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!��_�.. <br /> DE�D R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 82841-�}NEAU6USTINEC0.6RANOISLAND,NEBR. � � <br /> �3E�Ti�i� 5. The sale of sB1d real estate is hereby directed, authorized and eonfirmed; and if <br /> no remonstrancE be filed a,gainst such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall, execute and <br /> deliver to RQy Brakeman, a Quit Claim Deed for said property and the execution of said deed is <br /> hereby authorized wlthout Pur'Gher action an behalf of the City Council. <br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance shal7. be in foreg and take effect from and af'ter its passage, <br /> apprmval and publication �8 provided by 1aw. <br /> PA3S�D AND APPR�VED thfs l5th d�►y of Feb�uary, �950. <br /> ATTEST: B. J. Cunningham <br /> Flo d 9. White �fayor <br /> ty er <br /> Filed Yor reoord thls 2� day o� March 195o at 9.�5 o�cloak A.M. <br /> " egs ero ees <br /> o—o—o—o—o_o—o—�_o—o—o_o—o—o—o_o—o_o—o—o—o_o_o—o—o—o—�—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o--o—o—o—cc��✓✓ <br /> Q�!T �LAIM DEED, ETC. � <br /> KNOW .ALL MEN HY THE3E PRESENT�� <br /> That, the Ci�y of Grand island, a munieipal eorporation, oP the County of Hall, and State of <br /> Nebraska, for �he consideration o� the sum oP Twa Hufl dred Dollars (�200.00 ) doee hereby Qui� Claim <br /> aad convey unto C. T. Bales and �Tora Ba.leB, husband and wife, ae �oint tenan�s and not as tenants <br /> in eommon, of the Coun�y of Ha1.1 and state oP Nebraska, all its right, title and interest oP what- <br /> soever na�ure, in and to the Pollowing deseribed real estate, situated in the County of Fiall ax�d <br /> State oP Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Nine (9) , Biock Eighteen (1�), Colle�e Addition to Weat Lawn, an Addit3on to the City <br /> f r <br /> o Q and Island Hall o nt a <br /> C u Nebrask . <br /> , Y, <br /> It being the intention of all parties hereto, that in the event af the death of either oP said <br /> grantees, the entire fee simpZe titZe to the real estat� described here�n sha11 vest in the st�r- <br /> vivir�� �ra.ritee. <br /> The Grantor, the City of arand Island, shall not be required to Yurnish am Abstract oP Title. <br />'i IRT WITNESS 'WHERE�F, thE arantor, the City of arand Island, in Ha.11 Coun�y, Nebraska, has Qaused <br /> these prese�ts '�v be aigned by its Ma.yor and a'�teated to by the City Clerk and has caused th� <br /> oPf3elal seal of said City to be herer�nto aYfixed this the 21st day of March A.D. , �950. <br /> I <br /> CITY 4F aRAND I3LAND <br /> Frances Searso�► �CO�� HY: B. J. Cunnin ham <br /> __S <br /> nesa (9EAL) ay°� <br /> F'ranaes searson ATTE3Ts F. �. White <br /> ness y er <br /> I STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) sa. On this 21�� day of Mareh A.D. , Z95o, before me the undersigned, a <br /> i CCfUN�Y OF HALL ) Notary Publie, duly commissioned and qualiYied for and residing in said <br /> connty, personally came B. J. CuAnir�g�ar�, Maqor, oY the City of brand <br /> I�land, Nebraska, and F1oyd S. Wh3.te, City Clerk oP said City to me personall�r known to be� the <br /> I identical persons whoss names are affiaed to the above instrument as Mayor and City Clerk of the <br /> t�raritor, the C1ty ot' Grand Island, and to m� pereonally known to be suah officers of said C3ty <br /> i and they seve�ally acknowledged the execution oP said inatrument to be their volun�ary aQt and <br /> deed and the oYficial act and deed on the part oP said Cit�► afGrand Island. <br /> Witness my hand and Alotaria.l Seal at Grand Island in said County, the day and year first <br />� above r�ritten. <br /> (SEAL) A. W. Laxson <br /> No�ary�uMl�c <br /> My oommission expirea the 23rd da.y of Dec, 1955� <br /> ORDIFJANCE N0. 2346 <br /> AN �RDINANCE authorizin� and directing the sale of certain real estate bel.onging to the Ci�y <br /> o� Grand Islsnd, Nebraska; providing the maAner in which the aame shall be eold and the terms ot' <br /> said 8ale; providin� for the giving oP notice of the aale ot' said real estate and the terms thereoP; <br /> and, providln� for the ri�h.t to �ile a remonstranee a.gainst the sale thereof signed by leg�l <br /> eleetors of the City o� Grand Island, Nebraska, equal 1n number to thirty per Qent (30y�) of the <br /> electors o� said City, voting at t�e last regular municlpal eleetion held in sa,id Gity. <br /> WHEREAS, on the 9th day of Feb�uary, 1950, Lot Nine (9) , Block Eighteen (lg) , Colle�e Addition <br /> to �Test La.wn, belongin� to the Citq of Qrand Island, Nebraska, was pursuant �o th� a�tion oP <br /> the Mayor and Cit�r Council of�'ered for sale at a public auct3on to the highest bidder and C. I. <br /> Bales, of �he eity of Grand I�1and, Net�raska, bid the sum of Two Hundred Dollara (�200.00) therefore, <br /> said amount being the higheat bid offered. ' <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CTTY OF' Q�RAND ISLAAID, NEBRABKA: <br /> SECTION 1. The sale of the real estate described as Lot Nfine (9), Bloek Eighteen (1�) , College <br /> Addition to Weat Lawn, an Addition to the City oY arand Island, Hal]. Coc�nty, Nebraska, to C. I. Hales <br /> of said Cit� of Grand Island, be a.rid the same is hereby directed, authorized and eonPirmed. <br /> BECTION 2. The manner and terms of eaid sale oP sueh real eatate are as Yollows: The ,aaid <br /> C. I. Bales, the b3dder, has agreed to pay the sum of Two Hundred Dollars (�20�.00j Por the wtthin <br /> desc�r3.bed real es�ate and has paid the aum of Forty Dollars (�40.00) as a do�rn pa�ment thereon ax�d <br /> the balsnce of One Hundred Six�y �ollare ( �160.00) w311 be pa3d upon delivery oP a Quit Claim Deed <br /> by the Ci�y to said purehaser. The Cit�` oP Qrand Island ehali not be required to Purniah an Aba'�rae� <br /> of Tltle. <br />