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i, <br /> .��_�� I <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 ��� <br /> 32a41--TN811UCU5TINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NBBR. ' � , <br /> WITNESS MY HAND ar�d official seal. <br /> �s�� John C. Dalton Jr. <br /> o ary ubl c <br /> My Commission expires . My �ommis8io� Expires May 2, 19�g. <br /> Filed for record this 27 day of �ta.rc�i 1950, at 9 t 00 o i clo ek A.I�. ���G�, � <br /> b�w✓ <br /> � eg � er o e eda ,�,� <br /> 0-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0--4-0-0_0-0-0-f� p <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED ETC. <br />', KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT$s <br /> That, the City oP Grand Island, a m�nleipal corporatlon, of the County of Hall and �tate oP <br /> Nebraska, Por the con�ideration of the sum of One Hundred Sixty-tive Dollars (�165.00) c3.c�es hereb� <br /> Quit Claim and convey un�o Rmy Brakema�� oP tM.e �ounty of Hall and State oP Nebraska, all ita righ't, <br /> title and inte�est of wha�soever nature, in �,nd t4 the following deecribed real estate, aituated <br /> i� the County of Ha.11 and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lots Six and Se4en (6 & 7) , Block Ten (10), Packer & Barrs Addition to the City of (�rand <br /> Island, Ha11 Count;�, Nebraska. <br /> The Qrantor, the City ef Grand Ialand, shall not be required to furnish an Ab�tract of Tltle. <br /> IA1 WITNESS WfiEREOF, The arantor, �Ghe C3ty oP Grand Ialand, in Hall County, Nebraska, has eauaed <br /> these pr�ser�ts to be si�ned by 3ts Mayor and attested to by the Cit;� Clerk and has cau�ed the <br /> offiQial seal of said City to be hereuntv afPixed thia the 21at day of Niareh A.D. , 19�j0. <br /> CITY OF C#RAND iSLAND <br /> g'rancee Searson ��0�,, BY: B. J. Cunnin�l�am <br /> neae (SF�1[L� �Yor <br /> Francea Searson ATTEST� F. S. iPhite <br /> nsss Y e�' <br /> S TATE OF 1�EBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On thi� 21a� day of Msx�ch, A.D. , 195�, bet'or� me the under�igrled, a <br /> C4UNTY �F HALL ) Notary Publle, duly eommiasi4ned and qualiPied f'or and resic�ing in <br /> said county, peraonally came B. J. Cunnin�ham, Mayor, oP the City of <br /> arand Island, I�ebraska, and Floyd S. White, Ci�y Clerg of aaid City to me personally known to be <br /> the ldentic�l persons whose name� are aPtixed �o the above ins�rument as A�Iaqer and City Clerk of <br /> I the Grantor, the City oF Grand Island, and to me pe�sonally kno�n to be sueh offtcers o2' said <br /> Gi�y and they eeverall� acknowledged �he execution of said instrument to be their voluntary act <br /> and deed and the offieial aet and deed on the part of' said City oP Grand Islar�d. <br /> Wltness r�y hand and No�arial 3eal a� arand Island in said Count�r, the d�.y and year first <br /> above written. <br /> (9F,AL) A. W. Larson <br /> + 'ot�a.ry�'ubl�c <br /> My oommission expires the 23rd day of Dee, 1955• <br /> �RDINANCE N0. 2343 <br /> AN ORDINANCE authorizing �nd dir�ecting the �sale of �oertain real e8tate belonging to the city <br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska; providin� the manner in whiah the aame sha�.l be sc�ld and the terma of <br /> said sal�; providing Por the �iving of' rnotiee oY the sale of �aid real estate a,nd the terms thereof; <br /> and, proeidin� for the right �o Pile a rernonstranee agair�st the sale tbereof signed by legal electors <br />� mP the City of �rand Island, �Tebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent t30�) of the electors of <br /> said City, voting at the last regular munlcipal eleetion held in said Cit�. <br /> WHEREA9, on the 9th day oP February, 1950, Lfl ts Six and 3eveA ( 6 & 7), B1ock Ten (14), Packer <br /> & Barrs Additior�, belonging �o the �aid City oP �rand Island, Nebraska, was pursuant to the action <br /> of 'the Mayor and City Cour�cil ofPered for sale at a publia auQtion �o '�he highest bidder and Roy <br /> Brakem n, oP the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, bid the sum of One Hundred :3ixty-Pive Dollars <br /> (�16�.0� therefore, said amount bein� the highest bid of�ered. <br /> THEREF'ORE, BE IT DRDAINED BY THE MAY�R AND CI�'Y �OUNCIL� �F THE CITY OF aRAi�TD I9LAND, NEBRA9I�A: <br /> 3ECTION 1. The sale of' the real estate desaribed a8 Lots Six and Seven (6 & 7) , Blocsk Ten <br /> (10, Paeker & Barrg Addition 'Co the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotanty, Nebraska �o Ray Brake�nan of <br /> said Qity o�' Grand Island, be and �the same is hereby direated, authorized and conPir�ed. <br /> 3EETi0N 2. The manner and �erms oP said eale of sueh real estate are as Pollowst The pur- <br /> chaser, Ro� Hrakeman, bid the eum of One Hundred 3ix�y-Pive Dollars' for th� within deaeribed real <br /> estate and ha.s paid the amount of his bid in full. 3'he Cit�r of arand Tsland shall make, execu�e <br /> and deliver to said buyer a Quit Claim Deed Por said premi�es and the said Gity shall nox be re- <br /> quired to Purniah an Abatraot of T3tle. <br /> 9ECTION j. As provided by 3aw, no�iee oS suoh sale and the terms thereof shall be publiahed <br /> for three consecutive weeka in the arax�d Ieland Daily Independent, a newspaper p�bliahed in and oY <br /> general Qirculation in the City of arand Island, Nebraska, immedlat�Iy aPter the passage and pub- <br /> licatio� oP this ordinance; and the City Clerk is h�reby direeted and inatructed to prepare and <br /> publish said notice. <br /> BECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electar� of the City of arand Ialand, Nebraska, <br /> �o Pile a remonstranee against the sale of the within deseribed rea2 estat�; aMd iP a remonstrance <br /> against the ss,le signed by l.egal eleatora of said City equal in number to thir�y per cen� (34�) <br /> at the elee'tors oP the City oP (3rand Is1�nd, voting at �Ghe la�t regular election he2d in said Citq <br /> be filed �rith the Mayor and City Council within thirty days after the passa�e and publication oY <br /> th1� ordinance, such property aha11 not then, nor within or�e year thereafter be aold. <br />