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_ _- -�_ , <br />� ��)�� <br /> DEED RECOR.D NO. 96 <br />, <br /> 32841—'�NEAU6USTINEC0.6RANDISLIIND,NEBR. <br /> I <br /> SHERIFF� S DEED -TA� FDRECLOBURE � <br /> J KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PRE9E14TS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an aotion in the Dist�ict Court of the �leventh Judiaial Distri ct of the <br /> State of Nebraska, within and for the County of Hall, wher�in County o� Hall, Hall f�ounty, <br /> Nebraska, a muni�ipal eorporation, ia plaintiPP and Ch�.rlea Mettenbrink a nd Mettenbrink, <br />:` et al. , are deYendants, No. l�-, 'boc. 1, Page 141-151, �he plaintiff did on tFie`��th day of <br /> k November, lg4g, obtaiM a deeree finding there to be due from the defendants for general and <br /> special improvement taxes upon a Certifloate oP Tax Sale and subsequent taxes, in Cause of �ction <br /> , No. 3-4-5, the sum oP �270��1, aec�u�.ng interest and costs of the suit, and, whereas, it was <br /> then and there further or dered in the said action that in default of the payment o� the sum <br /> so Pound due from the said defendants that the Sheriff o� said Oounty of Hall ahould cauee the <br /> lands and tenemente hereinaPter deseribed to be advertised and sold acaarding to law to pay <br /> `'� the same, and, wh�reas, default havin� been made therein, the saSd 3heriff of said County, under <br /> ��'f ' X� and by virtue of the said deeree and the order of sa�1e to him duly direc.ted, did, on the 25th <br /> ,�� ;;; day� of January, 19 0, at the North Fron� Door o� the Court House in the City of' (�rand Island, <br />' ` �. 3n said Coun�y oY �all, having �'irst given dus a nd legal notice of the time and place of said <br /> � sale for m t less than thirtq days prior thereto in the (�rand I�1and Daily Independent, a legal <br /> ,� r�ewspaper, printed and in general ciraulation in said County o�' Hall, sell sa1.d premises at <br /> �� ublic auct3on to A�gug� Jacobsen for the sum of On� Hundred and Seventeen and 50�100 Dollars, <br /> , �the total accrued_ cost� of suit and sale being �270.51) , which sale was afterwards on the 17th <br /> '� , day of February, 1950, examined �aad eonf3rmed. by the said Court and the said E. H. Stobbe, as <br /> ' , such 9her3fP, ordered to convey the said premiaes in fee simple to the said �ugust Jacobsen, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said 3heriff oP the Countq of Hall, as af'oresaid, in considdration oP <br /> the premises and by virtue of �he power ves�ed in �ne by la.w and the decree oP eaid Cour�C, do <br /> hereby give, �rant, and conve� to the said August Jaaobsen, his heirs and assigns, the premises, <br /> so as aPoresaid sold, to-wit: <br /> Lo� Ten (10), Bloek �ir�e �3) in La,mbert 's second Add3t3on to the City of C�ra nd Island, Hall <br /> Oounty, Nebraska, as surveyed latted and recorded. <br /> ;' Lo� Eleqen �11), Block �hree �3� in Lambert� s �econd Addition �a the City oY arand Island, <br /> � Hall County3 Nebraska, as surveyed, platte�3, and reevrded. <br /> 4 Lot Twe�ve t12) Block T�iree t3� in Lambe�t s 3econd Addition to the City of arand Island, <br /> � Ha11 County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. . . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � the appurtenancea. <br /> � . <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD THE SAME unto the said August Jaeobsen, and h3s heira and ass3gns forever. <br /> TN TESTIMONY 'WHEREOF, I have as such Bheriff hereur�to set my hand this 20th day of M�,rch 1950• <br /> Ezecuted and delinered in the presence of <br /> Therese A. M�chow E. H. 9tobbe <br /> er o a ounty, <br /> N ebraska. <br /> STATE OF NEBRA3KA )ss� On this 20th day of March, 19�j0, before me, M. E. Moses, personally <br /> COUNTY OF HAZL ) appeared the said E. H. Stobbe, as sheriPf oP s aid County to me, <br /> ' personally known to be the identiQal person who s9.gned the foregoing instrument as grantor, and <br /> &cknowledged the same to be his voluntary aet and deed, as such aheriff, for the uses and purposes <br /> therein set forth. <br /> WITNES3 my ha rr1 and oPficial seal the da.y and year above written. <br /> M. E. Mo s ea <br /> (SEAL) C ERK OF D S R C OURT <br /> Flled for record this 2� day oP March, 1950, at 1:20 o�clock P.M. ��� <br /> eg ster`of L�eec'�s r✓ <br /> o-o-o-o-o-c-o_o-o-o_o-o-o_o_o-o-o-o_o_o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_ao- <br /> ��'����S DEED <br /> SHERIFF�S DEED <br /> i KNOW ALL MEN HY THE�E PRESENTS: <br /> �HAT, WHEREAS, 1n an aetion in the Distriet Court of the Eleventh J�dicial District of the <br /> I State of' Nebraska, w3thin and Por the County of Hall, wherein County of Ha11, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, a municipal aorporation, is plaintiff andCharles Mettenbrink and Mettenbrink <br /> et al, , are dePendants, No, l�, Doc. 1. , Page 141-151, the plaintiff did on the lOth day of <br /> I Novembsr, 19'49, obtain a decree finding there tio be due from the deFendants for general and <br /> sp�eial improvement �ax�e upon a �ertifiaate of Tax Sale and subaequent taxes, in Cause of Aation, <br /> No. 10, the sum of �94.49, aecruing intereg� and coets of the auit, and, wher�as, it was then <br /> i mnd there fur�her ordered in the said aation �ha� in de�'ault of the payment of the sum ao found <br /> due from the eaid dePendax�ta that the SherifP of said County oP Ha11 should Qause the la�ds <br /> and tenementa hereinaf'ter described �o be advertised and sold according to law to pay the same, <br />, snd, whereas, dePault having been thereir�, the said Sheriff of said County, �.nder and by <br /> virtue of the said dearee and the order of sale to him duly direated, did, on the 2�th day of <br /> Janua�y, 19�0, a� th� Nor�h Front Door of the Clourt House in theCity of Grand Island, in said <br />, �ounty of Hall ha.ving f irgt given du� and legal notiee of the time and plaae oP said sale Por <br /> nat les� than thirty days prior there�o in the (rrand Teland Daily Indep�ndent, a legal newspaper, <br /> printed and in gener�.1. ciraulation 3n said County vf Hall, sell said premises at public auction <br /> I to August Jacobaen far the aum of Seventy and no/100 Dollars, (the total acc�rued coeta of sui� <br /> and sale being �9�•�9) : whieh sale was af'terwaxde on the 17th day of February, 1g50, examined <br /> and confirm�d by the said Cou.r°� and the said E. Ii. Stobbe a� suah �heriff, order�d to aonvey the <br /> i sa�d in fee simple to the eaid August Jacobsen <br /> I�OW, THFR�FORE, I, the said SherifP oP the eounty of Hal.l as afore�aid, in conaideration of <br /> '�he premises and by v�.rtue of the power vested 3.n me by law and the dearee oF eaid Court, do <br /> hereby give, �ran�, and convey �o the aaid August Jaeobsen, his heirs and assigns, the premises <br /> I �o as aforeeaid sold, to..wit: . � <br /> '��` <br /> Lo� Five (5) Sloek One (1) in Lambert'a Second Addition to the City of arand Island, <br /> Hall County ��braska, as surveyed, platt�d, and reeorded. <br />�I ��'f.. . . . . . _ .. ' . <br />, . � 41� . . . � _ . . __�.�. . . d <br />