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� <br /> � ��. � . <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> ' 92841-}HEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANOISLAND.NEBR. � <br /> Lot Four (�) in Block Twen�y-oMe (21) in MacColl and Leflang' s Addition to the <br /> ` Village of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska, as surv�,y�d pla�ted, and re�orded, <br /> C , <br /> Lo� Thr�e t3) in Block �wen�y-or�e (21) in MacCvll and Leflang' s Addition �o the <br /> ' � Villa�e of Wood River, Ha.11 Coun�y, Nebraska, as aurveyed, platted, and reeorded. <br /> Lo� Two (2) in Bloek Twenty-one (21) in MaeColl and Leflang� s Addition to the <br /> Vil.lag� of Wood Rlver, Ha11 County, �ebraeka, aa survey�d, platted, and reeord�d. <br /> '�,, . <br /> West Se4�nteen Feet (W1'�' ) of Lot One (1) in Bloak Twenty-one (21�, in MaaColl & <br /> Leflan�' s Addi�3on to the Village of Wood River, Hall County , Nebraska, as surveyed <br /> platted, and reaorded. <br /> wi�h th� appurtenancea. . <br /> IT BEIAtG �HE INTEAITION OF' ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF 3AID <br /> f3RANTEES, THE ENTIR� FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HERETAI SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> � , '�_�'` SURVT�ING aRA1Q�EE, � <br /> TO HAV'E AND TO HOLD THE 3AME unto the eaid B. J. .Hiser andjor Ger�rude E. Hiser as JOTATT <br /> TENAI�TB WITH SLTRVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANT3 IN COMMON, and their heire and assi�ns forever. <br /> IN 7E8`�IMOI�Y WI�REpF, I have as such Sherlff hereunto set my hand this 20th day oP March, <br /> 195 0. <br /> Exeac�ted .and d�livered in the presencse of E. H. 5tobbe <br /> Sheriff of Hall County, <br /> Therese A. Muchow IVebraska. <br /> STATE OF NEBR,A5KA ) <br /> ) SS. On '�his 206h day of Ma.rch, 1950, bef'ore me, persanally appeared the <br /> County of Hall ) said E. H. 3tobbe aa sheriff of said County to me, p� known <br /> to be the ident�.ca1 person who aigned �he 3ns�rument as <br /> grantor, and aaknowledged �he to be his voZuntary act and deed, a,s auah aheriff, for the <br /> ug�ei. and purposes therein get forth. <br /> ,"d <br /> �TTNESS my ha.nd and official seal the day and year above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL) �. �. �oses <br /> CLERK OF THE DISTRICT C OURT <br /> Fil�d for r�cord thi� 5 day of April 1950, at 2:4�0 o�clock P.M. <br /> - ' �-� �� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-t�-0-0-0-0-�-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U--0-0-0-Q-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0- <br /> SHERZFF� S DEED <br /> KN4W ALL MEN BY THES� PRE�ENTS: <br /> THAT WHEREA3, in an action in the Dis�rict �ourt of the El�venth Judicial Distrie� ot' the <br /> �tat� of Nebraska, within and for the �oun�y of, Ha,ll wherei.n The County of Hall, S�ate of <br /> Nebraska, is plaintiff a.nd David D. O�Kane and Agn�s Ci��ane, his wiPe et a1. , are defendants, <br /> No. 12, �oc. 1, Pa�e 119-129, the plain�iff did on �he l�th day of Oatober 1949, obtain a dearee <br /> f inding ther� ta be due from the defendan�s Por gen�ral and apscial improvement tax�g u on a <br /> Cer�ifieate of Taa� Sal.e and �ubsequent taxes,. in Cause of Ac�i.on No. 2-3-4, the sum of �35o.S8, <br /> a,ecruing interes� and eos�s of the auit, and, whereas, it was then and th�re further ordered <br /> in the said a,ction that in �3efault oP the payment oF the sum so found du� from the said dePendants <br /> that the Sheriff ot' said Cour�ty of Hall should aause th� lands and tenemen�s hereinafter descsribed <br /> to be advertised and sold according to 1aw to pay the same, and whereas, default. having beeM <br /> made therein, �he eaid Sheri�'f of s�.id County, under and by virtue of the eaid decsree and the <br /> order of sale to him duly dir�ated, did, on the 4th day of January, 19,50, at the North Front <br /> Dvor of the Cour'�. Hous� in the City of Grand Island, in said County of Ha11, ha.ving firat given <br /> . due. and le�al notic� of �Ghe time and place of said sale for not l�aa than thirty daya prior thereto <br /> 3n The Qrand Island Daily IndepeMdent, a le�al newepaper, printed and in general circulatSon in <br /> sald Goun�y �' Hall, s�11 said premiaes at public auction to B. J. Hiser and/6r Gertrude E. HiBer, <br /> as J�INT TEN�iNT� � <br /> WSTH SURVIVORSHIP A1VD NOT AS TENANTS IN CONIl�ION t �'or the sum of Twen�y-f ive and no/100 Dollars, <br /> (the total acerued cos�s of suit and sale bein� �3�0..58) , which sa1.� wae afterwards on the 19th <br /> , day of January, 19�0, examined and conf irmed by the sa3.d Court and the aaid E. H. Stobbe as <br /> suah Sheriff, ord�ared to convey the said premises in fe� simple to the said B. J. Hiaer and/or <br /> �ertrudea E. Hiser <br /> NOW THEREFORE, Z, �he said 3herifP oP the County of Hall as aforesaid, in eonsidera�ion of <br /> the premises and by vi�'tu� of the pawers Qest�d in me by law a.nd the d�eree of Baid Court, do 'y� <br /> hereby give, grant, and convey to '�he said B. J. Hiser and/or q��,rtrude E. Hiser th�l.r heirs, and <br /> ass3�ns, the prem�seg so as af or�said sold, �o-w3.t: <br /> Lo� Six (6) in Block Eighteen (18) , in �h� Original Town of Wood River, Hall Coun�y, " <br /> Nebraska, as surv�y�d, platted and recorded. <br /> Lo� Five (,5) 3.n Bloak Eigh�een (1$) in the Original Town of Wood River, Hall County, <br /> Nebra�kaaeurveyed, platted and recarded. <br /> Lot Four (�) in Block Eighteen (18) in the Original Town of Wood Aiver, Ha11 County, <br /> Nebraska, as aurv�yed, platted, and recc�rded. <br /> with the appurtenances. . <br /> T N THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF �AID , <br /> TT BEINa THE INTENTI <br /> OI� OF ALL PARTIES HERET� THA I <br /> , <br /> (�RAI�TEES, THE ENTIRE F'EE SSMPLE TSTI�E T0 THE REAL ESTATE DESGRIBED HEREIN S EST IN HE <br /> r: <br /> SURVIVIN(� GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE gAME u�to the said B. J. Hiser and/or Gertrude E. Hiser a$ JqSNT •�,' <br /> TENANTS WITH SURVTVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS ZN COMM4N, and the3r h�ira and asaigns, forev�r. <br /> . _.;.. <br />