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,;� <br /> .�yi,�"' <br /> ,:�_ ' . : ��;►;� <br /> . ... <br /> �...._ <br /> �. � � _.�3�ED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> � � � � <br /> , � <br /> ,�: __ _ _ _ � . <br /> � '32841�HEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NeBR. - � <br /> �-N, � ° WARRAN�Y 23EED <br /> �:�� ,, <br /> z.. <br /> KNOW ALI� MEN HY THESE PRESENTS t <br /> . TAAT Louis�. B. Que$t and John Wall,�ce Quest, wi�'e and husband;Minnie E. Mille and Otia B. <br /> ' - 1K311ffi, wife and husband; William E. auhl, widower; Forrest Daniel Guhl and Elaine Qi�Yil.� h�sband <br /> and wife, ir� con�ideration of the �um of �even Thousand Five Hundred and no/l0� DOLLARB, in hand <br /> � ` paid by Anna 1�. Jones of I�all County, and 3tate o� �iebra�ka do hereby grant, bargain, sell, <br /> , c�or�v�y, and conff.rm unto the ea3.d lnna M. Jones the Pollmwing described premiBes, �ituated. in the <br /> f � Co�ty of Hall and S�ate of Nebraeka to wits <br /> 4 <br />! `" Fraatio�a]. bo� FSve (5), and the West Half (T�) of Fra�tional Lot Sia (6), in Hlock Twenty- <br /> �wo (2�) in Nagy� s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and Fra�tior�a�. Lot Five (5), <br /> I ., and the West Half (W�) of Fra,eitional Lo� Six (6) , in Blaek Twenty-Two (22) �n the �riginal Tow�� <br />� now City of Grand Ialand, Nebragka, and all that part of the �outhw�s'� Quarter of the South�ireet <br />; � Qu�arter �SW} �W�) of 8ection T��n (10) , in To�m$hlp Elewen (ll), North Range Niae (9), Deecribed <br /> k�' aa f'ollows s-Beginning at a point O�e Hurldred Thirty-Two (132) Feet Northerl� from the 3ou�Charest <br /> , , Cor�er of said Lot Five (;) , in Block Twenty-3'wo (22) of the Ori�;inal Town of Grand I�la�nd, on <br /> the East Line o�' Oak �'�reet, iP extended, �henee Eas'�er3y at Right Angles alon� the South Line <br /> oP the Alley, if extended, in said Bloak Twentq Two (22) in Nagy� s Addition to the Ci�y of Qrand <br />` I�land, �o a point wh�re said Line meetg the �onth line ot' said Alley, being the Northerly Line <br />° � of aaid Lot Si� (6) , in Bloek T�enty-T�ro (22), in �tagy� � Addition, thenae due 3outh to the Sot�th <br />� Seation L�.ne oP Seo�ion Ten (10} , in Township �l�ven (11), North, Range Nine (9`�, thence running <br />; � We:terly at right angles to the Eas'G line of said 4ak 9treet, and thencse Northerly to the plaae <br />'" of beginnir�g, being a reatan�ular piece oP ground oontaln3ng 99 feet Pron�3rig on Fifth Street <br />; and a 132 Feet F'ronting on Oa.k Street in sald City oP (�rand Island, Nebraska. <br /> �To�;ether with all the �enement�a, hered3.temen'�s and appurtenanaes to the same belonging, arad atl <br /> the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Zntere�t, Cla3m or Demar�d what�oever; including Dower, Curtesy and <br />"� Homestead Rights of the �a�.d gran�ors of', in, or to the eame, or any part thereoP. <br /> a; <br />'� TO �AVE AND T� HOLD the above desaribed premi�ea, with the appurtenances, unto the eaid ` <br /> Anna M. �ones and to her heir� and a�ai�ne for ever. And we hereby aovenant with the said Anna � <br /> �f, done� �h�..���re hoid said premiee� by �ood and perfecst title, that we good rlght and lawP�a�. <br /> authority to eell and convey same; tha� they are free and clear of all liena and incumbra,nees - <br /> whatsoev�r. And we eovenant to waxrant and defend �he eaid premiaes a�ains'� the lawful alaims <br /> of a11. persons �rhomsoever. ;; <br /> ' Si�nned this l4th day of April A.T?,, 1��9. <br /> In pre�encse of <br /> � , L1�W. Kel1� � 8.25 I. R. STAMPS� Lauiae B. 4ueet <br /> o d W:`�`Cel�.y Cancelled �innie E16�ills$at - <br /> Oti� B I�ills <br /> �. 0. Lareon W3.113am . Guhl <br /> M. Beretz Forrest Daniel (�uh1. <br /> A,�,ne a N�yle a laine Gub]. <br /> THE S�ATE �F 1VEBRA3KA ) <br /> )SS. On this l�th day of April 19�9 before me, La.oyd W. Kelly, a <br /> HALL COUNTY ) Notary Public within and for BaSd Coursty, personally aame LcjuSge <br /> B. Queat and John Walleee Ques�, w�.Pe and husband, to me known to <br /> be the identiQal per�ona whose �ame� are affixe�d to tYye above instrurnent as grantore, and �everal.l.y <br /> avknowledged �he exeeu�ion of the �ame ta be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein <br /> e�pressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aubs�rihed my name and affixed my oPficial aeal � at <br /> arand I�land I�ebra�ka� on the da�e last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Lloyd W. Kelly <br /> My comm3ss3on e�cpire�: Oct. 27-1951 Notary Public <br /> STATE �F OREGON <br /> �SS. On this �th day of April 1949 before me CatheriAS Ba3�, a Notaxy <br /> Linn C�IJN�Y ) Public w3'�hln and far gaid �ot�nty, personally aame Mir�nie E. Mills <br /> � arsd Otis B. MiZls, w3fe and husband, ta me known to be the ideMtioal <br /> persons whos� name� are af'fixed to the above inetrument as �rari�ore, and se�erally acknowledged <br /> the execution of the aam� to be their voluntary ac� and deed for the purposes therein expresa�d. <br /> IN WiTN�sB t�REOF, T have hereunto sub�aribed my name and aff3x�. my official eeal at <br /> Albany t)regon on the da�e last above writ�e�. <br /> (S�AL) C athe rine Bain <br /> My comml.asion e xpi���; 12--19-49 l�otary Public � <br /> *��r������r��+w�+t��**���*���r���r��►�t*��*�����*��#a���*�*���a�#����r�*���*���*�r**��►**�*�**�r�����*�a**+r**� <br /> �TATE OF ILLS�t�IS ) <br /> SS. OM thia 29th c3.a�y of �ebruary 19�9 before me Notarys, a Publi� wf.thia <br /> Rock Ieland COUN�.'Y and for said Co�n�q, perao�ally �ame William E. GuYL't., widc�rer, to <br /> me known to be the identical person whose name ia af'Pixed to the <br /> above instrumeMt as �rar�tor, and acknowled�ed the eaeeutlon of the �ame to be hia �o3untary aet <br /> and deed for the p�rpose� therein e�res�ed. <br /> IN W�TI�E:�S � �OF, I have hereunto a�b�cribed my r�ame and affixed my offi�ial �eal at Rocsk <br /> Islar�d on the da�e last above written. <br /> . (SEAL) CSlarence 0. Lareon <br /> My co�mni��lon expire$ Nov. l�, lq�l Notaxy blic <br /> *�������r��►���**��������t�r�����*��tr*+���������*���r�*��a���t��*���+�-;:-=�����*�w*���**��+►*�*+►��*+�w�r�t�**�►�* <br /> _ S�ATE OF OHIO ) <br /> )3S. �n th�.� 25 day ot' Feb 1949 bePore me �iotary Public within and for <br /> Lueas C�tTN3'Y ) said County, per�onally came Forre�t Dan3.el (�u�il. and Elaine Guh7., <br /> hu�band and wife, to me known to be the identiaal persons whose <br /> r�ames are afFixed �o the above instrumen� aa �aritors, and acknowledged the execution of tMe same <br /> to b� �heir volunta,ry act and deed for �he purposes therein expreesed. <br /> (SEAL) Morris� J. Beretz <br /> My �omzniseioneKp�.r�e: l�arch 26, 1951 �lotary Publia. ' <br /> Lucas County 0 0 <br /> F'3.led for record thie 2l day ot� July 1g�9, �.t 11:50 0�elock A.M. �'��,. � . <br /> REaISTER OF DEEDS <br />. _�__ . . � J <br />