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� <br /> ����.� I <br />+ D ED RECORD NO. 96 �'� <br /> � <br /> 82841-TN6AUGUS7INECO.GRANDIBLAND,NLBR. � <br /> TN TES`TIMONY WHEREOF, I have as such SherifP hereunto set my hand this 24th day of Maroh, 19,�� <br /> Execut�d and deliv�red in �he pr�sen�e of E. H. Stobbe <br /> Sheriff of Tiall ounty, N'�br�ska <br /> �her�se A. Muehow , . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) 5S: On this 24th day of Marah, 195�, before �a� NI. E. Mosea personally <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) appeared �he said E. H. Stobbe as $h�riff of said Cour�ty �o me, � <br /> personally kr�own to b� �he 3d�ntieal. persan who sign�d the fore�aing <br /> instrument as grantor�, and aeknowledg�d the sam� to be his volur�tary ae� and deed, as sueh sheriff, <br />, f or the uses and purposes tY�rein set f orth. , <br /> WITNE3�3 my hand and offleial �eal the day and year abovE written. _ <br /> (SEAL) M. E. MoseB <br /> CLERK OF THE DSSTRICT C OURT <br />��� � � <br /> i Filed for re�ord this 5 day of Apr3.l 1g50, . at .2:44 0�clock P.1�. <br /> ���� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS J`'� <br /> �-0--4-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-()-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0.-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-Q-a-�-0-0-4-0- <br /> SHERIFF� S DEED ' <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY �HESE PRESENTS: <br /> TI3AT, WHEREAS, in an action in th� �ie�rict Court of the Eleventh Judleial �iatrict of the <br /> State of Nebraska, within and for the �ounty of Ha11 wh�rein Th� County of Hall Stat� of l�ebraska <br /> is plaintiff and David D. ��Kane and Agnes O�Kane , his wife �t al. , are . defendants, l�o. I2, <br /> Doe. 1, Pag� 119-129 the pla3r�t3f�' did on �h� 14�h day of .�etober 1g�9, ob'�ain a decree finding <br /> th�re to be due from �he defendants �'or general and apecial improv�ment taxes upon a CertiPlaat� <br /> of Tax Sale and subsequent tax�s, in Ca�zse of ActioM No. 5, the sum of �80.ZI, accruing ir�teres� <br /> and costs of th� suit, and, whereas, i'G was then and there #'tzrther ordered in the said action <br /> th�t in deYault of the payment 'of the sum so found d�� from the sa�.d d�fendants that the SherifP <br /> of said County of Hall should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter desarib�d to be advertised <br /> and soZd according to law to pay �Ghe same, and, whereas, defaul�G havin� been made �herein, the <br /> said Sheriff of said County, under and by vir�ue of �he said decre� and �he order oP sale to hiffi - <br /> duly directed, did, on the 4�th day of January, 1g50, at the Nor�h Fron� Door of the Court House <br /> 1n the City of Grand Island, in said County of �all, having first ��.ven du� and legal notice o�' <br /> the time and place of sa�,':id sale .f or no� l�ss than thirty day� prior �h�reto in �he Grand Island <br /> Daily Independent a legal newspaper, prin�ed and in general circulation in aaid Coun�y of Ha3.l, <br /> s�ll said premises a� public auction to B. J. Hiser and/or Gertrude E. Hiser, ae J OINT TENANTS <br /> WITH SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON: for the sum of Five and no/100 Dollars, (the <br /> total accrued costs of suit and saZe being �80.21) , whieh sa2e was afterwardg an the lgth day of <br /> January, I9�0, exa.mined and confirmed by th� said Court and the said E. H. Stobbe, as such <br /> Sheriff, ordered to convey the said in fee s3.mple to �he �aid B. ,�'. Hiser and/or Ger�rude <br /> E. His�r <br /> N�W� 'T'HEREFORE� I, th� sa3d Sh�riff of �he CouM�y of Hall� a� aforesaid, in conaidera�3on of <br /> I'� the premises and by virtue of the powers �rB�ted in me by law and the deereE of said Court, do � <br /> hereby �ive, grant, and convey to �he said B. J. Hi.ser and/or Gertrude E. Hiser their heir� and • <br />� asgigns, tha pr�miaes so a.s aforesaid sold, to-wit: <br /> . <br />� Lot Four (�) in Block D, in the F'irst Add�.�lon to the V3l3age of Wood River, Haa.l County, <br /> I N�braska, a� surveyed, pla�tsd, and recorded. <br /> with the appurt�nances. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH 0� EITHER 0�' SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE gIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIHED HEREIN SIiALL VES� I�1 THE <br /> aURVTVIIVa �RANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said B. �_. Hiser and/or aertrt�de E. Hiser as JOIN� <br />' TENANTS WZTH SUR.VZVORSHIP AND NOT Av TENANT'S IN COMMON, and their heirs and assigns f orev�r. <br /> IN TESTTMONY WHEAEOF, T have as such Sher3fP hereunto set my. hand �hig 20th day of March, <br /> Z95o. <br /> Executed and del3.vered in the presene� of E. H. Stobbe <br /> 5heriff of Ha,11 County, Nebra�ka. <br /> 'Therese A. Muehow <br /> } STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> j : <br /> )SS: On this 20�h day oP March, 1950, before me, M. E. �Iosea persar�ally , <br />� County of Hall ) a����red �Ghe saidE, H. S�obbe as �heriff of said County to me, <br /> personally known to be the idex�tiaal person who si�ned th� for�goin� • <br /> instrument as gran�or, and acknowlsdged th� same ta be his voluntary aot and deed, ee such sh�riff, <br /> f or th� uses and purposes ther�in set forth, <br /> WITNESS my hand and offic�.al seal the day and year above written. <br /> (SE.AL) M. E. Mose,� <br /> CLERR t?F THE DI�TRICT COURT <br /> ,;�,; <br /> Filed f or r�cord this 5 day of April, 195�, at 2;�0 o� clock P.M. �` <br /> ��� C��-�� <br /> REGTSTER OF DEEDS <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o.-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-aao-o..o-o.-o-o-ao-o-o.-o-o-o-o-.o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o.�'�-o- <br />� �, <br /> �' <br /> ���..� <br /> ��, <br /> �y <br /> � <br /> _ <br />