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C -�c� � <br /> DEED RECOI�.D NO. 96 <br /> 92847-7HEAU6USTINEC0.6AANDISLAND,NEBR. � � �� � � <br /> � <br /> WARRANTY DEED--Cor,�oration <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Ma.d� this 20th day of Mareh A.D. , 1950 between Ni�zel and Company, A <br /> d t the 1 e St te <br /> C orpora�ion a aorporation organized and existing under an by vir ue of aws of th a <br /> of Nebraska party of the fi�st par�, �.nd Cterald R. Johnaon and Cleo N. Johnsvn, his wife, aa <br /> Joint �enants and not as tenant� in common wi�h full ri�ht for survivorahip of the County of <br /> Hall, and L�tat6 of N�braska, partiea of the s�cond part, <br /> WITNESSETH. Tha.� the said par�y of the f ira'� part Por and in conaideration of �he aum oP <br /> OI�E �OLLAR AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSITDERATION DOLLARS in hand paid, reaeipt wher�oP is hereby <br /> aaknowledged, ha;s so].d and by theee preaenta do�a grant, convey and conFl.rm unto the said par'�lea <br /> of the seconc�. part, the follo�ring described premises, situated in Ha1I Coun�y, and State oP <br /> l�ebraska, to-wit: . <br /> All of The Nor�h Ha2f' of the East Half (N�F.�,�' of Lot Fou� (�) , in vantine' s Subdivision <br /> of the Northwea� Quarter (NW�} of Section Twenty Two (22) , �.n Township Eleven (11), <br /> North, Rang� Nine (9), arid W�et of the S�.xth P.M. <br /> �0 HAVE A1�D TO HOLD the premi�ea above described, to�;ether with all the Tenements,. Heredi�g- <br /> m�nte and Appu.rtenan�es thereunto belon��.ng unto the grantor <br /> And the said grantor �'or ltself or its successora, does hereby covenant and a�ree to and <br /> w�.th the said of �he s�aond part and �i��r� an1"ass�.gr�s, �hat at the time of the exeaution <br /> ar�d delivery af these pr�sent$ i,t is lawfully aeized of said premiges; �hat it ha.s good ri�;ht <br /> and lawful authority to convey the same; that �hey are free from eneumbrancae doea hereby eove�ant <br /> to waxran� and de�'end the eald premise� against �he lawful claims of all persons wh�asoever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sai.d g�antor has hereuntd caused ita eorporate seal to be affix�d <br /> and these pre�ente to be si�ned by lts President the day and year first above wrltten. <br /> ( 8.25 2. R. STAMPS) <br /> (Canc�lled ) <br /> � Signed, sealed and deliver�d in preeenae aP <br /> E. B. Franal (�p�,p Nitz�l and Company <br /> . . (BEAI.� <br /> By _�'...� Nitzel <br /> . President <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> )ss. On this 28th day of March 1950 bef ore me, the undersigned, a <br /> Hall Cou�ty ) Notary Pub13c in and Por said County, peraonally came J. H. Ni�zel, <br /> Pr�s�.den� of the l�itzel and Company to me personally knowri to be <br /> the Preeiden� and the ideM�Scal person whose name ia affixed to the above conveyanee, and <br /> acknowled�ed the ex�cu�ivn th�reof to be hia valuntary act and deed as such officer and �he <br /> valuntary act and deed of the said J. H. Nitzel, and that the Corporate seal of the �aid <br /> Nitzel and Company was thereto aPfixed by ita authority. <br /> Witr�ess my ha.nd and Not�.rial Seal at arand Island in said coun'�y the day and year las'� <br /> above written. <br /> (SEA�,� E. H. Francl <br /> • Mp a���a��al_Gs�mmission Explres Apr. 4, 19,52 Notary Public <br /> Filed for record this 28 day of Marah, 1950, at 1:�0 o�clock P.M. <br /> ��� �, �� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS N <br /> 0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-Q-fl-p-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-(�-0-0-0-0-0-E�0-0--0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> `�EED <br /> KN�W ALL MEId H�C THESE PAE3ENT8: <br /> THAT Ruth and Max Corneliu�, wlfe and husband, in their own name and right, and aa the <br /> spouse o� each other, o� the Countq of Hall, ar�d Sta�e oY Nebraska, in conaideration of the sum of <br /> SSx Hundred and 00/1�0 - - - -Df9LLAR3, in hand paid b�► G. William Mc(3avren artd M. Mar�ory McGavren, <br /> husbana and �1Ye, of Hall County, State of Nebraska, do hereby sell and convey unto the said <br /> t3. William McQavren and M. Mar�ory MaQavren, husband and wife, as J�INT TENANTS, and not as tenants <br /> - � in csommon, the follo� deseribed premises, situated in Ha.11 Cot��ty, 3tate of Nebraska, to-w3.t: <br /> Lot 30, in West La�rn, in the City o2' arand Islar�d, �tebraska <br /> IT BEING T�iE INTENTI�A1 OP' ALL PARTIES HF�ETO, THAT IN THE EVENT 0�' THE DEATH OF EITHER OF <br /> SAID aRANTEEB, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE �TITLE TE� THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREII� SHALL VE3T IN THE <br /> SURVIVING aRANTEE. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above describe$ premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said <br /> grantees ae JOINT TENAAiTB, and not as tenanta in o0mmon, and to their asaigns, or to the heirs <br /> and asaigns of the survivor of them, forever. <br /> and they hereby eovenant that the said premises are �'ree and elear from all liens and encumbranaes <br /> and they eovenant to warrant and defend the said premises aga3nst any aat� of sald par'�ies v� the <br /> tirat par�. And the �aid Ruth Cornelius and Max Cornelius hereby csonvey all �heir right, title <br /> and interes� in and to the above described premisea. <br /> sigr�ec� t�.�.s 3otr� aay ot� rsarcn 1950. <br /> ( � , � � �pg) Ruth Cornelius <br /> (Canaelled ) orne �s <br /> 3TATE OF Nebraska <br /> � ss: On this 3 Oth day of Marah, A.D. 1950, bet'ore me, the undersig�ed <br /> Hall County ) H. a. Wellenaiek a Alotary Public, dulq commissioned and qualified Ycr � <br /> and reaiding S.n said eounty, personally came Ruth Cornelius and Msac <br /> Cornelius, wit'e and husband, in their own and ri�it and as the sponse ef each other, tm me <br /> known to be the identiesl persons whose names are afflxed to the foregoing instrument as grantors <br /> and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />