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,I c��� < . <br />� DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32841�}HlAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLANO,NEBR. � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> ss. pn this �Oth day of Ma�ch, 1950, before me, M. E. Moses personally <br /> Caunty� of' Fiall � appeared tb.s said E. H. Stobbe, as �her3.f�' of said County �Go me, <br /> pers4na21y known to be the ident3cal perso� who si�ned t�tg foregoin� <br /> instrument as grantor, and ac�nowledged �he s�ne to b� his voluntary a�t and deed, as suc�h sheriff, <br /> Pvr the uses and purposes thereln set fdrth. <br /> WTTNE9S my hand and official seal the day and year above wr�.t�en. <br /> (SEAL) �I. E. Moses ' <br /> E D 0 <br /> . <br /> Filed Por record this 2 day ot March, 19�j0, a,t 10:�-5 0� cloak A.M. <br /> � <br /> C��r,� <br /> eg. s�er�of�e'ec�s' �/ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0_C?-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-b�0 <br /> QUI T CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this l�th day af February, in the year on� thousand nine hundred and fi�`ty, <br /> between Fred Mader, a s�ngle person o�' the first part, and Edward D. t�uzinski and Teckla A. <br /> �uzlnaki, husband and wife. of the second paxt, �I TIdESSETH, that the said party o� 'Ghe firat pa�'G, , <br /> in consideration of the sum of One dollaar and no/�ne-hur�dr�d (�1.00) �t3LLAR3., to him dulp paid, <br /> the reQeip� whereof is hereby aaknowledged he has remised, relea.aed, and quit-elaimed, and by <br /> these presents does �'or h3.mgelP and hig heirs, executors and a.dminis�ra�Gors, remise, relea�e and <br /> forever qu�:t-elaim ar�d aonveY unto the said partiea of the second part, and to their heirs and <br /> assigns forever, all his right, title, in�erest, estate and his claim and demaa�d, both a t law and <br /> 1n equity, of, in and to all <br /> Lots TY�ree (3) and Four (4) in �Block Seven �7) of Arnold and Abbott�s Addition to the Gity <br /> oP Grand Isla,nd, PJebraska. <br /> Thia deed is given �'or the purpo�e of aorreeting a deed giver� by this grantor on July 19, � <br /> 19�1, to show that he was not married on July 19, 19�41. <br /> Together with all and .singular the hereditamen�s thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abo�re described pr�mises unto �he Edward D. auzineki and <br /> Teckla A. f�uzinski their heirs and assigns; so that neither Fred Mader the said �rantor, nor an� <br /> person iri his Aame and behal�', shall or w111. hereafter claim or demand any right or tltle to the <br /> said pr�mises or �,ny paxt thereoP, but �hey a,�d every one oP thern shall by these presents be <br /> exeluded and Yorever barred. <br /> TAT WITIVEBS WHEREOF, the said par�y 0f the firat pa�rt has hereunto set his hand arid seal om <br /> the d.ay and year ab4ve writ�er�. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presenee of � Fred Made� <br /> STATE OF Colorado ) <br /> ) ss. On this lOth day of February, A.D. 1��4, before me, the undersigr�ed <br />' Denver County ) I�n H. Miller a No.tary Publie, duly commissioned ar�d qualif�.�d for and <br /> residing in said county, pers0nally came �'red Mader, a single person <br /> to me known to be the identical peraon whose name is afPixed to the fore�,roing instrument as gran�or <br /> and acknowledged the same �o be his voluntary aat and dsed. - <br /> W1�ness iqy ha�d and Nvtarial �eal the da.y and year la,st above written. <br /> II� g F�an H. Miller <br /> ( EAL) o ary u c. <br /> Mq commiss2on expires t.�e day of 19 <br /> My Cammissi4n expires Oetober 7, 1951 <br /> File d Yor reQOrd this 25 day of March, 1954, at 11 o �clock A.M. o C�� <br /> eg s er of�eed� <br /> I�► <br /> 0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-.0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-p-0-�-�-0-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0_0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-4-0-0-0 <br /> SHERIFF�S DEED . � <br /> KN01aT ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE�IT S: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an aetion in the Distriet Court of the Eleventh Judleial Distric� of the <br /> State of Nebraska, within and 1'or the CQ�anty of Ha11, wherein Coun'�y oP Hall, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, <br /> a municipal eorporat3.on, is plaintiYP and Minnie W. Iams, widew et al. , are def�ndants, No. 'll, <br /> Doa. 1, Page 110-120, the plaint�.ff did on the 30�h day of S�p'�ember, 1949, obtain a deeree findin,� <br /> there �v be due from the defendants for general and speclal improvement '�a�ces upan a Cert3ficate �f <br /> Tax Sale and subsequent taxes, in Cause af Ae�ion, No. 7�, the eum of �294.16, aacruing interes� <br /> and eoats of the suit, and, whereas, it was �Ghen ar�d there fur�her ordered in the aa,id aotiob tha� <br /> in default o� the payment of the sum so Pound due from the said dePendants tha'� the She�ig� of sald <br /> County oY Hall should cause t�ie lands and tenements here�:nafter desaribed to be advertised and svld <br /> accordin� to law to pay the same, and, whereas, de�ault havin� be�n rnade �herein, the said Sherif�' <br /> oP said County, under and by virtue of �he said decree and the order of sa.le to him dtaly direeted, <br /> did, on the 15th day of December, 1.949, a,� the North Front Daor of the �ourt Houas in the Cit�r o�' <br /> arand Ialand, in said County of Hall havin� fSrat given due and legal notice of the time and place <br /> oP said sale for not less than thirty d.�,ys prior thereto in the �rand Island, Daily 2ndependen'�, a <br /> le�al newspaper, printed and in general circulation in said Courity of H�,].1, sell said remises at <br /> publie auc'�io� to Olen Cowg3.31 for the sum of Twentg-five and no�l�0 - - - - Dollara, (the tatal <br /> �.acrued eosts of suit and sale bein� �29?�.16�, whieh sale aras aPterwards on the llth day of <br /> Janua�y, 1950, examined �,nd canfirmed by the sa3.d Court and the said E. H. Stobbe as such SheriPf, • <br /> ordered to eonvey the said premises in Pee simple to the said Olen Cowgill <br /> N�W, THEREFORE, I, the said SheriPf of the County af Hall, a� aforesaid, in eonsideratio� oP <br /> the premises and by virtue of the power ve�ted in me by law and the deQree of said Court, dc� herebp <br /> g34e, gran�, and con4ey to the said 01en Cowgill, his heirs and assi�n�, the premises so as aPore- <br />: said sold, to-wit: <br />