�� .�..
<br /> � DEED R�CORD NO. 96
<br /> KNOW�L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Fred W. Meyer and Magdal.ena Meyer, each in his and
<br /> her own right and as spouse ofi each other, in �nsideration of ONE DOLLAR and other valuable con-
<br /> sideration in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain se11 convey and confirm unto Max Gruber and
<br /> Maris Gruber, his wif e, as JOTNT TENANTS, and not a,s tenants in common, the following deseribed
<br /> real estate, Uituate in the County of Hall and S'Gate of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> A tract of' land situated �.n the Southwest Quarter (SW4) o� :8ection Twelve (12) in
<br /> Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , West of the Sixth P.M. in Hall Coun�y,
<br /> Nebraska, more parti�ularly d�scribed as follows: Commencing at a point Seventeen
<br /> (17) feet South and Twelve �12) feet East oP the Northeast corner of Lot Seven (7)
<br />� in Fairacres Dairy Subdivis�.on located upon a par� of said Southwest Quarter {SVd�) of
<br />� said See�ic�n� T*�relve �12) , aecordin�; to the recorded plat thereof, running thenee
<br /> Easterly on a line parallel to an extension af the Northerly line of said Lot
<br /> seven ( 7) , for a distance o� Fifty (50� feet, runnin� thence in a Southerly
<br />' direction and para11e1 to the East lines of Lots Seven (7) , Six� (6) and Five
<br />� (5) , of said F�a3.racres Dairy Subdivision to the North line of Lot Fourteen (14)
<br /> in said Fairacres Dairy Subdivision, runnin�; thence along the North line oP
<br /> said Lo� Fourteen (14) in a Westerl direction and along an extension of the
<br /> North line of said Lot Fourtesn (14-� far a total distance of Fifty ( 50) feet,
<br /> runnin thence .North and parallel to the East lines of said Lots Five (5) ,
<br />. Six (6� and Seven (7) in Fairacres Dairy Subdivision to the place of beginning; ,
<br /> together with all th� tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all
<br />: the estate, title, dower, right of homes�ead, claim or demand whatsoever of �he said grantors, of,
<br />� in or to the 5ame, or any part thereof; TT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE
<br /> DESCRTBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVTNG GRANTEE, No goats, sheep, hogs nor cattle ahall be
<br />� allowed nor kept on sa3.d premises.
<br /> i
<br /> F TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described prernises, with the appurtenances, unt4 the said
<br /> gr�.ntees as JOZNT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and 'to their assigns, or to the heirs
<br />' and assign� of the survivor of them, forever, and we the grantors named herein for us and our
<br /> heirs, exeeutors, and adrninis�ratore, do covenant with the �ran'Gees named hsrein and with their
<br /> assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, that we are lawfully seized of said
<br /> premises; that they axe free from inaumbr�,nce except as stated herein, and that we the said gran�ors
<br /> have good right and lawful authority �o sell the same, and that we will and our heirs, executors
<br /> • and adminis�rators sha1.1 warrant and de�'end the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their
<br /> assigns and unto the heirs and ass3.gns of the survivor of them, forever, aga3.nst the lawful claims
<br /> of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 10th day of October, A.D. 19�+9.
<br /> In presence of ( . . .�-amps) Fred W. Meyer
<br /> Herber� F. Mayer (Cancelled } Ma�dalena Meyer
<br /> ) ss: On this lOth day of October, A. D. 194g, bePore me a Notaxy Public, ln
<br /> COUI�TTY OF HALL ) and for said County, persona7.ly came the above named Fred W. Meyer and
<br /> � Magdalena Meyer, each 3,n his and her own right and as spouse of each
<br /> other, who are personally known to me to be the �.dentical persons whose names are affixed to the
<br /> above �.nstrument as grantors, and they acknowledged said instrumen� to be '�heir voluntary act
<br /> - and deed. WITNESS my hand and Nota,rial Seal the da�e last aforesaid. �
<br /> (SEA,L) Herbert F. �Ma. er_
<br /> My commission expires May 17, i95o. �otary u �ic --
<br /> Filed for record this l�F day o�' December 1g49, at 2:15 o 'clock P.M. ,�
<br /> �d�,-�..c� ��
<br /> eg ster of ee s
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o=o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-ao-o-o=a-o-o
<br /> THSS INDENTURE, Made th�.� 1�th day of December, in the year one thousand gine hundr�d and f orty-
<br /> nine, between Wi�1�am Rupp and Maxine C . Rupp, eaeh in th�ir own right and as husband and wife
<br /> ,
<br /> I o�' the f irst part, and Edward J. Juel and Thora J. Juel his w1.fe, as Jo�nt .Tenants and not as
<br /> tenants in common the intentian bein that in th� even� of the d�ath of either of said rantee
<br />� , g g s .
<br /> the en�ire fee simple title to the real estate deseribed herein shall vest in the surviving
<br /> grantee, parti�s of the second part,
<br /> II WTTNES5ETH, that the said parties of the f�.rst part, in cons3.deration of the sum of One Dollar
<br /> and other good and gufficient considera'�ion, to them duly paid, �Ghe receipt wYrereof is hereby
<br /> II acknowledged remis�d, re].eased, and quit-c1a.3.med, and by these presents do for �hemselves,
<br /> their heirs, exeeutors and admirl3.strators, remise, r�lease and forever qui'�-claim and convey '
<br />� unto �ne said partie� of the second par�, and �o the3.r he�:rs and assigns forever, all their right, �,
<br />� ti�Ie, �.nterest, egtat� claim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to al1 of th� - .
<br /> Sou�herly Fifty-f'our and seven-t�nth� feet (5.54.7 ' ) of Lot Four (4) , in Block Ten (10} , in �
<br /> Kernohan and Decker� s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as the s�me is surveyed, �
<br /> pla�ted and rscorded, sub,�ect to the easement over and across �he Westerly f ort�-two feet and
<br /> seven and one-ha��' 3.nches (W.�2'72" ) of the Nor�herly five feet three �.nches (N.5•3" ) thereof,
<br /> but 3.ncluding the easement over and across the Westerly f'orty-two feet and seven and one-half
<br /> inches (W.�2' 7�" ) of the Southerly five feet three inches (5..� �3" ) of the Northerly ei ht and
<br /> a, three-tenths feet (N.�.3� ) of the Sou�herly 5ixty-�hree feet (5.63 ' ) of �a1.d Lot Four �4) , and
<br /> be�t�'ig the easement created by Deed recorded in Book 88, page 1'� of the Deed RECOrds of Hall
<br /> �ounty, Nebraska. Tn.e purpoge of this deed is to correct the error in canveying a11 righta and
<br /> interest in said easemen� in the Warr�,nty Deed recorded in Book gl, pa,ge 8 of the Deed Record$
<br /> of Hall County, Nebraska, including the easement over and across the westerly �2 feet '7� ine&e�
<br /> of �he Southerly � feet three inches of the F�orth�rly 8.3 feet of the Southerly c3 feet of said
<br /> Lot Four (�) which was erroneously se� up a.s being reserved whereas in truth and in fact it wa�
<br /> intended �o be conveyed to th� grantee �here�.n.
<br /> Together w3.th a1.1 and singular the hereditamen�s thereunto belong�.ng.
<br />