<br /> D�ED R�CORD N�. 96
<br /> �82841—�NlAUGUETINeC0.GR11NDISLANO,NElR. �
<br /> Grand Tsl.and on the date last above writ�en.
<br /> (SEAL) C. E,�._ ._____Grundy
<br /> My commiss�.on expires June 19, ��'�(} Notary Public
<br /> )SS On tnis l�tYi day of March, 19,�0, before me, the undersigned,
<br /> CITY OF WASHINGTON ) a Notary Public, witYiin and f or said City and Distric�, personally
<br /> came Orland T. Huyck and Marie Huyck, husband and iti�ife , �o me known
<br /> '�o be �he identical persons zrhose names are affixed to tile above in�trum�nt as grantors, and
<br /> �everally a�knowledged the execut�.on of the saxne to be their voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose5 �here�.n expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun�o subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at
<br /> Washington, D. C. , an the dat� last above wr3.tten.
<br /> (SEAL) • Sad3.e Molineu
<br /> My commi�sion exp3.res Dec. I, 19j1 Notary Pub7.ic
<br /> Filed for record chis 16 da;� of Marcn 1950, at 2 :�5 o'clock P.M.
<br /> �_____ .,V
<br /> 0-0-O-�-G-O-0-0--0-0-0=-0-�-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q=0=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C)-0-0-0-0-0-0-0=-0-0-0-
<br /> tion of O NE DOLLAR A I�D OTHER VALUABLE CONSTDERATION --DOLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby grant,
<br /> bargain, sell, convey and conf'irm unto Joseph R. Senseney, �he fol:Lowing described real estate,
<br /> situated in �he County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> The West Half of Northeast Quarter (W�NE4) and East Half of Northwest Quarter (E�NW�) , of
<br /> Section T�renty-eight (2£�) , in Township Eleyen (11), Range T?�elve (12) , West of the �th P.M.
<br /> sub�ject to a mort�age in tne sum of ��, 000,00.
<br /> . to�ether with all �he te nemen�s, hereditaments and aT�purtenances to tne same belonging, and all
<br /> the esta.te, title, dower, ri�;ht of homestead, c�aim or de�a.nd whatsoever of the said grantors, of, �
<br /> in or to the same, or any pa.r� thereof; sub,�ect to s aid mort�age.
<br /> ar�dy�S ���E AI�TD TO HOLD the :a.bove �.escribed premises, with the anpurtenances, unto the said grantee
<br /> /�:�s�.�;ns, orever, and we the gra r�ors named herein for aurselves and our helrs, executors, and
<br /> adminis�rators, no covenant irith the �rantee named herein and tiaith his assigns, that ��re are
<br /> lawfully seized of said ;�remises; that they are �`ree- from 3.ncumbrance except as stated herein, and
<br /> th�.t T�e the sa..id �ra r�tors. have z�ood right and la.wful authoriLy to sell the sar�e, and that we will
<br /> and our heirs, executors and adm9.n�.strators sh�ll warra rr� and defend the same unto the grantee �
<br /> named herein and unto his assigns forever, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, �
<br /> excl.uding the exceptions named herein. ;
<br /> IN WZTNESS V�IHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 2�th da,y of F�bruary, A.D. 1950 �
<br /> In presenee of Gladys F. Kelly
<br /> H. J. Knickrehm . . . tamps ) John A, Kelly �
<br /> � Cancelled )
<br /> a
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On �his 2�t:n day of February, A.D.�95o, before me, a Notary Public in and �
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) �s'�or said Count y, personall y came the above named Glad ys F. K e l l y a n d J o h n �
<br /> A. K�tily, Her husband� t�,rho are personally known to me to be the identica.l persons tti*hose names --- 1
<br /> affixed to the above instrument as gra.ntors and they acknowl.edged said instrument to be their
<br /> voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand a rr3. Notarial Seal 'the da�e la.st aforesaid.
<br /> H. J. Knickrehm
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> M,� commission exx�ires on the �.6 day of M�,rch, A.D. 1952
<br /> Filed for reeord this 1� day of March, 1950, a'� 10:30 o � clock A.M.
<br /> eg ster of eeds
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a_o-a_o-o-o-o-a-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
<br /> ..,.
<br /> THAT We, Mabel Stolley and W. A. Stolley (wife and husband) and Richard S�olley and Anna
<br /> Mary Stolley� (r�u�band ana wit'e) each in her and h3.s own rignt as husband and wife, of ��� ideratio
<br /> County, and "�ta�e of Michigan, in considerat3.on of the sum of One Dollar a rd other suffic en�
<br /> DOLLARS, in hand paid by Dave �^�. Tipton and Rasemaxie Tipton, (husband and wife) of Hall County,
<br /> and State of Nebraska, do hereby �rant, ba,rgain, sel1, convey, and confirm unto t�le said Dave
<br /> W. and Rosemarie Tipton the followin� described premises, situated in the County of Hall and
<br /> State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot 7.9 (N�.neteen) , in Block "D�' , in Park View Subdivision Q�' a par� of t'rie west half of the
<br /> northwest quarter of �Seetion 2�, and the e�.st h�.lf of the northeast quarter of 1Section 29, both
<br /> in Townsh9.p 11 Nortn., Ran�e 9 West of the 6th P.M. as surveyed, platted, and recorded, sub,�ec�,
<br /> however; to the foll.owing condi�ions and restrietions, each and all of ��hich shall be and remain
<br /> in full force and effect, a.s covenants .runn3ng wi�h the la:1d, until tn8 �'3.rst day of N�,y, 1953,
<br /> namely: '�hat said prem3ses are solc� f'or residential purposes on1y; that no building shall be
<br /> moved onto said premises without the taritten consent of the Lots in the block where i� is proposed
<br /> to remove such building; that ar� building erected or placed on said Premises shall be 3�j fee'C
<br /> or more from the street on w hichsaid premises fron�s; that no r esidence shall be er�cted on said
<br /> premises at a cost of less �han �2500.00, tnat said premises shall not be sold, ren'�ed, or leased,
<br /> to :�.ny person or persons other than persons of tne white or Caucasion race; that no swine shall
<br /> be kept or rra.intained on said premises; said �remises are also co nveyed subject to an easement of
<br /> Seven f ee� over the rear of said prem3.ses which is dedicated for public utility purvoses, and
<br /> ;
<br />