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� <br /> ���� � <br /> DEED REC�RD NO. 96 �= <br /> 32641-7'NEAUGUETINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. � � <br /> 9tate oP Nebraska � <br /> es. �n this 30th dap of March A.D. 1950 before me the undersigned Ra,� Hill <br /> Valley County ) a Notary Publie, duly commi.saioned and �qu�lified for and reeiding in <br /> said eounty, personaZly came Floyd P. Hutchins and Florence H. Hutchina, <br /> Husband and Wife to �e known to be the identical per.son whose namee are affixed to the �oregoing <br /> I Qonveyance as grantarsand acknowled�ed the same to be their volun�ary ao� and deed Por the purposee <br />� <br /> thereln set forth. <br /> Witnesa my hand and Notarial Seal thia 30th da9 of March 1950 <br /> . �S�AL) Ra t Hill <br /> My commi�sion expir�a the 25th day of November 1952 <br /> o tary u�'ffe <br /> . .1950 <br /> Filed �ar reaord th3s 31 day ot March „at 9:15 o �clock A.M. � , <br /> � � s er o s �✓ <br /> 0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�'-fY-�-O - �Z��'�-o-dD <br /> UIT CLAI�I DEED <br /> THIS �AIDENTURE, Made thls 24t� aay of Februa.ry, in the year one thousand nine huAdred and fifty, <br /> between Arnold F. 3orensen and Jo Ann Sorensen, each in thelr own right, and as husband and w3Pe - <br /> of the first part, and Hiroshi Haxold Ota and Ayako Ota, huaband and WiYe, as Jo1At tenants and <br /> not ae tenants in common, wi�h right o� Survivorahip of the seaond part, WITNE98E2'H, that the said <br /> parties of the first part, ln considera'�ion oP the sum oP Or�e Dollar aAd Other Valuable COA81dg�g'��,pA <br /> Dt7LLAR9, to them duly pai8, the reaeipt whereof is hereby a�knowledged have remiaed, released, and. <br /> quit-alaimed, and by these presents do Por themselves heirs, executore a�d admini�tra'�ora, remise, <br /> release and Porever quit-olaim and aor�vey t�nto the said parties of the seecnd part, and �Go their <br /> �ieirs and assigAS forever, all their right, title, interest, estate their claim aAd demaiad, both <br /> at law and in equi'Cy, oP, in and to all <br /> Lot Eight�-nin� (�9) in West Lawn, an Addltior� �o the C3.ty of ara.nd Island, Nebraeka, <br /> as surveyed, platted and recorded; <br /> ZT BEINa THE INTEAiTI01V OF ALL PARTIES HERET(9, THAT IN THE EVENT OF TIiE DEATH OF EITHER <br /> �F 3AID aRANTEEB, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE ESTATE TITLE TC? THE REAL ESTATE DE3CRIBED <br /> HEREIN 9HALL VEST IN THE 3URVIVZ�'a (�RANTEE <br /> Together with a11 and singular �he hereditaments thereunto belongiAg. <br /> TO .HAVE AYJD TO HOLD the above deseribed premises unto �he said grantees �heir heirs and <br /> asaigns; so that nsit]xer the said grant�rs, nor any person in their narne and behal�, ehall vr w111 <br /> hereafter clalm or dsmand any right or title to the said premiaes or any part thereof, but they <br /> and every one of them shall be these pr�sents be excluded and Porever barred. <br /> IN i�TITNE88 WHERE4F, the said psrti�s of 'Ghe Yirat part have hereunto set their ha.nda and seals <br /> the day and year ab4ve writ�en. <br /> �s) Arnold F. 3orensen <br /> 91gn�d, sealed and dellvered in preaence of ( .�j�T:�. <br /> C. E. Grundy � � (Canaelled ) o Ann orensen <br /> 9TATE OF N�braska ) • <br /> as. On this 2�}th day of February, A.�. �950, bePore me, the unaeraigned <br /> . Hall Coun�y Q. E. arund,y a, Notary Pub11c, duly eommisaioned and quali�'led Por and <br /> re$iding in said county, personally eame Arnold F. Sorensen and Jo Ann <br /> 5orensen, eavh in their- own right, arr�d as husband and xife, to me known to be the identiaal pereons <br /> whose names are at'�ixed to the fore�oing lnetrument ae grantors and acknowledged the aame to be <br /> their vo�.untar�r ac� and deed. <br /> Witness my ha�d and Notarial 9ea1 th� day and year laet abo�e wri.tten. <br /> � �S�� C. E. Grund� <br /> o ary u 1'l c. <br /> M9 Commission expirea the 19th day of June, 1950 <br />� <br /> P'iled �or record this 31 day of March, 195o at 3 o '�lock P.M. <br /> � gs � o es ''� <br /> 0-0-�_0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0�-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- - - -O-O�r ;���" <br /> gUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE,. Made thie 17th day of Augue t, in the year one thousand nine hundred and �orty eight, <br /> between SAM QOERTZEN (eingle) oP the first part, and HERMAN MIEAAU (single) ot' the second part, <br /> '�fITNE35ETH, that the said party oP the firet part, in consideratlon of the aum of ONE D(?LLAR AND <br /> OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERA�SON DOLLARB, to him duly� paid, the recelpt whereof is hereby aaknoxledged <br /> remised, released, and quit-c,�.aimed, and by these presents do for himsel his hei�s, executors and <br /> adminis'�rators, remise, release and f'orever quit-claim and convey unto tFe said party o� the second <br /> part, and to his heirs and assigne forever, �ll their right, title, interest, estate do claim and <br /> demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all <br />, Lot Two (2) and Th�ee �3), in Blo�k Ten (10) Baker's Addition to the City ot' arand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Together with a11 and sin�ular the hereditaments thereuhto belonging. <br /> . � <br /> - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deacrlbed premises unto the said grantee his heire and asaigns; <br /> ao that neS�her of the said grantor, nor anq person in his name and behalf, shall or will hereafter <br /> ela,�.m or demand any righ� or titl$ tfl the said premises or any part thereoY, but they and every one <br /> ot them sha1l b these resenta be xclud d n Yor v r b r <br /> II <br /> y p e e ad e e ared. <br /> IN WITNE38 WHERE4F, the said par�y o� the first part have hereunto eet his hand and +aeals the <br /> day and year above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Sam (�oertzen <br /> J.H. Nitzel _ __ <br /> . _ _ _� �—__.—.-� <br />