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I <br /> ���� <br />'i DEED RECORD NO. 96 . <br />, <br /> 92641�'HEAU6U4TIMEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> , <br /> tba�G it ha.s good right and lat�ful authority to convey the sam�,• that they are free from encum- <br /> br n e n doe r �o w �r nt n de end he � <br /> a c a d $ he eb covenant a a d i t s id r m ses <br /> a a i a ains�G the 1 <br /> y P g awful claime <br /> of all persons whomsoever. In w�.tnes�s whereoP, the said Mt. Plea�ant Cemetery Associa�ior� ha� <br /> hereunto eaused its corporate seal to be affi�ced and these present� to be signed by its President <br /> and C1erls �he day and year first above wri'��er�. <br /> Signed and $ealed and delivered in the preeenc� of , Mt. Pleaeant'.'��ME'��RY' A�SO�SATION <br /> G. �. Raven By H. D. Turner <br /> Pres�.dEnt. <br /> . BY H. C. Nunnenkamp <br /> Clerk. <br /> STATE OF Nebr. ) <br /> )sa. On this 17 day of �Sa,rch, A.�. 1950, before me, '�he unde�signed a <br /> Hall County ) Notary Public in and for �aid County, peraona.11y appear�d H. D. <br /> Turner, President, and H. C. Nunnenkamp, Clerk, of the Mt. Pleasarit <br /> Cemetery Associa��.on, to me persona3ly known to be the said PresSdent and Clerk and the identical <br /> p�rsons t�hose name� are affixed to the asbov� ir:�trument a�d ackno�rl�dged the exeQU�ion tY�sreof <br /> to be their voi�ntary act and d�ed as such officers, and th� voluntary act and d�ed of th�► sa�.d <br /> Mt. Pl�asant Ceme�ery Association. <br /> Witn�es my hand and Notarial Seal a.t Cairo in said Gounty �he day and y�a.r laet above <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL) Q. C. Rav�rt <br /> Notary Pub3ic. <br /> My domm�.ssior� expires Jul� 27, 1952 <br /> F'iled for record this 22 day of March, i95o, at 9:1� o� 010�1� A.M. <br /> � � � � ������ � <br /> AEt�IST�R OF DEEDS ,Ar� <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-c�-o-�;-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-a-�-o-o-a-a-o-o-ao-o-o-o-.o- � <br />. <br /> QUIT�*�LAIM �EED <br /> THIS TNDENTURE, made thls 9'Gh day of March, 19�8, bet��en M�irae Hak�, a sln�l� woman, of <br /> Snohomish County, stat� of Wa,shin�ton; Mary E. Williams, a singl.e womar�, Merle Hake, and l�ellie.. <br /> Hake, husband & wife, Barba�a Pr�s�on, a singl� woman, Gen��rieve Pres�on, a single woman, and <br /> Richard Pr�s�on, and Bonnie L. Preston, husband & wife, all of Clark Gounty, state of Wa,shington, <br />' oP the firat part, and Dan3.e1 H. Fiehburn, of the seQOMd part, WI�NES�ETHs <br />� <br />' That the said parties oP the f3rst part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (�1.0�) <br />' to them duly paid, th� receipt whereoF is herc�by a�knowledged, remieed, releaaed, and <br /> quit-claimed, and by these presents do for ourselves, our heirs, execu�or�, and administratora, <br /> r�mis�, release and forever quit-claim and convey un�o �he aaid party ot' �he eeeond par� and <br /> to his heirs and assigns fore�er, all our ri�ht, title �nt�ereat, es�ate, clai� and demar�d, both <br /> at law ar�d in equi�y, of, in and to al1 of Lo� Ten (10� in Hloek 3'wenty-two (22) in Packer & <br /> Barr� s Second Ad:di�ion to the eity Qf GraMd Ialand; and Lot Two (2) in Block Two (2), West� � <br /> Subdivision �o the �i�y of Grand Zsland, all in Hall �ou�ty, s�at� of Nebraska, <br /> Toge�her wi�h all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belon�ing. <br /> i <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desaribed pre�ises ufl�Go th� eaid Daniel H. Flshbur�, his heirs <br /> and assigns; so �hat neither �he said grantors, r�or any p�rson in their na.mes and beha,lf, aha3.l <br /> or hereafter claim or demand any righ� or title to the premi�e�, or any part thereof� <br /> but they, and every one of them, shall by theae presents be exeluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESB 'WHERE�F, ��e said pa�°tiea of the firs� part have hereunto set the�,r hands arid <br /> seals the day and year above written. <br /> �i�ned, seal,_ and d�Iivered in presence of <br /> GF. W. Hinman - Maxine Hake <br /> As to Ma�c�.rie Iiake Mary_ E. Williams <br /> � Merle , and <br /> Hen � E You Ne11ie f�. Hake <br /> As to Mary E. illiams ` � Barbara Preston <br /> M�rle Hake and Nellie Hake (�enevieve Pres'�on <br /> Barbara Pres�on � Richard Pres�Gon and <br /> GenevievE Preston 8onnie L. Preston wife) <br /> Ri�haxd Pr�ston and Bonnie L. Preston <br /> STATE OF �ASHINGTON', ) <br /> � S5. On this lst day oP June, 19�8, bef ore the undersigned, a notary <br /> SNOHOMISH COUIVTY. ) public, duly cornmissioned and qualified f or and residing in said <br /> county, persona,lly came Maxine Hake, a sin�le woman, to me kno/m <br /> to be the identiaal p�rson whose name is affixed '�o the fore�oin� lns'Crumen'� as gran�or, and � <br /> ac�nowled.g�d the same to be her voluntary aet and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year la�t ab ove written. <br /> (SEAL) `�raver �1.`�Hir�ma.� <br /> Notar� Publ�.c for Washington <br />' My �ommission exp3rea Dea. 19, 1950. residing at Arlington <br /> STATE OF WASHINGTON, ) ' ' <br /> ) SS. On th1.s 9'th day of J�ne, 19�8, befor� the undersi�ned, a notary <br /> CLARK COUNTY. ) publie, duly Qommiasioned and q�alified f or and residing in sa3.d _ <br /> aounty, pereonally came Mary E. Williams, a Sin�le womar�, Me�l+� <br /> Hake, and Nellie R. Hake, husband and wiPe, Har��ara Preston, a �ingle woman, �enevieve Preston, <br />� a singl� woman, and Richard Preaton, and Honnie,�preston, husband and wiPe, a11 k�own to me to bs <br /> the id�nt3.aal peraona whose names are affixed to the foregoin� instrument ae gran�ors, and <br />� <br />