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p���; <br /> DEED RECOI�.D NO. 96 <br /> 32841-'1'XEF06UETINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEHR. . <br /> `'i�V'ARRANTY DEE� <br /> I <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSt <br /> THAT �, Olga F. Palmer, (single� of Hall �ounty, and State of Nebraska in consideration oP <br /> the sum of One Dollar and other suffi,cient considerations DOLLAR.S, in hand paid by Frank T. <br /> Apga.r and Catherene S. Apgar and Helen M. Apgar as �oin� tenants and not as tenanta in common oP <br /> xall County, and S�ate of Nebraska do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the <br /> said Frank T. Ap�ar & Ca'Gherene S. Apgar & Helen M. Apgar '�a:� ��o�r�t ���ants and not as '�enants <br /> 1n common the follcrwirig desarib�d premiaea, �ituated in the County of Hall and Sta�e of Nebraska, <br /> t o-wi'G: . <br /> Lot 3 (three ) , in Bloek "E" , i,n Park View Subdivision of a part of the west half <br /> of the northwest quarter of Seetion 28, and the east half of the nor�heas� quarter <br /> of 5ec�ivn 29, both in Township 11 North, Rang� 9 T�est of the 6th P.M. , as gurveyed, <br /> platted, and reQOrded, sub�ect, <br /> however, to the following conditions and r�strictiona, each and all of whiah �hall be and remain <br /> in fu2l force and effeat, aa eovena,nt� running with the land, ur�til the firg� day of May, 19�3, <br /> nam�ly; That said premiseg are sold for residential p�zrposes only; that no building shall be <br /> moved on�o said premises without �Ghe writt�n consent of the Lota in the block where it is <br /> proposed to r�mvve suah bulldin�; that any bul,ldin� �recsted or placed on said premises sha11 be <br /> - �5 feet or more from the atre�t on which aaid premises fronts; that no residence ahall be er�a�e�:;. <br /> or� sa�d premieea at a eoat of leas �han �2,�OO.C�O, that said premiseg shall not be sold, rented <br /> or leased, �o any peraon or persona o�her than persons oP �he white or Caucasion race; tha.t nv <br /> swin� sha.11 be kept or maintained on said premise�; said premises are also conveyed sub�eet �o <br /> an easement of seven feet alon� the east lin�, fo�ax°teen feet over the rear of sa�.d prem�a whieh <br /> is dedicated Por public utili'�y purpos�s, and restrictive agr�ements recoxd.ed September �, 1950, <br /> Book "T" , Page 187, Office of Hall Coun'�y Register oP Deeds. <br /> Together with all �he tenEmen�a, h�rsditamenta, and appurtenances to the same bel�ngin�, <br /> and all of �he esta�e, r�,�ht, title, interes'�, alaim and demand whatsoever, of said grantor, of, <br /> iM and to �he eame, or any part thereof. "It being the inten�ion of all parties �.ereto, that <br /> in the event of the death of e�.ther oP said granteea, the �ntire Fee Simple Title to th� Rea1 <br /> Eetat� d�aaribed here�,n sha11 i�e$t in the surviving grantee.u . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desarib�d premiseg, and app�r'�enanees, unto the aaid I?rank T. <br /> Apgar, & Catherene S. Apgar, & Helen M. Apgar and �t� their heirs and assign� forever. <br /> AND S hereby cov�nant wi�h the said F'rank T. A��ar & Catherene S. Apgar and Helen M. Apgar that <br /> T hold eaid pr�mis�s by good and perf�at title; tha'� I h�.ve good ri�ht and law�ul authority to <br /> sell and convey sam�; tha� �hey a,re free and alear of all liens and incumbranaea whatsoever. <br /> And S eovenan� to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawFu7. claims qP all persons <br /> whomso�ver. <br /> ( 1.I0 I. R. STAMPS) <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> S�.gned this 31�t day of March A,D, , 1950. . <br /> In presence of ) Olga F. Palmer <br /> Herman F, Buckow ) <br /> STA�'E OF Nebraska ) <br /> )es. t�n this 31st day of Mareh A.D. 1950, before me a Notary Public, i.n <br /> County of Hall � and for �aid County, the above nam�d Olga F. Palmer, <br /> single who is peraonally kno�m to me �o be the identiQal person whase <br /> name is affix�d to the ,abov� instrumen� as gran�or, and she �ekowledged said inatrumen� �o be <br /> h�r voluntary aet and d�ed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notaria�. Seal �he date las'G aforeeaid. . <br /> (SEAL� Herman F. Buokow <br /> Notary Public <br /> My Qomm3.saion expires on the 17� day of April A.D. �,9�p. <br /> Filed for record thig 5 day of April 195a� �'� 3�50 o�clock P.M. . <br /> GI�TER OF DEEDS ^/ <br /> 0-0-4-0-0--0-0-(�-4-0--0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0�0-0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-- <br /> QUIT CLAIM D�ED, ETC. <br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSs <br /> That, the C�ty of (�rand Island, a municipal corporatlon, of the County of Hall, and State of <br /> Nebraska, for the considerati0n of the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Dollara (�1�00.00) doea <br /> herebq Quit Claim and conveq unto C. J. Cords, of �he Coun��r of Hall and State oP Nebraska, all <br /> it� ri�ht, title �nd intereat of whatsoever nature, in and to the Pollowing described real estate, <br /> situated in the County of Hall and 8tate vf Nebra�ka, to-wit: <br /> Lot Eigh� (g), Fractional Hlock 9even (7), Woodbine Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska. <br />� The arantor, the City of Grand Island, sha11 not be req�ired to furnish an Abstraet of Title. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREQF, �he CFrantor, the City of arand I�land, in Hall County, Nebraska, has oaueed <br /> I� these presents to be si�ned by its Mayor and attested Co by the City Clerk and has eaused �he <br /> off9.cia1 seal of said C3ty �o be hereunto afYixed �his the 2lst day oP Marah, A.D. , 19�j0. <br /> CITY OF GRAND I3LAND <br /> Franoes Searaon BY: B. J. Cunningham <br /> ness (CORP) Mayor <br /> Frances 8earson (3EAL) ATTEST: F. 3. White <br /> #. ness - ity Clerk . <br />