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r��_ � <br /> DE�ED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 92841�7H8I1U6UDTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NlCB. . � �� <br /> ST.�TE OF NEBRASKA ) ' <br /> sa. On th3.s 17th day, o�' Auguat, A.D. 194�, before me, the undersigned <br /> HALL County � J. H. Nitzel a Notary Public, duly eommiasioned and qualified for and <br /> residir�g in aaid county, personally came 9AM GOERTZEN (aiz�gle) �o me <br /> known to be th� identical person r�hose aPfixed to the Pore�oing instrument a� gran�Cor and ao- <br /> knowledged the �ame to be his voluntary aat and deed. <br /> �Titness my hand and Notarial. Seal the day and ye�r 1$$t above written. <br /> (3EAL) J. H. 13�.tz el <br /> My Commissivn expires the 26 day of Dee, 19�j1 o ariy u c. <br /> Flled For record this 3 day oP April, 1950 at lOt4� o 'elock A.M. <br /> ���Dee�� <br /> � <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o..o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o_ao-o_-o_o <br /> QUI'� CLAIM DEED <br /> THI� ZNDENTURE, Made this 20th day of Mar�h, �.n the yeax one thousand nine h�ndred and fif'�Gy, <br /> be'�reen Robert W. H�nsc�n and La.Verne H�nson, htzsband arid wi�'e of the firs� par�, and John N. <br />� II�ia�heson, of the seeand part, 6tnTNESSETFi, 'that ' the said part�.es of the first par'�, in cor�sidera'��.oa <br /> of the sum of �ne dollar and other valuable conaidera�ion - - - Dt)LLAR3 '�o.�duly pa3d, �he receipt <br /> whereoP is hereby acknowledged remised, released, and quit-elaime�d, and by these presents do for <br /> II themsel'ves their heirs, ex�eutors and ac�m�.nistrators, rem3se, release and forever quit-�1�.1.m and <br /> convey unto th� �aid party of the 8econd par�, and to heirs and assi�ns forever, all their right, <br /> I title, interest, estate claim and demand, both at law a,nd in equity, of, in �.nd to a7.1 <br /> TY�e northerly �0 feet 4g the following described tract of groundy Fra,eticanal lo� four (�) <br /> in Fractional Bloek Forty nine (�9) , ir1 Russell Wheeler�s Add3tion �,nd of it� eemplement, <br /> �owit: Fraational lot Four (�), in Frac'�3onaliBlock S�.x (b), 3n Gilber't�e Additior�, both <br /> be�.n� additions tv the Ci�Gy r�f Grand Island, Ha11 Cotln�y, Nebraska, being a rectangular <br /> tract of ground havin� a northerl� t'rontage of 52.� feet on 12th Strest in said �i�Gy arid <br /> a dep�h oY S� feet; <br /> To�ether wi��i all and si.ngular the h8P@d1t�F1EI1t:3 thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TD H�LD �he above deacribed premises unto the said John I�. Ma�h.eson his heirs and <br /> assigna; so that nei�her �he� '�he said grantors, nor any person in thei.r name and behalP, shall mr <br /> ��.11 he�eafter clairn or demand any right or title to the sa3d premises or any part thereof, but <br /> they and every one of them shall by thes� presents be excluded and fore�rer barred. <br /> IN �ZTATESB V�H�RE�F, the sa�.d parties of the first part have hereunto set thelr hand and seal <br /> the da,y and year above written. <br /> 31�ned, �ealed and delivered in p�esenee of RObert W. Henaon <br /> L1oyd W. Kelly . a. erne ensor� <br />� STATE �F Nebraska ) . <br />' ) �s. On this 20th d.ay of Marah, A.D, , 1_9�0 , bePore me, .'�.he undersigned <br />�� Ha.11 Caur�ty ) Lloyd W. Kelly a �totar►y Public, du�comm�.ssioned and qua].iPied �or and � <br /> res3ding 3n said county, peraonally eame Robert W. Fienson and LaVern� <br />�! Hensor�, husband and wiY�, '�o me knawr� .to be the identical persot�� whose names are af'�'ixed to th� <br /> i Pore� in�trument as �ra.ntor they �.nd a.eknowledged the same to be tYieir voluntary aet and de�d. <br />'i <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial 9ea1 the day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> . <br /> (S�AL) . L10 d W. Kell� . <br /> � <br /> ar�t'��e. <br /> My Commiasion expires thE 27th day of 4etc�ber 19 � <br /> y <br /> i <br /> , 3� <br /> I Filed f'or record �h�.s 3 day af April, 19�0 at 4.45 0 �aloek F,M. ��C��� <br /> . g�er of�eds <br />� o-o-o_o-o_o-o..o-o-o-o_o-o--o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-a-a-o-o-o_o-o--o-o-.o--o-o-o_�-o-o-o - -o_ _o _ <br /> -o o -o a-o-o-c�-o <br />' SHERIFFt5 DEED <br /> K�10W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an ac�ion in the District Court of th�Eleventh Judicial Dlgtrict of the <br /> State of N�braska, within and for the Coun�y of Ha11 wher�in The Co�nty of Ha11, 5tate of Nebraska, <br /> ia plair�tiff and Dav�.d D. ��Kane and Agr�ea O�Kane his wife et al. , are defendanta, No. 12, Doc l, <br /> Pag� 119-129, the plaintlff did on �he l�th day of �atob�r 1q49, obtain a decree finding ther� to <br /> b� due from the defendants for gen�ral and apea3.a1 improvemEnt taxes upon a Certifiaate af Tax <br /> Sale and subsequent taxes, in Cause of Action No. 6-7-8-9 the sum of' �21�.�0, aeeruing interes'� <br /> and costs of the suit, and, xher�as, it was �hen and ther� fur�her ordered 3n the eaid actioz� <br /> that in default of �he paym�nt of the sum so found due from the sa3d dePendants tha� the Sher�.ff <br /> of sald County of Hall sht�uld cau8e �he landa and tenements h�reinafter described to be advertised <br /> and aold aecording to law to pay the eame, and, whereas, default having been mad� therein, the <br /> said SheriYf of sa3.d Caunty, under and by vir�ue of the said decree and the order of sale to him <br /> du.ty a�.rect�a, did, an �he 4th day of Janu�ry, 1g�0, at the Nor�h Fron� Door o�' the Court Hous� <br /> in the City oP Grand Tsland, in gaid County of Hall, having fir�t giv�n due and legal no�ic� of <br /> the time and place of said sale f or not less than thir�y days prior thereto in The Grand Island, <br /> Da,ily Independent a legal newspaper, prin�Ged and in general cireulat3,on in said County of Hall, <br /> sell said �remises at public auctian to H. J. Hiser and/or Gertrude E� H�.�er as �'�.T:�T...�EN�4NT� . .:.��; <br /> �il'TTH...�t1RVIYC?RSHI.� i�ND NOT A�� T�NA�T�"� �1V �03�Q�I;,��'�x. �h� .st�m: o� ����it'and' t�af�.Qfl:��?`A1�.ar��_,- {tFie �`c>t�. <br /> a�crued:;��oate o�' su�� .&�d �r�,l� ��i�g-��1'�.��3); .w�.ch. s:al�i wa�- aF:��r�Tards bn.:�th�.. 19�h day:� of...;��r�uary', <br /> �-95�:, �rxam�.nsd and cQnfirmed b�' ,�Y�� �aid'�ott�'�' and the said.� E.,. �. S.�abbe .a�;:sn�h �herlff:� c�r�ier��i <br /> �,o �cQnv,�,y_ the: �,�id�pr�ta9;ses. �,ri �'�e� ��,mple,� �d �3��s �aid B. J. Hiser and/or Qertrude E. H1�er <br /> ���t3G`T, TH�R�FQR'�, �, th�: said. :�h�,rif�' of tY�e GQ�t�ty, o�'. Ha�..l, a-s'�'.o,�e€��.d:,-_ i�,con�id�r,�.tiea��of <br /> th� premises and by v�.r�u�e o�' t�� pe�nre�r� ���s.��:d ,�i� me b� ,3,��r �r�d �h;� �t�:r�� ,�' ��.�d ����*�, d� <br /> ��r�by° g3:ve,� �Fant, afld ,cc�nvQy �o ��,� sai�. $.. J� F����x ��,'l'�r'��r'��t�s�s� �,� H�.�:��, �Gh�.�r� h�ia�� .. <br /> _�.ncg.� as�ig��s, t�i� ,�r�mi�,��,, so �,�s�-.�f'c,�es�i.d �aalc�.., �r�«.wi�z _� <br />� - -- _--- - _ � <br />