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F ju. <br /> � . ` <br /> . 97,. ���`a"�� � . , >: — <br /> . . . .�� <br /> , payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender.if mortgage'snsurence covera�e(i�the amount and for the period : �, � 3A.• <br /> . chat Lender requires)provided by an insUrer aP�+cd by[.ender again becomes available and is obtained.Horrower shall pay the F :�:� <br /> . preminms cequired to maintain mortgaSc ins+uance in eff�c.or to provide a loss reserve, until Ihe requirement for mortgage � ; <br /> ' � U���¢nds in a�cordance aith any wrinen agreement betwcen Borrower and Lender or app3icable law. . • . <br /> n <br /> �, `� 9.IaspectIon. Leader or its agent may make reasanable entries upon and inspections of the PropertY.Lender shall give � • . � <br />�-� Borrower notice at the rime of or prior to an�un specafYing rc�snnable cause for the inspecaon. � - - _ <br /> i � •• <br /> i 10.CondPmastFon. 'Ilte praceeds of any award oz claim for damaSes,direct or consequential. in connecaon witJ� any ` ; � � ' <br /> � conderanation or other takin8 off any part of the Propercy,or for couveyance i�lieu of condemnarion,are hereby assigaed and .�°_ <br /> shall be paid to L.ender. <br /> In the eveat of a wtal takiag of the Property.the proceeds shall be applied tn the sums seaued by this Sec�riLp InstNment, , .. <br /> whether ot not then due,with any excess paid tn Borcower.In the event of a panial tatdng of the Progeaty in whicb the fair maiket , , � , • _ <br /> value of the Progerty imme�iately before the taki�ag is equal m or STea�r tt�an d►e amount of the sums secured by this Sec�uity • >�.,: <br /> Instrument immediaisly befora the �ng,unless Borrower and Lendcar othecwise ag�ee in writing,the sums sesmed by this ' =_ <br /> �ecauity Insbm�t shall be reduced by the ainount of the pmceeds multiplied by the following fraction:(a)the total amount of � .,,.'',' .� <br /> -: � the sums secmzd:��ediatelY before the tatang.divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediatelY before the • �_.,��.� <br /> m which the fair madcet value of the ''��'�'"t <br /> taYing.Any @atas�shall be paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial taking of the Property� before the taking, �nless <br /> Prapecty imme�:ly 6efora the taking is less thau the amount of the sums secared immediatety ; ��:?.;. - <br /> Bouawer and I�der athern�se ag�ee II►wririn8 or uNess agPli�tsle law otherwise provides.the pmoeeds shall be appfied to the .;_:.. .�:�`-`— <br /> ,c� sums secured Tsy'�is Ses�ritp Insu�ment whethea or not the sums are then dne. . . • �'�� <br /> ---n.-- <br /> .;�;� . If the Pra��tY is abandoned by Bomowea,or if,after notice by Lender to Bormwer that the wudemnor offeds tn makc un � _ . _- . ,;�. - <br /> d <br /> . .�.-:1 'a� . <br /> awarti or setile a claim for damages.Bo�rowtr fails�°�sP°nd ta Le�►dea within 30 days aftEr the date d►e norice is given,I.ende.� � ., <br /> � orized to collect and agply the praceeds,at irs option,eithec tfl reswration or repair of the Progerty or W the s�uns s�ed , . '- ;�':�_ <br /> is auth �, ;�•) �`= <br /> • by this Secmrity Insuumer�s,whether or not then due. �. ,, � ,?;.. '.�_-- <br /> Untess I.ender and Boaower otheawise ageee in wria�,anY aPPficatian of ploceads tn princiPal shall not extend or posqsone • � ', �'.�' <br /> ',`� the due date of the monthly payments refemd to m para�l�1 and 2 or change ttte amount of such payments. . .;,;- .,����.,��S '": �_ <br /> :..�� iL Borrawer Not RY(easedi Forbearance�y I.c�e��Not a�Vaiver. F.�ctension of the time tor PaYment oz modi6c�taon �.4 . -- ;:;:�:•i;,,;�� :: - <br /> ,,. . .,�;�;. �. <br /> of amamzation of the sums seaa�ed by this Se�rity�ent granted by Lender to any successor in interest o f Borrowes s h a ll �„•�, .:;..f, �, . ..,,,,� <br /> . .� ,;. , �.!r �, ,. <br /> t. not operate co release the liab�lity of the origisal Barra�r or Somower's s�ccessors in interest I.ender shall not be reqained w '.� �a:;_ <br /> gi al arr <br /> ' wmmence pioceedin8s aSainst anY successor i�interes't oT Qefuse to extend time for p�+meni or otherwise modify amastizadon of �'��*,"ts 1 g�� t.�k.`.'i�...'i ` <br /> �.� <br /> tl�e sums sec�ue�by this Security Ins1rumttit�xy ceason of any demand made by the original Banaowea or Bo�wer's successezs ;'k,<,. �'.''<'::�.:� .,,y j, . <br /> ' iu int�L Any foibeazance by Lender in ea�ising any right or remedy s1�a11 aot be a waivea of or preclude the eaedcise of an3� ���:� ' 1 � ' <br /> • ri t os rranedy. of this � , � <br /> _ ' � � ,+a�tai <br /> `� iZ.Saac�ors und Assigas Bouad,Joint sad Several L�ability,Co-s�gness. 'ilie covenants and agreemea�ts _ <br /> Security Insuument shall biad and beaefit the svccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of - _ - . � <br /> . i Psra�aph 17. Banower's coven�ts and agreements shall be laint and several. Any Boirower who co-signs tivs Sec�aity _ ''��.. <br /> � Insuument but daes aot execute the Note:(a) is co-signing this Sec�ity Insuament only w mo:tgage.Srant and convey that •i° t=�:::__` <br /> � Boaower's mteaest in the Proputy under the temis of this Security Instmmeai�(b)is aoi peasonally obligatsd to pay t�e sums •..: .;-" ,:�� �— <br /> . •; secured by this Se�urity Ins�ameax and(c)agrers Wat Lend�and any otha Barrower may agree w exteaid.modify►,forbear or � „ •..,,_::.. <br /> . make any ac;commadations witb regard tn the terms of this Security Insumme�►t or the Note widwnt that Borrower's conseat `r.�� <br /> `. n <br /> ' 13.Loan Cha*ges. If the loan se�aed by this Securiry Instrumeau is subjeci to a law which sets maaimum loan charges, ;. ,� ,.- . - <br /> ...S •.....r•�:..: . �� ��.�. <br /> and that l�w is fmally inteapreted so d�at the mt�est or oiher loan chsrges wllectEd or w be collect�c3 in cannection wiW the loan �.: ,�'._.1 <br /> : excced the peamiued limits.then:(a)anY such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necess��r w rednce t�e charga w�Tna _ <br /> �% permiLied limi�and(b)anY sums alresdy colle�ted from Bosmwea wiuch exceeded pe�uriued limits w71 be refuaded to Barrowea. .,_._--___ -- <br /> . ��`§ I.ender may ch�nose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed uader t6e Not�or by making a daect PaYment w ,.`:�� -a� <br /> the xeduction will be treaie�i as a partial pr�ayment withont anY AtePaY��t�8e "'��'�'; f <br /> Borrower. If a refimd rednces princiPal. -�:�– . <br />=y. ��' undes the Note. _� <br /> � -' �•,.. --= <br />,"��::.. : 14.Notices. Any notice w Boaower provided foz in this Security Instnunent shall be given by delivering it ar by maili�e��t � ,���,n.:, ._• <br /> � . �y frrst class mail unless applicable taw requires use of another method.'Ihe notice shaU be dir�to the Fmpe�ty Address ar :,...._ _'�;f',.:;_i;��c. <br /> � ;ry otha address Bonower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to i.ender shall be given by first ctaqs mail to Lender's ,�•;:• . � "' y <br /> �d�ress stated herein or any other address Lender designatcs by notice to Boaower.Any notice provlded for in this Seauiry �{..:�' .. .. .- <br /> ; ;.'. ,"�:!,:.�.:.' �..:. <br /> `` '�� Insuument shall be drzmed tn have been given to Boaower or Lender when given as provided in this patagraph. ; •:;y�•�,:..r:.:,; . <br /> .. ; 15.GovetningLaw;Severabntity. 'lt�is Security In�,n���t:,;�.•3,all bc govemed by fedeml law and the law of the '•'.:;,, ' <br /> , ' jurisdicdon in which the Propetty is located. In the event thas any pzovision or clause of this Security Insuument or the Note '�:�„ •. <br /> conflic�y vvith app)icable l�w.such conllicc sha11 noi affect other provisions of this Security Iasbnunent or the Note which c�a be ;;,: ,�.a��,�,F <br /> ' � given effe�t aithout the contlicting Provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Inst�ument and the Nots are declazed to . • : . -- <br /> � be seve�able. . ,. <br /> • Form 9028 91�0 . � , ; `,'` <br /> ' . �-8R(NE�ts2t21.o� Pags4o18 INtlats:_ , � <br /> ,._�.__,�...,,..,._ —.�.__.____: .- .T- ,^_— . . <br /> - -_._-�__ -:-�-- - ' � - -----•_.V.._.�...:_ . . <br /> � �-.__•,__ _'__ ___"_ ".'_.__•. � .� . � - " - , . - � . . � r.•` � . . , �_. <br /> . . • . " .. ' . � ' . . ' - - . . , . . _- ,-. <br /> . . � ' - . _ . - • ��.. <br /> . .. - . • ' � ' , �.' . . . � . . <br />. . . :_ . . . � . ..._"'___-'" ' :_.__:.__. .. . . .' ' ""'_'�"'_'__'_".'_. <br /> . . ' . . � . . ��_' <br /> ' � . - _ ' , . , . f"1�h. <br /> ' ...�� �� ' �..�.- . . .� _ _" -_ �'• <br /> ' _ . . ' .. . . � . . , . ... . . • � • - , '.<< . � i � ',�., ' - ... ' . ' <br /> ?' . . . .. .� . • _ . . . ... . .. F � . .. ,- .. . . ' T. .. . . . .. _ _ ... . _ � - - .. � t.••� , � , ' . . ��' . <br />