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`�`������,�- <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841�HEAU6U3TIMEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. � <br /> . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above descrihed premisea, with the appurtenances, unto �he said <br /> Willard T. WhSte and Edna. L. White and to their heirs and assign� forever. And we hereby Qovenant <br /> . �ri'�h the said Willard T. White �.nd Edna L. White that �e hold said premi8ee by good and perfect <br /> title; tha�G we have gc�od right and lawful authority to sell and �onvey same; that they are t'ree <br /> and elear o� all liens and ineumbranaes whatsoeqer. And we Qovenan'� to aarrant and defend the <br /> I said premises agalnst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> Signed this 6th day of February A. D. , 19�j0 <br /> In preaeace oP -- - Hattie B. allchrist Miller <br /> ---- enne er <br /> � an . t <br /> —�0. <br /> e e . a 6y <br /> THE STATE OF Nebraska } <br /> es. �n thie 6th day o� February 1954 before me, Herman F. Buckow, a <br /> Hall Coun'�y � Notary Publie within and for said Countq, personally Qame L1111an a. <br /> Wright and A. �. Wright, her husband to me known to be the identical <br /> persons who�e names are affixed to the abov� instrument as grantors, and severally aaknowledged tlle <br /> �xecution of �he same to be �heir voiuntary act and d�ed for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> TN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed my name and afPixed my official seal at arand <br /> Island on the date last above written. <br /> ��E�y� Herma,n F. Buckow <br /> Notary b].ia. <br /> My eommission expires Apr. 17, 1950. <br /> THE STATE OF CALIFORATIA ) <br /> Los Ang�les COUNTY. ( $a' On this llth day oP February, �.950, before me a Notary Publie <br /> w�.thin and for said county personally aame Hattie B. (�ilehrlst <br /> Miller and Kenneth Miller, her husband, to me known to be �he idez�tical persons whose names aFe <br /> affixed to the above instrument as grantors and severally aekno�ledged �he exeaution oP the aame <br /> to b� their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expreassd. <br /> IN �TITNES5 WHEREC)F I have hereunto subaerlbed my name and affixed my official seal on the <br /> da,ts last above written. <br /> (SEAL1 Lowell Vernon Bender <br /> My commissian expirea Jan 2, 1953 0 P' BL <br /> ST�TE OF COLORADO) �s, <br /> SEDG�TICK COUNTY. ( On this 14th day of F'ebruary, 1950 before me a Notary Public within and <br /> � Yor said County personally came Nettie M. Bailey, a widow, to me kno�n to <br /> b� the identical person whose names la afflxed to the above instrument as grantor and she aaknowl- <br /> edg�d the execution of �he same to be her voluntary aet and de�d for the purposes therein expiressed. <br /> IN T�ITNESS. �THEREOF I have hereunto subacribed rny name and af'f'ixed my official seal on the d.a.�e <br /> last above wr�.tten. <br /> (gE,�,) Mildred H. MeKinstry <br /> My commiasion expiree M�y Commission exp�.res Mareh 25, 19�� � <br /> Filed for reeord this 6 da,y of April 1950, at 10:�F0 0 �cloak A.l�i. . � <br /> ����� <br /> - eg a er o��eeds <br /> o-o_o-o_o-o..o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o..o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> 9HE�IFF'S DEED - <br /> KIQOW ALL MEN BY THE3E PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an aation in th� Dietrict Court oP the Ele venth JudiQial Distric� of the <br /> 8tate oP Nebra.ska, within and Por the County of Hall, wherein County of Hall, Hall Cour�ty, Nebr�ska, <br /> a munieipal corporation, is plalntiFf and Joseph H. May and May et al. , are defend,ants, ` <br /> No. 7, Doc. 1, Page 64-7�, �he plaintiPf did on the 2nd day o�une: 19�9� obtain a decree finding <br /> there to be due from the defendants for �eneral and spe�ial improvement taxes upon a Certificate oP <br /> Tax Sale and subaequen� ta,xes, in Cause of Action, No. 3, the sum oY $276.67, accruing intereat and <br /> costa of th� suit, and, whereas, it wa,s then and there further ordered in the said action �hat in <br /> dePault oP the payment of the sum so found due from the said defendants that the SneriYf ot' said <br /> Coun�y of Hall ehould cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised and <br /> sold according to law to pap the sa,me, and, wher�as, dePault having been made therein, the said <br /> SheriPP of said County, under and by virtue _oP the said deeree and the order of sale to him dtaly <br /> direeted, did, on th� 25th day of Januray, 1950, a� the NortY� Fron'� Door oY the Court House in� the <br /> City of arand Teland, in said County o�Hall hav�ng �'irst given due and legal no�lce of the time <br /> and place of said sal.e for not l�ss �han thirty days prior ther�to in the arand I�land Da11y <br /> Independent, a l.egal newspaper, prin�Ged a,nd in general �irculatior� in satd County of Hall, sell <br /> sa�d premises at public auctian �o John A. Bi�enmann for the sum o� Five Hundred and Twenty and <br /> no 100 - - - Dollara, (the total �.eerued costa oY sui� and sale be�.ng �314.67), which sale wae <br /> af Cerwarda on the 24th day c�f- March, 1950, examined and aonfirmed by the said Court and the said <br /> E• H. Stobbe as auch Sheriff, 4rdered to convey the said premises in Ye� eimple to the said <br /> John A. Bixenmann , <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the sald Sheriff of the Cnunty oY Hall, as a�or esald, in consideration of <br /> the premiaes and by virtue, of �he power vested in me by law anci the decree of said Court, do herQby <br /> ive rant and conve �o �he sa3.d John A. Blxenmann his heirs and assi na, the premieee 8o as <br /> g � P; � Y , 8 <br /> aforesa3,d eald, to-wit: <br /> Lo� Four (4) in Block Thirty-six (36) in Charles Wasmer's Addition to the City oP Grand, <br /> Hall County, Nebra��a. <br /> with the appurtenances. <br />