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<br />� D D CO D NO. 96
<br /> EE RE R
<br />, DEED
<br /> Know A11 Men By Theee Presents:
<br /> THAT The Cit,y of Grand Island, a rnunicipal eorporation oP I3a11 County, and State of Nebraska
<br /> in, consideration of the aum oP One Thousand Ei�h� Hundred F3.fty & 00�100 - -DOLLARS, in hand paid
<br /> by Jahn J. Ro�s o�' Hall County, and State of Nebraska do herebq grant, bargain, sell, convey, and
<br /> confirm unto the said John J. Ross th� followin� desarib�d premises, si�uated in the County of
<br /> Hall and State of Nebraska to witt
<br /> Lat Two (2} 3n Bloek Twenty-Two (22) iz� Nagy�s Addltion to the Citp oP Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska,
<br /> Together w1.�h all the �enements, hered9.taments and appurten�nces to the same belonging, and all
<br /> �h� Estate, Ri�ht, Title, In�erest, Claim or Demand whatsoever; �.ncluding Dower, Curtesy and
<br /> . Homestead Rights oP the said City of Grand Island, a munieigal co�poration of, in, or �o the same,
<br /> 0r any part thereo�'.
<br /> TO HAVE AND T4 HOLD �he above de�cribed prem3sea, with the appurtenana�s, �nto the said
<br /> Jolart J. Ross and to his heirs and assigns forever. And it hereby covenants wi�h the said John J.
<br /> • �?oas that i� has �ood ri�ht and lawful authorlty to sell and convey same;
<br /> 83.�ned this l3th d�y of July A.D. , �9�+9
<br /> In presena� of THE CITY OF GRAND T3LAND, a municipal
<br /> Att�st (CORP) aorpvration
<br /> F. S. White, City C1erk. (SEAL) By B. J. Cunningham .
<br /> Mayor
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) � �
<br /> ) ss. On thi� 13th day oP July A.D., �9�+g, before me the undersigned, a
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) Notary Publia, duly comm3sslon�d and qual�.fied for and resid3.ng in
<br /> said eoun�y, personally eame B. J. Cunningham, Mayor, of the Citqrot'
<br /> arand Island, Nebraska, and Flo�d S« White, City Clerk of said Ci�y to me personally knvwn to be
<br /> . the identical persons whose names are aPfixed to the abone ins�rument as Mayor and City Clerk of
<br /> the Grantor, the City o� Grand Island, and to me personally known '�o be euch officers ot' said City
<br /> and they se4erally acknowledged the execution of said instrumen� �o be their voluntary aot and
<br /> deed and the offieial act and deed on the part of said City of Qrand Ialand,
<br /> � Wi�nese my hand and Notarial Seal at (}rand Island in said County, 'the day and yeax flrs�
<br /> above wri�ten.
<br /> (SEAL) A. W. Larson
<br /> My comm�.�sion expires the 23rd day vf DeQember, 19�+9• ��'Y �a --
<br /> Filed f or record �his 2 da,y o� August �g�+g, at � o'alock P.�I. �����✓
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<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made th.ia P;�h da,y o� Decsember, in the year one thousand nine hundred� and Forty-
<br /> seven, between Blanahe E• King, sometimes known as and called Blanche King, and H. H. King, wife
<br /> and husband of the .firs� part, and Maurice De�tore oY the seeond par�, WITNESSETH, that the said
<br /> par�ies of the Pirst part, in oonsidera�ion oP the sum oY One Dollar, Love and AfPection - -DOLLARS,
<br /> to us duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl.edged -have remised, released, and qui�-claimed,
<br /> and by these presents do for ourgelves our heirs, executora and administrators, remise, release and
<br /> • Forever quit-elaim and convey unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and asaigna
<br /> forever, a11 our right, tltle, interest, estate claim and demand, both at Iaw and ln equity, of, in
<br /> and to all
<br /> A triangular p1eQe of ground in the Northwest Corner of Section 14, Township 10, Range 11,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, eontaining 20 acres more or less and deseribed as followa--Beginning
<br /> at the Northwest corner of Section l�, thence East vn 'the North section ].ine oP said Sect3on
<br /> 1�-, to the Northeast aorner of the Northwest Quarter of the Nor'�hwest Quaxter oP said
<br /> Seetion 14, thence South along �he east line of said Northwest Quaxter of the Northweet
<br /> Quarter to a point where the right-of-way oP the Union Pacific Railroad Company intersecta
<br /> said East 13ne thence southwesterly along the northerly line of said Union Pacific Ra,�lroad
<br /> right-oP-way to the point where said right-of-way intersects the West line of said Section
<br /> 14, thence Nor�h along said West line of 3ectlon l� to the plaee of beginning.
<br /> Together with all and aingular the hereditamen�s thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premises unto the said Maurice Devor� hi� heirs and
<br /> assigns; so that neither we the said grantors, nor any person in our name and behalf, aha11 or will �
<br /> hereafter claim or dema,nd any right or title' to �he said prem3.ses or any par� thereof, but they and
<br /> every one of them aha11 by these presents be excluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, �he sa3d parties �f the flrst part have hereunto set their hands and seals
<br /> the da,y and year above wri�ten.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Blanche E. King
<br /> Lynn D. :Hu�ton Ff: . ng
<br /> 3TATE OF Nebraska )
<br /> . )ss. On this �th day of DeQember, A.D. 1g47, beYore me, the undersigned Lynn
<br /> Madison County ) D. Hutton a Notary Publie, duly commissioned and quallfied Por and residing
<br /> in said county, personally came Blanche E. ICing, sometimes known as and
<br /> called Blanche King, and H. H. King, wife and husband, to me known to 'be the ident�.ca1 peraons ,
<br /> whase names are affixed to the forE�oing ins�rumen'� ae grantora and acknowledged the same to be
<br /> their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial 8eal the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) �L rnn___D�. Hutton
<br /> My Commission expire� the 30th day of Ma.rch, 19�9 o�tary u'�fie
<br /> Filed for record �hls 3 da,y o�' Augus'�, 1g�+9 at I1:�0 o �aloak A.M. ��� � n
<br /> a��i,.,,
<br /> eg ster � Dee s
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