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�, <br /> .���. <br /> DEED I�.�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 82641-pHCAU6U6TINECO.GRANDISL�NO,NEBR. . � - . <br /> 3TATE OF NEHRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On �Ghis 21at day of Mareh A.D. , 1950, beYorc� me the und�raigned, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) Pub11c, duly emramiss�oned and qualiYied for and res�.ding in said countyr, <br /> personally came B. J. Cunningham, Mayor, of the City of Grand TsZand, <br /> Nebr�aska, and Floyd S. White, City Clerk of said City to me persor�ally known to be the identieal i <br /> persons whose names are affixed to the above ins'�rumen� as Ma.yvr and ,City Clerk af the Grantor, �he i <br /> City .o� Grand Island, and to me personally known to be sueh oPficers of said City and they s�verall�r � <br /> aekna�wledged the �xeau�ion of said instrument to b� the�.r voluntary act and d�ed and the off2Gia1 <br /> ae� and deed on the pa�� of aaid City of Grand Ssland. '' <br /> Witness my hand and Nvtarial Seal a'� Grand Ialand in said Couf�ty, the day and year f3rst sbove <br /> wrltten. <br /> (BEAL) A. W. Larson <br /> ot�ry 1 c <br /> My c4mm3ssion exp3res the 23rd day of December 1.955• - <br /> I ORDINAI�CE N�. 2342 <br /> hor in and dir atin the sale of certa�.n rea,l es'�ate belon in to the Cit <br /> AN �RDIATANCE aut iz e � � Y <br /> i � � <br /> of Grand Tsl�nd, Nebraska, providing the manner in t�hiah the same �hall be �old ar�d th� terms ot <br /> said sale; providing fQr the giving oP notiee oP the aale of said real estate and the terma tl�ereoF; <br /> e onstr es a ainst the eale �hereoP si ned b le al <br /> n he ri t to fil a rem an e <br /> and, providi � Por t gh g � Y g <br /> le tors P th Cit of G�and Island Nebraska equal in number to thirt ( 0) e� aent oY th� <br /> e c o e y , , Y 3 P <br /> electors of said C�.ty, vo�ing at th� last reguiar munieipal �lection held in said Cit�. <br /> HE IT ORDAII�ED BY THE MAYDR AT�D CITY C�UNCIL �F TH� CZTY OF QRAND ISLAND, NEBRA3KA: <br /> SEC�I�N 1. The sale and conve;Tance af real eetate her�inaPter deseribed is hereby direated <br /> and authoriz�d to C. J. Corda oP the City oP arand Ialar�d. <br /> The property dir�cted and authorized to be conveyed ls deacribed as follmws: <br /> Lot Ei�ht (�) , Frae'�ional Block Sevsn (7) , Woodb�.ne Addition to the C3�y of Grand I�lar�d, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska. • <br /> SECTIOAT 2. The manner ar�d terms of said sale of sa3d r�al estate are as Yollows: �he pur- <br /> ehaser, C. J. Cords, agrees to pay One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars (�14fl0.04) �or the within <br /> deseribed real estate, and has paid to the Ci�ty Clerk of '6h• C�.ty of Grand Island, the aum of <br /> 3even�y Dollars t�70.�0) as a down payment therefor, and '�he balance of One �Thou�and Three <br /> Hundred and Thirty Dollars (�1330.04) w311 be paid in full upon the exedutlon and delivery aY a <br /> Quit C2ai� Deed by the City to �he said purchaser. The Citq shall not be required to furMish an <br /> Abstract of Title. <br /> SECTIDN 3. As provided by law, notice oP suah sale and the terms thereof ahall be published <br /> for �hres Qonseeutive weeks 3.n the arand Island Daily Sndependant, a ne�rspaper published in and of <br /> general circul.ation in the City oP Grand 2sland, Nebraska, imm'edSately aPter the paesa�e and pub-. <br /> lication oP thia ordinanae; and the City Clerk is l�ereby dir�cted and instruQ'�ed to prepare and <br /> publiah said notiee. <br />� SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the eiectors oP the City oP t�rand Island, Nebraska, <br /> to Pile a remor�strance against the �al� oP said rsal estate; and 3.f a remonstrance agains� the sal� <br /> of said real estate, �i�ned by legal eleetors of said Ci'tq equ�al in number to thirty (34) per aent <br /> of the eleetors of said City voting at �he 2as� regular elea'Gion held in said C3ty be filed w�.�h <br /> the Ma or and Council of said Cit within thirt ( 0 da s from the assa e a.nd ub138 tl n o� t <br /> I� Y Y Y 3 � Y P g p a o h i s <br />� ordinance, said property ahall not then nor within one year thereaFter be sold. <br /> I� 9ECTI4N 5. The sale of said real e8�ate is hereby directed, authorized, and aonfirm�d, and i� <br />� no remons�rance be filed a�aina� suah sal�, the Mayor and City Clerk ghall make, execute, and de- <br />� liver to the said G. J. Cords a Quit Claim Deed �'or said proper�y and the execsution of said deed <br />� is hereby �,uthvrized without Purther action on beh�lY of the flity Counail. <br /> . <br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in fora� and �ake eYfeat trom and aP�er i�s passage, ap- <br /> proval, and publication as provided by la�r. <br />, PAS3ED AND APPROVED this 15TFi day oP Februar�, 1950. <br /> B. J. Cunnl.n�ham <br /> ATTEST: . �Gjay`op <br /> Fl�o d�S. White. <br /> -`(;l�-�erT�. <br /> Fl1ed Por record this 5 day of Apr31 1950, at 4:05 o 'elcck P.M. C� � <br /> ��� <br /> egister o ee s <br /> o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o.-c�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br /> Know AZ1 Men By These Presente: <br /> TH�,T Hattie B. Gilchriat Miller and R�nneth Miller, her husband, Lillian C#. Wright and <br /> A. 0. Wright, her husband and Nettie M. Bailey, wid0w, 3n eo�sidera�ion oY the sum oY One and <br /> no/1�0 and other valuable consideratl4n - - D�LLARS, in hand paid by Willard T. White and Edr�a L. <br /> White of Ha11 Countq, and S�ate of Nebraska do hereby gran�, bar�air�, sell, eonvey, a�d conflrm <br /> unto �he said Willard T. White and Edna L. White, a� �oint tenants and not as tenants in comxaon <br /> the 2'r�llowing described prem�.s�s, situated in the County oi' HaI1 and State of Nebraska tca w3.t: <br /> Lots Five (5) and Si� (6) in H3oek Thirte�n (13) in Cl�ark$on�s Addition to Alda, Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and reaarded , <br /> IT HEING THE INTENTI�N OF ALL PARTIES HERE�'4, THAT IN TAE EVEIVT 0�' THE DEATH OF EITHER OF I <br /> SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE 9IMPLE TITLE TO THE AEAL ESTATE DE3CRIBED HEREIN, 3HALL VE3T I <br /> IN THE SURVIVINC3 6RANTEE. <br /> To�ether with a11 the ten�ments, hereditamen�s and appurter�anees to the same belonging, and all th@ <br /> Es�ate, Right, Ti�le, Int.erest, Claim or Dema.nd wha�soev�r; including Dower, C�rtesy and Homestead <br /> Rights oP the said Hatti.e B. Gilchrist MSller and Kennet�i �Viller, Lil11a� G. VPri�ht, A. 0. Wrigh� <br /> and Nettie M. Bailey of, in, or tA the same, or any paxt �riereof. <br />