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��� <br /> DEED R�COR.D NO, 96 <br /> � � <br /> 32841-}HlAUGIl97tNfC0.6RAND19LAHD,NPBA. , _ . � I <br /> Tagether ti,rith aly and singular the hereditamen'ts thercunto belonging. The Doniphan Cedar View ' <br /> Cemetery Association. <br /> TO HAVE AivTD TO HOLD the above described premises un�o the sa3.d Association. he�.rs and assigns; <br /> so that neither ti•�*e the said grantor nor any person in our name and beha].f, shall or will hereafter <br /> c��.im or dem�nd any right or title to the 5aid �remises or any part thereof, but �hey and every . <br /> one of them ahall by these presents be exe3uded and forever barred. <br /> IN "�TI�'NESS IPJ'rIEREOF, �he said �art of the first p�.rt h.a hereunto set hand dnd seal <br /> th� day ancz year above krritten. <br /> Signed, sealed a,nd delivered 3.n presence of <br /> The Doniphan Cedar View Cemetery <br /> W. S. picken� Assoc�.ation of Doniphan, Nebr. <br /> Verne Crawford <br /> President <br /> A. H, Meseraull <br />� Seeretary. <br /> I� �TATE OF NEBRA.SYA ) <br />! ) SS On th3.s 5th day of May, A.D. lg�g, before me, the undersigned <br /> Hall County ) ,±T. S. 13ckens a �totary Public, duly comm3ssioned and qua.2ified for <br /> and residing in said county, persona�ly came Verne Crawf ord, President <br />, and A. H. Me.s�raull, Secretary to me knoti�m to be �he identical persons whose names affixed �o the <br />� foregoing instrumen� as grantors and ackno��rledg�d the same to be their voluntary act and decd. <br /> T e ].� t bo e mi�ten <br /> i W �Gness m hand and Natarial Sea1 �he da5 and y �,r �.s a v � . <br /> i y <br /> I� (SEAL) ta�. S. Picken� <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission ex�ires the 17th day of Aug. 1g,�1�. � <br /> . <br /> Filed for record the 16 d�.y of May, 3.9�9, at 10:00 0� cloek A.M, <br /> II <br />' � �-�-� � - - - - <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS�/ <br />�'� 4-0-0-0-Q-0-(�-Q-0-0-0-(3-Q-0-0-Q-Q-O-Q-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-Q--0-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q--a-Q <br /> Q,UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 3rd day of Juiy, 3.n �he year one thousand n�.ne hundred and forty- <br /> eight, betwesn Ben,�amin F. Scudder, also known as B. F. Seudder, of the first par�, and Flora A. <br /> I� Scudder of the second part. <br />� ti�TITNESSETH, that the said party af 'the firet part, in eonsldera�ion of the sum of ONE and <br /> v and affection to him dul aid the rece3. t whereof is hereb ae- <br /> No/100 (�1.00) D�LLAR, and; Io e , Y P , P Y <br /> m nd b �hes resents does for himsel�' his <br /> m a released and ui�-clai ed a e <br /> knawledged, has re i ed, q , Y A , <br /> heirs, exeeutors and administrators, remi�e, release and forever quit-claim and eonv�y unto �he <br />' said party of the second part, and to her heirs and ass�gns forever, all his right, tit1�, in�erest, <br /> estate, claim and demand, both a`t law and in equi�y, of, in and to all of the following described <br /> real es'�a'�e situated in the County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> (1) Ln'�s Eigh�een (l�) , Nine'�een (1�) , Twenty (20}, Twenty-one (21) , Twent3�-two (22�, Twen'�y- <br /> : . _ - t�.rq� (23) , Twenty-four (24) , Twenty-f�.ve �2��, Twenty-six (26) , Twenty-s even (27) , Twen�y- <br /> I' ei t 2� Twent -nine (2 T'nirt ( 0) and Thirt -one ( 1) in �3c�dc�er�s Seeond Additian <br /> i �. t � � � 9) , y 3 , � 3 � <br /> to the Village of Doniphan, in the Coun�y of Hall and State of Nebraska,. . <br /> (2) The East Half (E�) of �Ghe Southeast Quarter (SE�� of Sec'Gion F3ve (�) , in Township Nine (9) , <br />� n 1 n West of the '�h P.M. in. �he Cour�� o� Ha11 and Sta�� of Nebraska <br /> North, R�. ge I� i e (9) , �► , y , <br /> consisting of e�.ghty acres, mare or less, accarding to government survey. <br />'� (3) Part o� the Nor'thwes'� Quarter (NW47 of the Sou'�heast Quar�er (SE�) Qf Sect�.on Five (5) , in <br />, Township Nine (9), North, Ran�e Nine ( 9� , West o�' the 6�h P.M. , in the County of Hall and <br />� St�,te of Nebraska, more particularly described as follows : "Comme�nc3ng a� the Northeast <br /> corner of Lot Six (6) of the County Subdivision of a par� of the Sou'�h ha3f (S�) \of See�3on <br /> F�.ve (5) , Township N�.ne (9) , North, Range Nine (9) , Wes'� oP the 6'�h P.M. , 3.n the Cvunty of <br />' Hal7. and State of Nebraska, running thence East along the half section line �r�9"..7 Peet; <br /> thence South 700 feet; thenc� West 6b0.8 fee�; thenee Nor�h along the East 11ne of sa3.d Lot <br /> Six (6), 700 fee� to the place of beginnirzg. r' <br /> (�) Par� of the South half (S�) of the Northea�t Quarter (NE�� of Seetion Five� (5) , in Township <br /> Nine (9) , Nor�h, Ran�e I�?ine (9) , West of the bth P.M. , in �he County of Ha11. and Sta�e of <br /> Nebraska, more particularly des�r3.bed as follows: '�Commencing a'� a point �.n the South line <br /> af said quarter section, which n3.neteen (19) rods and six (6) inches east o�' the center <br />��:- of the ri�ht of �ray of the Union Paeif ie Railroad Company, form�rly known as the St. Joe` & <br /> Grand Island Railroad Company anc� also as the Hastings & Grand IsZand Rallroad Company, run- <br /> ning �hence East on said South line to �he Southeast corner of said quarter section, thenae <br /> Nor'th on �he East line of said quarter section six'�y-two (62� rod�, thence West -an�, prarallel <br /> with said South 13ne to a point seventy-five (75). fe�t east of �he center of said right of <br /> way, thence South and para11�2 wi�h said ri�ht of way �'orty-two (�-2) rods, then��e Eas'� <br /> �'ourteen (1�-) rods and eight (�) �'ee�, thenes South �wenty (20� rods �o the place of beginnin�. <br /> It being the intent3.on of the pa,rty of the first part to convey �o party of second par'G al1 of the <br /> real estate that he now owns whiah is located of the Union Pac�.�`ic �.ailroad Company�s rig,h� <br /> vf°:way, said Company formerly having been kn4wn as the St. Jne & Grand Taland Railroad Company <br /> and also as the Has'�ings & Grand Island Railro�d Com any, in the of Doniphan and in Section <br /> (5), in Tawnship Nine (�) , North, Range Nine (9�, West of the 6th P.M., �.n the County of Hall <br /> and Sta'Ge of Nebraska. <br /> Together vrith all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belongi�g. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO H�LD the above de�cribed premises unto the said Flora A. Scudder, her heirs and <br /> assigns; so '�ha� nei�her he, the said grantor, nor any person in his name and behalf, �hall or w3.11 <br /> hereafter claim or demand any right or title ta �he said. premises or any part thereof, bu� �hey � <br /> and every one of ther� sha1.1 be these pres�n'�s be excluded and f orever barred. <br />