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_- -._ _ <br /> I ,�,� � <br /> i <br /> DEED RECOI�.D NO. 96 <br />( 826A7�►H[AUCUETINECO.CRANUIELAND,NEBN. . � � . -�� � <br /> Lot 17 (seventeen), i� Hloek pD" , in Park View �ubdivisian of a part oY the xe�� half of the <br /> northwest quarter of Section 2�, and the east half of the northeast quarter oP Secti+�n 29, both in <br /> Township 11 Narth, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M. , as surveyed, platted, and recorded, sub�jeet, ho�r- <br />' e�►er, to the following conditions and restrictlons, ea�h and all oP which shall be and remain in t�ll <br /> Porce and e�'f�et, as covenants rur�nirig v�i,'Ch �he land, until the firet daq of M�.y, 1953, namelys <br /> That sa�.d premises are sold Yor residential purposes o�ly; that no buildir�g sna.11 be �toved onto <br /> said premi�es withou� the written consent o� the Lots 1n the bloak whsre it is propoaed to remove <br /> s�eh building; that any building ere�ted or placed on said premises shall be 35 Pee� o� more Prom <br /> the street on which said premises frants; that na residence shall be e�ected on $ai,d prsmises at a <br /> li eos� of less than 2 00.00 �hat said remia�s shall not be sold rented vr 1 as d t <br /> , P , , e e , o a n y p e r s o n <br /> or peraons ot�ier than persons of the white or �aucaalor� racey �hat no awine ahall be kept or mair�_ <br /> tained on �aid premises; said premises are also conveyed s�b3eet to an easeffient of aever� �ee'G over <br /> the rear oP said premi�es whiQh is dedicated Pmr publie utility purpm�es, ar�d restr�iative agreement� <br /> recorded Septemb�r 4, 194U, Book "Tu , Page 1�7, �Yfi�e of Hall Coun�y� Regi�ter of Deeds. <br /> Toge�her with all th� tenements, hereditame�ta, and appttrtenanee9 to the same belongin�, and <br /> a.11 of the es'Cate, ri�ht, title, in�erest� elaim and demand �rhatsoever, of eaid grantor, of, in <br />, and to the same, Qr a�y part �hereof. <br /> �It being the intention oP all parties hereto, �hat in the event of �he death vf ei�her of said <br /> grantees, the entire Fee Simple Title to the Real Es�a�e de$csribsd herein ahall v�st in t�he surviving <br /> arantee, � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appur�enances, unto the said <br /> Henry E. aMd Margaret F. Tlpton and to their heSrs and assign$ fo'rsver. And we hereby evvenant <br /> with the said Henry E. ar�d Margaret F. Tip'�oa that we hnld said premiee� by good and perfect tltley <br /> tha� we have good ri�ht and lawPt�l authority to sell and eor�vey same; that they are free and elear <br /> of all lien� and inaumbranees wha.tsoever. And �e covenant to wax�rant and deYend the said premi�es <br /> against �he lawful claims of all persons whornsoever�. <br /> Signed this 3rd day oP March A.D., 19�0 � <br /> In presence of (� .3�R. S�ps) Mabel 9tolle <br /> Le�ia W. James (Cancselled ) 'R: t�:�'��"-' <br /> _ va . n�; �nna�y S o� <br /> S`TATE OF MICHIGAN ) <br /> ) ss. On thSs 3RD day of �IARCH A.D. 19��, before me a Notary Publie, in and fmr <br /> �ou�ty of CASS ) sa3.d Countg, p�raonally came �he above named A4ABEL 3TOLLEY, W.A.ST�LLEY, <br /> RTCHARD STOLLEY AND ANNA MARY STOVLEY xho AAE personally known �o me to <br /> be the identical persons whose names ARE affixed to the above 3nstrument aa grautorS, and WHO <br /> aQknowledged said inatrument to be THETR voluntary act and deed. <br /> V�TT�1E�3 my hand and Notarial Sesl the date last aforesaid. <br /> (�EAL) Lewis W. Jam�s <br /> My commission expires on the da� of A.D. <br /> o��ary`���c: <br /> l�otary Public, Cass Co. , Miehigan <br /> My Comm�.ssion Expires July l�, 1952 <br /> Filed Por record this 30 day �f �tareh 1950, at 4:10 0�clock P.M. �. r"° <br /> � <br /> g ter of'�eec�s <br /> 0-0-�-fl-p-0-fl-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-Q-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> QUIT-CLAIM DEED <br /> 3'IIIS INDENTURE, Made thls 30th day of March in the year �ne Thousand Nine Hundred and fiPty <br /> BETW.EEN F'loyd P. Hutch3ns and Florence N. Hutehine, Husband and Wife of the first part, and <br /> II� Florence N. Hutehins of the second art <br /> P <br /> t�ITNESSETH, that the sald parties o� the first part, in considerat�.on of the sum of One Dollax <br /> and other censideratians of �'alue DOLLAR3 to them duly paid, �he reeelpt whereof is hereby aeknowled.ged, <br /> i <br /> have rem3s�d, released and quit-elaimed and by these presents do, �'or rhemselves, heSrs, execu�ors <br /> and `adminiatrator�, remise, release and forever quit-alaim and Convey* unto the said party of the <br /> seeond part and to her heirs and assigns forever, all their right, titls, lnterest, eatate, claim <br /> and demand both at law and in equity, of, in, and to all A CEftTAIN PART OF THE NORTH'f�EST QU.ARTER <br /> (N1�} OF SE�TION TWENTY-TWO �22� IN TOV�tNSFiIP ELEVEN (11) , N�RTH, RANaE NINE (9) , WE3T OF THE <br /> SIXTH P. M. , I�ORE PARTICUL.ARLY DE:3CRIBED AS FOLLOWS, T4-WIT <br /> Beginn�.ng at a po3.nt 5�4.5 feet East of the' Sou�heaet corner of pHawthorne P1a�e", Qn Addition to <br /> the City� of arand Island, Nebraska, thence South at an angle oP �9 14� , �43 i@et, thence in a <br /> Bouthwe�terly direction at an an le of 16 0� 2.0 Yeet thenc ast 1 1 w <br /> � 9 3 � 37 , e e para le ith the nor'th <br />' line of oP said Quarter Sectian, 655.9 Peet to the Eas�G line of said Quarter Section thenee north <br /> alon aa� ua t r � <br /> g Q r e Seetibn, at an an � le oP 1 �l � 1..E� feet thencse West arall 1 wi <br /> � 9 5 p e t h t h e <br /> nor t h l ine o�' sa i d Quar ter Sec t ion, 5�7.5 feet to t he place of beginr�ing, sa�.d tract containing <br /> approximately 11.7g4 acres, more or less according to survey. <br /> i � , <br /> Together with all and s�.ngular the hereditaments therecanto belon�ing. ' <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> TO HAVE AAtD TO HOLD the above des�ribed prem3ses un�o the said Florence N. Hutchine heire and <br /> assigns; so 'Cha� neither we the said First parties or any person in our name and behalf, shall or <br />'i will hereaPter elaim or demand ,a�y right or title to the sa1.d premises or a�ny part thereof but they <br /> I and every one of �hem shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br />� <br /> IN WSTNES� WFiEREOF, The sald partiea of �}ae first part have hereunto set our hands and aeal <br />' the day and year Iast above wri�ten. <br /> Signed, sealed and delinered in presenee of Floyd p. HutehSn� <br /> Ra Hill . �`Iorence--N.'�u <br />, <br /> Y - � <br />�r <br /> II _ _ _ _- <br />