin and Henry Rubin, her hueband, <br /> Theodor� Quar�dt and Reba Quandt, his wiPe, Clara Bab�t and Arthur Babst, h�r husband, Arnold <br />' �k Quan�.t, Ewaldt Quandt, Ella Twigg and Earl Twigg, her hu�band, Alv3n Quandt and Pauline Mabel <br />' - Quandt, bis wif e, Ren�ta Lachenmaier and William A. La�h�anmaier, her husband, Arthur Dankert and <br />� '� A11ce Dankert, his wife, Herbert Dankert and Anna Dankert, h3.g wife, Clara Heider and F'erdinand <br />�� Heid�r, her husband, Rosa Ottemoeller and Fred Ottemoeller, her husband, Fri�da Ni�dfeldt, who�e <br /> z��a�. and tru� name is Frl.eda Nie�feld, and Alfred N�edfeldt, whose real and true name is Alfred <br /> . .��t,��'��eld, her hu�band, Armin Dank�rt and L�.Ilie Dankert, his wife, Albert Dank�rt and Clara <br /> �i' Dankert, his wif�, R�.chard Da.nk�rt a.nd A2ar�ha Dankert, his wife, Minnie Niermeier, Martin Dar�ke�� <br /> and L�nora Dankert, his wif�, Erma. Mar�Gin and Iiaward Mar�in, her hugband, Alma Dankert, Ernest <br /> �ank�rt, Herman Quandt and Mathilda Quandt, �rhoae real. and true is Matilda Quandt, his wlf�, <br /> Ernes� Buchfinek, Edna Brase and Martin Brase, her hu�band, Wal.ter Quandt and EveZyn Quandt, his <br /> wife, Rei.nhardt Quandt and Paula Quandt, his wife, HiZda Pet�rson and OIa Peteraon, her husband; <br /> Arthur Quandt and Edna Quandt , his wife, Agnes�n and ArnQ1d Clasen, her husband, Radolt <br /> Quandt, John Paul Quandt, Carl Quandt and Mlldred Lvuise Quandt, his w3f�, Edw3n Quandt and Mary <br /> Je�.n Quandt, his wiPe, Martha and Albert Maenning, h�r husband, Carl Bar�ling, Milvern <br /> Helmbrech�, Clara L. Q,uand�, t�uardian of John Paul Qu�.nd�, An Incompetent, Tda Helz�r a�d 1Viek <br /> Helzer, h�r hu�band, Erna Helzer`.:and Johr� Heizer, h�r husband, Meta M�yer and Fr�d M�yer, h�r <br /> husband, were d�P�ndants, for th� partition of th� premiees hereinaf't�r des�ribed, the under- <br /> si�n�d Referee, appoin�ed by said Court to mak� partition of said real esta'�e mad� repor� in <br /> writing, duly signed, setting forth that part3t3on of s�,id land� eould not be mad� wi'Ghout great <br /> pre�ud3,ce to the owners thereaf, report was duly examined by 8aid Cou�t� and �aid -Co�art <br /> bein� satisfied therewith confirmed th� same, and thereupon made an order and eauaed the sam� <br /> to be ent�red, directing me as said Refere� to sell: <br /> The Southwest Quarter (SW�) and th� �ou'�hwes'� Quar�er oF the l�orthe�ast Quarter <br /> (SW�NE�� and the We st Ha].f of the Sc>utheras� Quarter (�SE�) a11 in .See�ion Three <br /> (3) , and �he East Ha1f of the Northweg� Quar�er (E�NW�) ot' Section Ten (l�) , all <br /> in Township Twe1v� (l2) North, Range Ten (l0) , West of the 6�h P.M, in Ha11 Countyi <br /> N�bragka, sub��a�, however, to a writteM lease expiring Februaxy 28, 1951, he3d by the <br /> occupy�.n� tenan�, and exeepting a1l steel fence pos�s on said pr�mis�s, all wooden <br /> panels (gat�s) on said premises, 1�0 rods oP hog wir�, two wat�r tanks, one Wat�r <br /> pvmp, the dropping pit in the hen-house, a11 wire around �Ghe ahi�ken sora�eh pen, <br /> and �wo �mal1 frame buildings, one used for storage of grain and the oth�r Por a <br /> woodehed, �;� � <br /> 2 at public auc�ion at the North Front Door of th� Hall Coun�y Court House in the City of Grand <br /> Island, Hal1. Caunty, N�braska, ag upon exeeution, terms of sa].e b�ing 1�,� cash and the balaz�ae <br /> upon confirmation, Referee to furnish buyers wi�h aba�raet of �itle show3ng gvod marketable <br /> title to said premiees as of the date of sale, and in pursuance of said order I caused a notiae <br />� to b� published 3.n the Grand Island- Snd�per�d�nt, a new�pap�r �prin�sd and in �eneral cireulat3on <br />� in Hall Q�u��g, Nebraska, �hmt S would affer �aid lands for sale a'� '�he l�ar�h Fror�t Dbor oP the <br /> I Ha11 �ounty Court Hause in Grand Island, Nebraska, in sald Co�nty, on �he llth day o�' March, 195�, <br />� a't l0 o�clock a.�. of said day, and at �Gh� �3.m� and pla�e �tated �.n ga3.d notiae, and Qt''�er sa3.d <br /> I notice had :been publ��hed t'or more tha.n �hirty days, S off���d sa�.d land�s, �c�-�ri'G t <br /> I� Ths Sou�hwest Quarter (SW�) and the Southwest Quarter of the Nor�hea�t Quart�r <br /> (SW�NE�) and the West Half of the Sou'theast Quarter (W�5E4� all in Seetior� Thre� <br /> (3 ) , and the East Ha1f of the Nor�hw�st Quar'ter (E�RW�) of Seetion �en (l0) , all <br />� in Township Twelve (12) Nor�h, Range Ten (10) , West of the 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, <br /> Nebraska, sub�ect, however, �o a written leas� expir�.n� February 28, 1951, held by �, <br />�', the occupying tenan�G and exeepting a11 stee�. fenc� posts on said pr�mises, a11 <br />�' woad�n panels (gat�s� on sa3d prem�ses, 140 rods of hog; wi�e, two water tanks, one <br /> water pump, th� droppin� pit 3n the hen-house, al.l wire around the chicken scra�ch <br /> pen, and two sma11 f'rame buildings, one used for storage of grain and the other for <br /> a wood�hed, <br /> f or sale at Public �,uctio� and scald th� same to Emil M. C. Lueht and Dora J. Luch�, h�.s wi�e, as <br /> Joint Tenanta, no� as tenants in common, right of survivorahip between �h�m, f or �h� sum of <br /> �22,100.00 they being the high�st bidders th�r�for, ar�d aft�rward�, on t�� 1�`th day of Nlarch, <br /> 19,�0, said �ourt approved a.nd aonfirmed said sal�, �nd by an order dlrected me as said Referee <br /> to execute �o sa�.d Emil M. �. Lucht and Dora J. Lucht, his wife, a.a Joint Tenantg, not aa <br /> tenan�s in common, with right of survivorah�.p between th�m, a survi�or�hip deed conveying aaid <br /> lands to them as Joint Tenants with ri�ht of survivorship between �hem in fee simple. <br /> NOW, THEREFOAE, 'I, Kenn��h H. Elson, Refer��, in cansideration of the premises and thE �um <br /> of �22,100.04, so bid and pa3.d by aaid Emil M. C. Lueht and Dora J. Lucht, and by vir�Gue of th� <br /> powers ves'�ed in m� by law, do .by these pr�sent� grant, sell and convey unto the said Emil M. C. <br /> Luch�G and Dora J. Lucht, his wife, a,s Joint Tenants, and not as �enants in common, and '�o their <br /> assigns, or to th� he3,rs and assigns of the survivor oP �Ghem, fore�ver, the real ��tate descri�d <br /> as fo3.Iows Z <br /> The Southwest Quarter (SW�) and th� Southwest Qua,rter of the Northeas� Quarter - �` <br /> (5W�NE�) and the �'e$�G Half of the Southea�� Quarter (W�SE�) ali in Section Three <br /> (3) , and the Ea,Bt HaIF of the Northwest Quarter (E�NW�) of Sect�.on Ten (10) , all <br /> in Town$hip Twelve (12� North, Range Ten (ZO) , �Test of �he 6th P.M. in Hall Coun�y, <br /> Nebrasks, sub��ct, �howev�r, �o a wr�.tten lease expirin� February 28, 1951, held by <br /> the occupying tenant and exeep�ing all ate�l fenee pos�bs on eaid premis�s, all ' <br /> wooden panels (gate�� on said premiaes, 1�0 rads of hog wir�, two water tanks, on� � <br /> water pump, the droppin� p�t in the henhouse, all wire around the chicken scratch � <br /> pen, and two amall frame buildings, one used f or storage of grain and the other I <br /> for a woodahed, <br /> � �,�,�. <br />