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��C� <br /> DEED R��ORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841�HEAU6USTIN8C0.6RANDISLAMD,NEBR. � . <br /> SECTIOIV 4. Author��y is hereby granted to '�he eleatora of the C3ty af arand Ialand, Nebraska, <br /> to file a remonatrance a�ainst the sale of the within described real eatate; and if a remonstranee <br /> a�ainst the sal.e �igned by legal elec'�ors oP � City equal in number to thirt� per cent (30�) <br /> of the eleators oP the C3ty af Grand Is].and, vot3ng at the laet regular election held in said City <br /> be filed with the Mayor and City Council within �hirty days af�er thg passage and publlcation oP <br /> this ordinance, sueh property aha11 not then, nor within one year thereaPter be sold. <br /> SECTION 5. The sale of said real eatate ia hereby direeted, authorized and QonPirmed; and if <br /> no remons'�rance be fi].ed against auch sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, e.xeeute, and <br /> deliver to Lester Mapes and Etta L. Mapes, husband and wif e, a Quit Claim Deed for said property <br /> and �he execution oP eaict deed is hereby authorized without further aetion on behalf of �he City <br /> Couneil. <br /> SEGTIQN 6. This ordinanee shall be in Poree and eYfect from and aPter its paesage, <br /> approval and publlca�iQn ae prov�ded by law. <br /> PA55ED AND APPROVED this 15th day of February, 19�j0. <br /> ATTEST: B. J. Cunningham <br /> Flo d S. White Mayor <br /> � y C er <br /> Filed Por reoord this 30 day o� March �950, at 1:�5 o �aloak P•M. � <br /> �c�.a/i��'a�✓ <br /> Reg ster o eeds� <br />' o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED �dr Correction <br /> THIS SNDENTURE, Made thi� 27th day of - March -, in the year one thousand nine hundred a�d fift�, <br /> between - Helen E. Feichtinger Crisp (formerly Helen E. Feichtinger, a single person) and Rober� <br /> i <br /> E. L. Criap, her husband, of the firs� part, and - Homer M. Crusinberry and Ma�y E. Crusinberry, <br /> huaband and wife, a.s �oint ter�ar�'�s W�th right of survivorship, and not as tenante in Qommon, oP the <br /> seoond part, WITNE38ETH, that the said partiss oP the flrs� part, in eonsideration of the sum ot <br /> 4ne L�o11ar and o�her valuable consid rat on - DO ARS to �hem dul aid th r i t w <br /> e i s - - LL e ece h r o <br /> , Y P � P e e f <br /> is hereb y acknowle ed have remised r el e ase d and ui t-cl aimed and b th es e res ents d v Y o r t h e m� <br /> � � , q , Y P <br /> eelves, their heira, �xecutors and administrators, remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey <br /> I unto the said parties oP the seeond part, and to their heira and assigns forever, a21 their right, <br /> . �itle, interest, estate elaim and demand, both a'� la� and in equity, of, in and ta all <br />� - The Easterly Thirty-eight (E3g) Feet of Lot Three �3), in B].oek Seventy-s3x (76) , <br /> in the Original Town, now Citq oP arand Tsland, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted an8 <br /> recorded - <br /> - It being the intention oY' a].1 partlea hereto, that in the event of the death oP <br /> ei�her v�' said Granteee,` the ent3re �ee simple title to the real estate described <br /> herein shall vest in the surv v n <br /> i i g grantee - <br /> - This deed is eueQU'�ed and delivered for purpvse of making eorrection of error in <br /> Warrant Deed reeorded Januar �-4 4 <br /> Y 1 l in Book � of Deeds a e in the <br /> , 9 <br /> , p � 575, <br /> oPfiQe of �he Co�nty Register�of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska - <br /> I Together with al.l and eingu2ar the hereditamenta thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deaeribed premises unto the said (3rantees ae �oint tenanta and <br /> not as tenante in eommon heirs and assigns; so that neither �he said arantora, nor any person iA <br /> their name and behalf, shall or will hereafter elaim or demand any rlght or title to the said <br /> premises or any part thereoP, bu� �hey and every one of them sha11 by these presents be exelu8ed <br /> and forener barred. <br /> iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto aet their hands and seals <br />� <br /> the day and year above written. <br /> Sigr�ed, sealed and dslivered in preaence of Helen E. Feichtin er Cria <br /> Virglnia M. Miller o er . . ap <br /> _ <br /> I BTATE OF' Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On thla 27 da,y of - March -, A. D. 1950, before me, the underslgned <br /> i Platte County ) VirgiAia M. M111er a Notary Public, duly commiasioned and qualified for <br /> and rea3ding in �aid oountg, personal2y came Helen E. Feiehtinger, Crisp <br /> �Pormerly Helen E. Feichtinger, eingle) and Robert E. L. Crisp, her husband to me kno�n to be the " <br /> identiaal persons �hoee names are afYiued to the Yoregoing inatrumen� as g"rantors and aeknowledged <br /> the s�,me to be their volun�ary aet �nd deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notar3,a1 9ea1 the day and year last abvve �itten. <br /> ���� � Vir inia M. Miller <br /> �Iy Commission expirea the l d�y of Marcxi, 1954 ����a= <br /> Filed for reQOrd this 30 day of Marah, 19�j4 a� 3:14 o��loak P.M. <br /> ��,r.�. C.��►-�, <br /> eg ster ot' ee s �"'� <br /> 0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-.0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-p <br /> �°° WARRANTY DEED <br /> Kaox All Men By These Pres�entat <br /> THAT �Te, Mabei Btolley and S�.A. Stolley, (wiPe and husband) and Richard 3tolley arid Anna <br /> Mary St�11ey, (husband and wife) eaah in her and ir� hi� own right as husband and wiYe oP Cas� County, <br /> and State o�' Michigan in conaideration of the swu of One Dollar and other suPflicient Qonaiderations <br /> D4LLAR9, i�► hand paid by Henry E. Tipton and Margaret F. Tipton (husband and wi�e) of Hall County, <br /> and State of Nebraska do hereby grant, bargain, sell, aonvey, a.nd QonYirm unto the said Henry E. <br /> and Margare� �. Tiptc�n the follc�in� described premiaes, situated in the County of Ha11 a.n8 3tate <br /> oP Nebraska, t4-wit: <br />. __.x_�.�.. � <br />