� :_
<br /> •� YY � ' � �i�i.'. �- _ ( - - - - - - . . � . ';����.'.-�,4iY�=� �
<br /> .� " . .,.- -.- -� .
<br /> , .� r��
<br /> _._ . .. _ .���. -,. . , .. _ . . ..
<br /> - ' �'� . .. ---
<br /> - >
<br /> ----' � � ��.-..-.-. .�..-�-`-- -- - - —
<br /> . s G' . . C � - ' '. . . . . .
<br /> - -. _ _ -_ =- — � _ , = .-. 92�—. - ato�� ,-_ ; , .
<br /> �. � :.�. �iods u�t Leader ioquita.,'rne iaw�sacc ca�ria Pca�►iduy��tt,e i�noe sUatl bc cbosa►by e�aer s+�jea 1a La�du� .
<br /> ' app�oval wLieb s�l!�wt be me�sq�q�1,�withb�W. tf Baerow�taiis tv aa�itKaip oovuase descrt`tied aboye�IRnd�r may.st-��
<br /> I.�wf�'�opaoo;o�in covaa�e w pwlect Lenaer's rig�ts ia the PioQeny ia aoeoal�ioe witL pusgraph�: .
<br /> All ias�aqee pdicies aad�alssiaA be ao�oe�able ta I.ender and slull iaclude a�d�d mortgago ctause. Ixnder
<br /> - -- -- - s7Wli 6a�rtQ�cti�fit i�bc�ititLe poticiessmd r�ne�-at�.Ifl.e�der�aites.Boms�rshsU�o:nPti}Si��tol�o!!seoei�s - - _ - - -
<br /> �P�P��aod ieanval ooticss. W the araK of b�s.BamWa sdall give panq notice to the insivanoe casri��and
<br /> t,ea8er. l.e,oder mry maf�c pma�f"otbss d�at made p�a�ptiy by Bamwer. - --
<br /> _ , Unkss Ixadtr�od Boemwer atheiwise agroe itt vcptiag.•����s poa�ds shaA be applied to�stor�tian ar�epair ot
<br /> - d�e pYape�tp�ed,if t�ie re�otation or c�t is ec�duvnucaEly teasibk and Lender�su.�uity is twt kss�e3. If the - ---
<br /> �estorxia�or�t�epaiir is not.eo�!ngc�ic�ItY fi�'bl��as�.tader�scc�u�ty would be ksse��ed.d�e insuranoe pooeeds s1�i16e
<br /> •�.��', � �tQl'�td to the sums secured I►Y tLis:Sewnts ttt�unxm.wl�etber or not then due.with any exoess paid w Soau�wer. If
<br /> Bonowa ab�r�dons the Pcvperiy.or does not smw�wi+�t�hin 30 days a notice f�+oro LeMer that the inwrmoe carrier 1�as -_
<br /> o�t'etied to sdtk a claim.then Leoder may colioct the msunnce pto�roed,s. t.a�der may use t6e prooeeds to�spair ar testae �.
<br /> tbe Ptope�ty or to pay sums socumed by tbis Sectrcity Insttuntent.wl�etLerornat tt�at due. 'i�e 30day peri�d witl6egin wixn -
<br /> _ the aotice is g[ven. ic�clon of to sball aot exbmd a�r ---
<br /> __ . ITnkss La�der and Bortower at6enrise agiec m vwridrt&�nY a�1 .. . p'�S PR�►1� �
<br /> �: � postpone th�duc dat�of the mo�uhly paymauts nCraed to ia g�a��:and 2 ar cha�ge t6e amount of ib�payttrrnts If �-_-� �
<br /> r4: w�. 21 tt�Rnperty is aoqtriced by Lendar.Bui[ta�e¢`s t�t�i any ins�uaz�x poticies and Ptoceods�e.wltiag �-__—�_
<br /> - ttp���tbe ptvpatg pcioc�tbe aoquisitiae sir�ll pa�s��c.��he e�nt of dre svms secured by tlris Security - -_,_=- -
<br /> �e�ei�sadi�etypriorwtixacguisition. � -�--
<br />`r�l` f. Uc�c�.P�vatio�. 1Vlai�ta�oe and Ptotectiolr a�'.ti�e Pro�nts:.sorroRer's �� Ap�tior; �`; �
<br /> '- Le�ttaids. $aepbicr s6a11 occnpy.auablish.aad i�ce the as Buhmwer� ' tc5idenCe.�v�lftin � days�fter _;�;,�,. -_
<br /> i ce Ptopesty pto�dpat sunY
<br /> _ a�e e�ecatiaif��s secuu�ug ra�oiuu��d s�ran c�[�a�:a►ao�r we rtapercy as B�aim9r4s��i�t�,�s;aence for ac • _
<br /> ec �.�,s�.; -
<br /> - f�st.`ot� prn agei:the droe�:�,oaatpaacy. � t�e�Tcr,otheiwise agtees in wr`�wFiich;�se� s6aU:r�qt be ___--
<br /> � �q�q�ab[y wRhheld:�or a�te.s�cx;eanting cu�uanoeseii�st which are 6eya�d Bq�[�u��.�.�cophoD:'.Banqwei s�liitirot ;_
<br /> `. ;`: . �q;dama�e ar:impair ibc'�iv�iecty,atlavr;be Ptopat�ro�.�eteria�tct a co�nma Vir��i¢"the R'a?�!, ���iaU fr��-� -
<br /> .,r
<br /> �" � be in defaulc if aa�.�prfeinue acGAn or p�oc��r.wt�c's,r�7 or crimia+�is begua tfr�i iri Lespdex��' a „`� l�xv�
<br /> a ` couid tesaTt in i'o�eisa�ne of tbe Ptaperi�d�;u�nc-rv�is�.draeeaially napaur tfre lien c�rated by ite��tmii�':�is�, or �'"'
<br /> i�� j ��� ��8�.� P�B�(Pfi �' ` .. ---
<br /> , ��� � Lender's s��e..rqResest. Boav�er may carraucfi a'��d irei�r;�,: v�dod is► . �$i i��ction .. , ,��,�'---
<br /> �or �n to'd�d'ssmissed'v�h:arulin th�t.in[.eiidec�' �a�miaat�a�. .���,��arr�ter's ��'1_
<br /> Proc'eecl S S L� P�� � . x• -
<br /> ' > .u<..:�� � intenest in the PiopGrty a dtiei�i,naterial impairman of itB:fiei�.car�t�,�'�`Y this Sew�i��r;C�i�i�=ai�"s�urit�' , ,:�,;.,ti u`.-.
<br /> - �` - =z�> intetest. Bos+u.a,•�st�all.alsq'S�in default if Banower.,du�ring 4��_�:�PPU������e materially 3'atse ar :: � _ -
<br />_ ; ; �`���� inucuiate in�ia ar starcments to I.ender(or failed to pcovifie fi�v�t'any�infoim�ati�sij ii�cannection vrith . ^'�-
<br /> ':'�; :i:sT-.� � the lam evid��by�d�e No�n,ctuding,bue nnt limited.co; re�Rans car�ng Borrawer's occupaney af the �i':,'` �•�
<br /> .:{ :! a�'] :� FX' �". _�
<br /> . •'y; = a; ;_:� PtopertY as a principal residt�ae�;Tt this Security Instr�mer�i�;�a a leaseGoi�#.8atro�t��a11 comply witb aU the pcovisions ,.�r� ,,_
<br /> :�...�r of tde kase. If Bomnwes acqi�:t�dtk to the Ptopec[y t3�1e�;ehold and the fee ttEie3ffill not merge unkss I+etdeF agoees ` �-
<br /> . ' ��-�;�. tol6e merger in writing. . ,,,,_,`. `:`;=;:;•<.. ,.::�� ;.��,��
<br /> " '''_;� - ��;, prutectioa d Lend�er'sy�{���p�ts iu.{�� p�{�`��Borrower fails to�{'orm the cavp�uats-anrD�y`�,p�^�'�ems ,�}�
<br /> T C' � ° 0'ry°�'•�``�2`°''. I^'•• ^f Q�S _�C"..^•' .i�"��2�fE_.
<br /> . ' Y ���h�.,'�,�-;" =�.'. conl.tiinod in tbis.Security Inmumm�ar.t��:i�•�le�.��eeding that may signifieandy affect�.�is.1i�'��i�l..,K.in the f�+f"� �:'-`�:
<br /> ,�,: �'�• - PtRxrtY(such as a pcviceeding in bankruptcy;�ate.fw:�:�a�u�adon or forfeiture a to enforce la�����,tlxn -��f�` c�'�:•�_�:
<br /> - ;?,���`"'":����•°.�,�,. - '�' L.en4er may d�;5u�.d pay for wfiatever is n�ecessary to pr�t�'vatue of the Ptopeny and l.ender'sf r.• x�tich'� : `��,;: ���: �f�_
<br /> ;:, . �• �Y• i, ��,�,��,�::�
<br /> - �";�"'-"�"-'Y�r�?f, f,�� �Ix�der�actiw�s may ir�etude payitsg any sums secme�i�y s�s which has prionty over thia Security fn�trin��i::;a�!eaciog � ;-�,s e.. F- _
<br />_ ��,}.r:� �1���' in c o u r t,paying reaw n a b le a na m t ys'f e e s a n d e n t e r i n g o n t h e P r o p e r t y t o m a k e r e p a i r s.A l t h o u g h t.e n d e r m a y t a i r e a c t i o n ':%�.;,:�`���;, ��--
<br /> � '«-= ,� -�,�� under this pardgrr��h 7.Lender daes na have to do w. . , `� •^��.,; �- ;rF
<br />_ �`:?. .. • � ���y;. '# r 8 _ s -
<br /> ':�i,-;�,:__';
<br /> �'� My attta�ts d'ssbutsed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 shall�e•additional debt of Bmsuwer sectrred by this , :'• ,�•��-'••-
<br /> .,.�:;; •;;' ,, �� , .
<br />�Y;�:�;� ,�' : :���;;�F �;.;. - 5ecuriry/nsmriri:cs�. Urtkss Barrower and Lender agee to o[her terms ti���s.�hese.amounts shall 6ear inte�est frum the .. • .1 , .;, •�.,;!�a�
<br /> :�,� . ; .-� ��,r:er�-;', dace of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable.with interes�dpori r.�sic`i:�n Lendcr to Borrower requesting ;` •f�s !'r�'�:`
<br /> ���j �� t,'. �:. .. �.�• �,;J.,�;� .
<br /> _-. , a �,:� PaYment. := ,:,�: .. :� ;, f�/<.. ,.4�:-;;_
<br /> '� I' ",r;;7',l.(�b.�.:_--
<br /> ' ���� . s. Martgase tasurane�:�f Lcnder required martgage insurance a4 a canditiomi�t��inaking the foan secur�:;�this � ,.:. - - -
<br /> � ,'���" ,. Security lnstniment.Borrower shall pay thc premiumc requimd to maintain the mortgage insurance ip effecG '�'��r any . .. • . �� �
<br /> � �• � teason.the mo�r�e insurarxe covemge raa}�� by Lender lap.ses ar ceaces ta be in effec�. Sa�.u�ve4 s�ll,��iay the ' =
<br /> _ � :�';� �; e . , _
<br /> ' ';�:� f '�.:. ,. ���� premiums ces�m�3:�rn o6tain coverage sut��tiaf�y.equivatent to the moRgage insurance previo�c:�r'i4u etfe�.�t.a cost -__
<br />_ �,� . =;� ;- s�:,�xi�lty eq{uas�a:�znt to t1�c rast ta Barrtr��ii4`t{v:�age insurnme previously in effect.Pmm�ii alte��e.mibt�age : ;�• � =
<br /> ,�
<br /> •t'.`�'`}'•' -- m�.�u�x. .n�,r�:i:�r��y��.,ender. [8 hubstantially equivuleat ar�oirgage insurance caverage is na�available,Homawea s�.p:iY to '%'" ° P:-�=�
<br /> • ' � ;�`r'�': ;: L.�a 3 i e�ua�}'a�?u►:u 1�a s u m e c�n a�r r a o n e-t w e l f t h o f t h e y e a r�y m o e g a g e i n s u r a n c e p r e m i u m b e i n g p a i d b y B a a o w�.��t h e �4 •��{{ --
<br /> ' e. �,;.�, �
<br />,��;:�.,�� .;:.zr° . •," insr►i�'�aaYe�:°f��psed or sc�sed tv be ia effect. I.ender will accept.use and retain the�+e payment�a�a luss reserv�in lieu ':'��;�;' ��
<br /> f h` � '� #- �-- of.�n�.r�e;m�.�ta�►?e= l.,ass�reserve paym�u may no longer be required.at thc option of Lcnder..if mortgage insurance ° ' ::- .�..-�--t-"'�-
<br /> ���'�?' '' `� ., crn�''�..�te:�i.-�ns aud fn�r.ttte period that l,ender reyuiresl prcnided b�an incace�s�praved isy l.eader agaia beeQmes ''•.� ',":., ..,��. . �,, £ =�'.`-='
<br /> '��' �" , a��a�1�:assl;h5�����ai#�ed.�Y!ow►r�shall pay the premiurr��+ra�,qired to r:;a::aim m���i��urance in effecl.or ta�a!�v3e a • , :=,�.';. ,•�:'t�`fr .
<br /> ,.t�`� .
<br /> ��,,, - �a ° - ki�'i�c��ve.'�:�:�i sh'e�equr.��:ar mortgage insur,�t.:e���s'�,accord2uice with an���t?�ien ag[eement betwceri E�arr�wsi , :���fis,.,,�, > . .
<br /> �u iL�;;�eror escable law.' ' � : ::'. . �, . . :�j rS���f�
<br />.;;.,. i _�, . .U.v� j�: ��"` . . .. ' i�tr• � .
<br /> ",'� Ias�.4ti�aw: Lender or its� ent c� +�r,,,t�.rl;:ar:.^��1>„'•.entries u n and in� ctions af the Pro rt l.ender�;haU ' �"sr`' ' �
<br /> ,..„f�•,�, 8 ?:. '-.. Po Pe De Y• .. .,.,.,;��;',',� .
<br /> ��'• giv��uc!��pyw-,,e,�6'x�r�:�:e at the time of ot priar p����'.�ip9Ua�:�n�'�^erifying reau�nabte cause for the in+pec*.;sn. '' ;•th'�
<br /> �.r'�i; �..� . � . . � ����l.�rprmt ti� i , � t'C.h i.. • ;P:.n
<br />:;,;;,.. d�tlan. The proceed. i 2:.�,s:�u..ia}it�-�3si+aa,f�r ctama��s.direc�or c2ncequentia1.�n cannectiaa with uny ,����;,.?r,;;�. ,•,--�'
<br /> ' . . Sinc(rF.undY--FLaa�erlh��t�fd6redl§Ri:��iFIlR111�tiTRt�lf%�1S—l;qflmmCacrnant��9.'9� �pa.�i.rjb�w¢eal � fj 1.��>�';(���t}�
<br /> ��r : . ;,.
<br /> �t, . ,�:•-:: ��xa+�r.+.'~e�wen.sa�.�x■ �, i�ti�r�fr�
<br /> . 1 4�. `j�'? �. .. � . l� � . .l'.. . . . ' '�foU1daC�t6�65369733^fA{81Bi91•11'!1 - F����{��('�t.�'
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