<br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96
<br /> , ,' said �mises snall not be sold, rented, or lease�., to a r�y person or persons other than persons of _ :.
<br /> �� tile wh3,te or Caucasion race; trla'� no swine shall 'oe kept or mainta�.ned on said prernises; said.
<br /> r�.,� � premises are also co ra�eyed sub,j Pct to a n easement of seven feet ov�r the r�ar of sa�.d premises
<br /> �� which is dedicated for public utility purnoses, and restrictive agreements recorded. Septe mber 4, -
<br /> 19�4, Book '�T" , Page 1�7, Ofiice of Hall County: Re�;�.ster of Deeds.
<br /> �..; . ..
<br /> Togetner w3.tn a11 tne tenernents, hereditament5, and a�apurtenancea to tne same belong�.ng,
<br /> and all of t'r�e estate, ri���t, title, interest, claim and`d emand whatsoever, of sai�. gra ntor, of,
<br /> in and �o t�e sa.r:�e, or a r�y �art thereof.
<br /> ''Zt being �he intention of al1 parties hereto, that in the ever�t of the death of either of
<br /> ' said Grantees, the errtire Fee Simple Title to the Rea7. Estate described herein shall vest i.n
<br /> -' �' the survivin� Grantee . "
<br /> ,�
<br /> TO HAV� AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with t4ie appurtenances, un�o the said
<br /> Elvie A. and Ma.ry Jane �walec and to t�zeir heirs and as�3.�ns forever.
<br /> And we hereby covenant with the said Elvie A. and M�,ry Jane Swalec that we hold said premises by
<br /> `' good and perfect title; tha� we have ;ood ri�nt anc� lawful authoi°ity �o sell and convey same; that
<br /> �hey are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances t�rhatsoever. And �,re covenant to warrant and
<br /> , defend the said premises a�ai.nst the lawful claims of a11 persons whomsoever.
<br /> Si�ned this Sixth day of March, A.D. 1950
<br /> �� In presence of Meredi�h W. Mitchell
<br /> - - - - - - - - . . tamps )
<br /> ( Cance27.ed ) Evelyn L, M�.�ch�ll
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) SS' On this 6th day of March, A.D. 1950, before me a Notary Public, �-n and
<br /> � f'or said County, personally carne the above named Mered3th W. Mitchell and Evelyn L. Mitchell, each
<br /> in his and her own ri�,ht as husbana and wife who are personally k nown to me to be the identical
<br /> persons wnase n�. rres are affixed to the above instrument as grantors �,nd have acknowledged said
<br /> instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand ar�d No�arial Seal the date last aforesaid.
<br /> C. E. Gallagher
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commiss.ion expires on the lst c�ay of Febr. A.D. 1956
<br /> Filea for reaord this �th c�kay of Ma.rch, 1950, at l:�-F o � cZ�ck P.M. ��
<br /> �� ��
<br /> egister of e�
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0=0-U-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-v-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-�J-0-
<br /> THAT We, Ma�el Stolley and W. A. S�olley, (wife and husband) and Richard Stolley and Anna
<br /> Mary Stolley, (husband and wie_) each in his and her own right as husband and wife of Cass
<br /> County, andState of Michi�an in consid�ra�ion of the sum of' One Dollar and other suffieient
<br /> c�on�ide�ations DOLL4RS, in hand paid by M3.lford R. Nelson and Arlene Nelson (husband and wife)
<br /> of Hall County, and State of Nebraska do hereby grant, bargain, se11, convey, and conf'irm unto
<br /> tne said Milf ord R. and Arlene Nelson the following described premises, situated in the Coun�y
<br /> of HaII. and State of Ne�raska,, to-trit:
<br /> Lot 15 (fifteen) , in Block "D" , �.n Park Vi�w Subdivision of a �art of �he wes� half of the
<br /> northwest quarter of Section 28, and the east half of the northeast quarter of S�etion 29, both
<br /> in Township 13 North, R�,nge g West of the b�h P.�I. , as surveyed, pla'�ted, and recorded, sub�ect,
<br /> however, to '�he f ollowing conditions and restrie'�ions, each and a11 of �rhich sha11 be and remain
<br /> in fu1.1 force and effeet, as covenants running ��Tith the land, until �ne first day of May, 3953�
<br /> n�.m�ly: That said premises are sold f or residenti a1 purposes only; that no building sha11 be
<br /> moved onto �aid premises t-Tithout th� Vrrit�en consent of the Lots in �he block where it is
<br /> proposed to remove guch building; tha� any building ereeted or placed on said premises sha11 be
<br /> 35 fe�t or more from the street on whi.ch said premises fron�s; that no resi.dence shall be erected
<br /> on sa3.d premises at a cos� of less �nan �2�OO.OQ, that sa3.d �r�mis�s sha11 n�t be sold, rented,
<br /> or 1eas�d, to any person or persons o�her than per�ons of the wh�ite or Caucasion race; that no
<br /> swine shall be kept or maintained on said premises; said ?�remises are also conveyed sub,jeet �Gt�
<br /> an e�,�ement of �even fe�t over the rear of �aid pr�mises which is dedicated for publie utility
<br /> purposes, and re5trictive agreemen�s recorded Se�tember �, 1g�0, Book "T" , Page 187, Off ice of
<br /> Hall County Register of Deeds.
<br /> Together with all the tenements, h�reditameri�s, and appurtenane�s '�o the same be7.onging,
<br /> and a11 of the estate , r�.ght, title, interest, claim and demand wha�soever, of said grantor, of,
<br /> in and to the sam�, or any part thereof. "It being the intention of a11 parties hereto tha,t in
<br /> the event of tiie death of either of sa�.d Grant�es, t}ie entire Fee Simple Ti�1e to the Rea1
<br /> Estate described herein sha,ll vest in the surviving Grantee. ''
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tne above described premises, ti,rith the appur�enanc�s, unto the said
<br /> R2ilford R. �,nd Arlene Ne�.son and to their heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And we hereby covenant wi�h the said Milford R and Arlene Nelson that w� hold said premisee by
<br /> good and perfect title; that we ha.ve good right and lawful authori'�y to sell and convey satne;
<br /> that they are free ancz clear of aIl liens and incumbrances s�rha�so�ver. And we covenant to
<br /> warrant and defend the said premises against the 1a��rful claims of al1 persons whomsoever.
<br /> Signed this 3rd day of Maren A.D. , 1g�0 � •�� I• R• S`1',AMPS)
<br /> (Cancelled ) '
<br /> In ;�resence of Mabel Stvlley
<br /> W. A. Stol�ey
<br /> Leti•Tis �'. James Richard Sto3.ley
<br /> Iva P. King Anna Mary Stolley
<br />, . _ ,
<br />