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��, . ��`'� Y <br /> :::v,. �. <br /> �, � :��:.�.. . <br /> . ., <br /> � z ,�,1'a' .. . . . . ., .... - ., .. . . . . <br /> _ . .__._ .. ._ .. . y�� , <br /> , . gg ��1�`��� ; ✓�!`~•���. <br /> ' i6. Flnanclaf Govenants.ln addlNon to a�ry other flnanclal covenanta o/Tiustor mede n arryotheragreement 1nshument or documenr, 7Yustor shell <br /> comply wlth and shall ceuse arry and all guarentors ol the Indebtedneas secured hereby to compty with,or be In Compllance wlth,the fol/owing - <br /> llnanclal covenents:(Thls paragreph shall not appty It covenante and�equlremonts ere�sel lorth herein.) � <br /> 1B. Schedufe o/Leases.W11hln ten(f0)days aRe�demend, Tiustor aha!!lurnlsh to 8enellclery a scheaule,cert!/led to by Tiusto►,sodln�lorth all/eases , a, <br /> ot 1he IYust Property;or eny port�on thereo�,Including In each case,the name ol the fenants or occupants,e descdptlon o/the space accupled by � <br /> such tenant or xcupant,the rental payable lor such space,and auch other Informetlon end documents wlth respect to such leases and tenanclos • _'- <br /> ea Benellclary may ressonaby request. , -' <br /> 17. Cavenants o/Trusro�wlth Respect to leases. Wlrhout the prlor wrlKen consent o/Benel�lary,Tiustor shal!naL dlrect/y or lndlrectty, wlfh respect to I <br /> erry lease ol space ln the Tiust Prope►ty,or arry poA�ort thereo%whethe�auch lease Is now or hereaRer!n exlstence. f_ <br /> � !a)Accept or pormrt arry prepayment,dlscount or advance payment o/rent hereunda�N excess ol ona month, <br /> (b) Cancef o�terminate the same,or accept any cBnCelfeNOn,terminetlon o►surrenderlher+eof,or peimrt any event fo occur whlch woufd ocCW . <br /> thereunder m terminate or cance!the same,other than terminatlon lor nonpayment d renr, <br /> (r,) Amend or modlly the same so es to reduce the�e►m thereo�,the rental peyable thorounde�or to change a�ry renowal prw�siona MereM <br /> � .,. contelned, .. �• . <br /> (d) Ih�a(ve erty dolault thoroundor or breech thereot, `:"-- <br /> (g) Olve erry Consont,walver or approvnl►herounder or tako arry other eCtlon In connectlon therewlth,or wlth a lessee thereunde►,whlch would hwo ��; <br /> {he eHor.t of/mpeUmq fh.o veluo ol fho Isasor's Intoreat thereunder or the propBrty suDpct Ihareto,or o!lmpal�Ing tho poaRlan ol lnterest of _;:,�?'_ <br /> :k=--- <br /> Benoflcler�thoreln,or • ^ :, <br /> .,:l�;:.= __ <br /> (ry Seil,easlpn,plodpo,moRp&po n�othonv/so dlsposa ot o►ancumber(ta Interoet in any seid lease or eny rents,lssues,proUfs ls,suing or er�&lnp , . � , .;.�,-;,_ <br /> thoieundor {�'����•��. <br /> ' 18. Nh�ve�ol Stnturo ol Limdenons. l�mo�s ol tho ossanco In all of T�ustor'a obllgatlons andduties horoundor,and to fhe oxtent permlfted by law, Tiustor <br /> walvos ell present or luturo stetums ol IimltaNOns wl►h roapeCt to any debt,domand or abUgeuon socurod hereby end any ecNon or procseding for _ <br /> the purpose of eMo�c�np this Dned ot Tiust or any►ights or remedles contelned heroln. ��r-' <br /> 1B. Aaslpnmanl ol poposita.In the ewmt consductlon of lmprovementa ls conromplated by uie loan evldencod by th�Note secured hereby,as addltlonal :�;.,'�- <br /> socurlty therebre, Auetor heroby fransMra antl asalgns to Benellclary,all rlght, tltle endhterest to eny and ell monles depostted by or on behall af <br /> 7Yustor wlth eny ciry,counry,publla body o►agency,8anitary dlshlct,utlilry company, end c�nY other body o�egency,to�the installaflon or lo secure _ <br /> the InBttrllatlon ol any utlllty by livator,pertelnlnp to the Aust Properry. �;,.�•:; <br /> 2Q Corporatbn a Pertnershlp Exlstence.I!lYusror ls e corporafbn,gonerel pertnershlµor Wtitad paKnershiµ!t wlll do an things necessary to preserve Its _.��., <br /> corporete or pertne�ship exlstence�as the case may be,end a!1 Mghts and privlleges undar the laws ol the state ol Its fncorporet/on or aganlzetlon. . .� <br /> ;r.3-_ <br /> } 21. Forbesrence by Beneilclary Not a Walvec Ary!o►bearence by Benellalary In ezerclsing any dpht or remedy hereunder,o�otherwlse aHorded by Y.__ <br /> eppllca6/e lew;shall not be a walver o!or preclude the exe�clse o!arry such dght or�medy.The procurement o/lnsurence or the peyment o/taxes �.:.r,V-- <br /> or the dlscharge o�Ifena o�charges by Benefklary ahe��not be a walver ol8enellclary's Nghf to eccelerete the matuNty of the Indebredness. � ,-=- <br /> � 22. RemedJes Cumuletive.All remedles provlded In thls Deed o/IYust ara dlstlnct end curnulet/ve to nrry other rlght or remedy under this Daed oP Tiust "t.k�_ <br /> f.• or oNorded by lew or equlty,end mey be exerclsed concurrenty,lndependenfly o►successlvey. <br /> ,+� �, <br /> 23. Successors end ABSlgns Bound;Jolnt end Severel Llablllry;Captlons.The caenents end agreements hereln contalned shalf bind,and the rlghts �����.- <br /> � hereunder shatl Mure to,the respective succesaors and sssfgns ol Benelk7ery, 7Yustee,end liusto►.AI!carenants end agreemen►s of liusror shall - r � <br /> `.t be Jolnt end seve�al.The captlons end headings o/the paregraphs o/thls Deed ol TYustare fo�convenlence only and are not ro 6e used to Interp�et � •-- <br /> _ _ or detlne the provlalons hereot. �° <br /> 24. Notice.Except for arryr noHce requlred under spplicable law ro be given!n another menner, (8)ARy/IPtlC@ t0 1I(13t0►plOVlded lo�in f7Yi3 Qehid Lf TAloi � <br /> shall be gl�nen by malJing such notice by certlllod msll,retum recefpt roquesred addressed ro Trustor at Its malling addmss set lorth above or et such i� <br /> • other address as Trustor may deslgnate by notlae to Beneflciary as provlded hereln, end(b)any notice to Benellclary or Tivatee shall be ghren by L__ <br /> . cerN�led mall,return recelpt requested,ro BeneNclary's and 7tusteB's mall�ng eddress arated hereln or to auch other ctddress as Beneticlary or . •v___ <br /> Trustee mey doslgnate by notfce to Trusror as provlded hereln.Any noUce provlded for M thls Deed ol Tiust shali be deemed to have been glven to ��g�� s° <br /> ,i. .�aVil�!�': <br /> Tiusto►,Benefldary or 1Puatee when glven!n the manner dealgnated hereln. �: <br /> .� 2b. Qoveming Lew;Severablllry.Thls Oeed o/Tiust ahall be govemed by tha lews ol the S�e of Nebreska.In the event any provlslon or clause o/thls �', <br /> „;{ Deed o/Tiust conlllcts w/th sppllcable law,such conplct sha!!not aNect other provlslona of thls Deed ot hust whlch can be gliren eHect wlthout the �, <br /> � conl!lcNng prov�sfons snd ro this end the provlslona oi thls Deed o/liust are declared lo be severabfe. - <br /> 2G Eventa ot Default.Eech o!the following occunences shall consNtute en event o1 de/aull heieunde►,(herelnaRer called an"Event ol DelaulP J: <br /> � (a) 1Yustor sha�/lall to pay when due any princlpal,Jnterest,or princlpa/end Interest on the Indebtedness, — - <br /> (b) Arry wanenty o�t!t!e made by 7iustor hereln shall be untrue, �� <br /> � (C) Austor shaH lell to observe or peAorm eny oi the covenent8,egreements,or conddbns In thls Deed oi Tiust, •,:. _. <br /> (d) Any representatlon or wananty made by Tiustor on any!lnancla!stetements or rt�pats submittad to Bene�lCfary by or on beheH o1lFustor ahall E•-- <br /> °� prove lelse or materlalty misleading, E.� <br /> � �� (e} liustor she//Inll to perfurm or observB eny ol tho covenants,condltlons or agreemeots contalned!n,or binding upon Tiustor under arry bullding - <br />_ . •� loan agreement,seCUriry egreement losn agreement,/lnancing stetemEnt, or anyWher ag�eement,lnstrument or document exeCUted by Trustor = <br /> � In connectlon wfth the loan evJdenCed by the Note. -- <br /> (� A trustee,receNer o►1lqWdaror o/the liust Property oi ol 7lustor shall be appWnted,or any o/the credllors ol 7lustor ahall lile a pelitlon In __ <br /> �� benkruptcy egeinst liusro�or for the reorpanizstlon o!Austor pursuant ro the Feder�Benkruptcy Code,or any s�mllar Iaw,whether lederel or atate, __ _ ___ <br /> end!/such order or potlNOn shall not bo dlscharged or dlsmissed wlthln thlrty(30)deys after the dste on whlch such orde►or petiNOn was llled, <br />� (g) Tiustor shalJ llle e petltlon pursuant to the Federttl Bankruptcy Code or any slmperlew,lederel or state,orlf 7Yusto►sha11 be ad/udged a �._� <br />- bankrupt.or be declarad Insolvent,or shsll make en asslgnment lor the benelit of cradirors,or Sha�l edmlt/n wNting Its/nablllty fo peylts debts _ <br />� � as they becomo due,or shall consent to the appcfntment oi a recefver of ed or any pad of the 7ivst Property, � "' ''1 •�d ,,,, <br /> , (h) F/nal/udgment for the payment o/money shall be rendered agalnst Ausror and 7ivator shall n�dl�ch�rge thA ssme,o►ceus�A it to be ,;����w � `;4;. <br /> - dlscharged, withln thlrty(30)days eRer the enfry thereoi or shell not appeal the�Mrom or from he oJ�e�decre�61 pro�ess upon whkh or r a+e�.:,}, �: <br /> pursuant to whlch sQld Judgment wes grented,besed,or entered,and secure e sley of executl4n pendJ�g such'appeal,' ,, , f. . ��_ <br /> perry,or any part ther�+of,or arry/nterest fhereln,or shall be divested o�/ts tltle,or any Interest fherem,!n �`"`�++ •�"�9r3�'��� <br />- (i) flusto�sheU soll or corrvey the Tiust Pro �,� �'" <br /> iany mam�er or way.whether vo/untedty or lnvoluntanty,without the wtlften consemof Benellclary befng Ilrst had snd obtalnad,or ,:.�:. , <br /> 1 p) 1/nustor ls a corporehon or partnershlp and more than!i!ty percent(50%)of tha sharos or bonelicfal lnterests!n such corporadon or , .`,_ •; <br /> prtrtnershlp, as the case mey be,shall be transferred or corrveyed,whether vofunladly or/nvoluntarlty,wlthout the wr(tten consent ol Bene�iclsry ���'='' <br /> - I be/ng tlrst had end obtelned. <br /> { 27. Accolemtlon o/Debt;Foreclosure. Upon the occurrence o�any Event o/Default,or erry flme therea�ter,Beneflciary may,at its optlon,declere all fhe <br /> � Indobtedness secured hereby immodlafoly duo and payable and the same shall bearinterest et the default rete.If Any,set lorth!n the Nore,or <br /> + otherwlsv at Ihe hlghest rate perm(tted by law,end,irrespective of whether Bene!lcfary exercises said option,It may.8t its optiorr and(n ifs solo <br /> I discretion,wifhout any lurther notice or demand to or upon liustOr,do one or more d�ha lollowing: <br /> I (aJ Beneflciory may enter upon,take possesslon o!,manage and operate fho Trust Properry or any part thereof;make ropalrs und el�eretions nnd do <br /> - 4any acts wh(ch Beneliciary deems proper to protect the securiry thereof,end ofther with or without teking possosslon,in its own neme.sue�or <br /> � or othenvfse CoUeCt and reCe�ve rents,�ssuns and prolits.�ncludng those past due and unpald,and eppty tho same,less costS end expenses of <br /> onerntlon and coflact�on,includ�ng reasonable ettorney fees end 8eneliclary's cosrs, upon tho Indobtednoss seoured hereby and 1n suCh order <br /> ..�.w�r...e� <br /> � as 8enohUary may deto�mine. Upon requost of Bonu►�clnry, i�ustor snair assemae ana snaii muRO wndaL�a i0 oa��a:c:a.-r a.Ti.�•••..°-^ � `- _ --_------ -- <br /> � Property whlch has beon removed. Tho enter(ng upon and takmg possess(on o/�he 7Yust Property,the colloChon of orry rents.�ssues and pro�rts, . <br /> and fhe applicatlon thoreot es eforesa�d,shell not cure or warve any defeult fhoreWloro or thoroa�fvr occurnng,or aHecf arry nohce ot delao7t or � <br /> nohco of selo herounder or mvalldato arry act dono pursuenf to any such nohCO.Nofwdhstanding Bon�hC�ery's conhnuanCe m possesslon or <br /> roceipt and eppllcahon ot rents.�ssues o�prohfs.BonvGaary shall be enUtled to ererc�so Uvery nght prowdotl!or in th�s Deod o!Trus�or by lew i <br /> upon o�after fhe occurrenco of an Evonf ol Dofuu/t,mClutlmg the nghf ro oxerc�se fhc�power of sule.Any o/fhe echons referred to�n fhis � <br /> paragraph mey be takon by 8eno6c�ory ef such tlme as BenehC�ary may doto�m�ro wdnou�rogerd to tho adoquacy ol any socw�ry for the � <br /> Indobtedness socured horoby. • <br /> (b/ Benol�aory sha/l,w�thouf regard to the edequacy of any securiry for fho Mdobtednoss sacurotl enhf/ed fo tho appo�ntment of a , <br /> roce�vnr by%+�ry court h�ving�unsd�cnon,wrthou!nol�cv.Io tako possossion ol. protect.und rnanago tho Trus�Proport�and operoto the samo <br /> y and colloct tho�ents.�ssuos And pro6ts thorehom <br />— (cJ Banot�cinry may brmg any echon m any court ot compofont�unsd�chon fo fnrvc/ose this DvAd of Tiusf or onforco arry ot tho eovenunts hemof � <br />� I <br /> c � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �.� _ _ _.___ <br /> _ - -- <br />