�, � ) k�
<br /> DE�D RECOI�D NO. 96 . �
<br /> 32641�(HC 11U6U571NE CO.3RAND ISLAND,f1EBR.
<br /> Any transfer of title of any part of �he above described property sha11 not be valid until
<br /> the same has been recorded upon the books o�' the First Party.
<br /> I �
<br /> and with the Secand Party and with the heirs and asaigns of 'Che Second Party, that at the time of
<br /> the execution and de].ivery of these presents it is lawfuZly sei�ed of said premisee; that it haa
<br /> good right and lawful authority to cvnvey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and First
<br /> Party does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the premisea against the lawful claima of all
<br /> persons whom�oever.
<br /> WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF aRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, agrees to furnish perpetual care,
<br /> administration and maintenance of the above described premises as provided by its by-lawa.
<br /> hereunto caused its corporate seal to be aff ixed and these presents to be aigned by its pre�ident
<br /> �he �day and year f irBt abovs written.
<br /> (Cancelled ) By L. G. Gerdes
<br /> . (CORP) President
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> STATE OF NESRASKA, ) On this 28th day of October, 1948, before me the undersigned, a
<br /> ) ss. - notary public, in and for said county and stat�, personally came
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) L. G. Gerdea Pr�sident of Westlawn Memorial Park Ceme�ery of Grand
<br /> I�land, Nebraska, to me personally known to be the President and the
<br /> identiQal person whose nazne is af'fixed to the above eonveyance, and acknowledged the execution
<br /> thereof �o be his voluntary aet and deed ag such officer and the voluntary act and deed oP the
<br /> said Wes�lawn Memorial Park Cemet�ry of Grand Island, Nebraska, and that the corporate seal of
<br /> the said We�tlawn Memorial Park Cemetery of arand Island, Nebraska, wa8 thereto affixed by its
<br /> autihority. .
<br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal �he day and year last .above wri�ten.
<br /> , . _ ( SEAL) W. P. Lauritaen
<br /> My commiasion expirea 6-11-19,52. Notary Public
<br /> Fi�.ed f or record this 29 day of October, 19�$ at IOt00 o' cloek A.M. �
<br /> �,-;; Re�iater oP D s
<br /> �vd.�u�G�l� �
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o��o-o-o-o-o-o-o���
<br /> That Whereas, �.n an action in the District Court of the Tenty Judicial. Distriat of Nebraska,
<br /> . within and for Kearney County, wherein Amalie Qarrelts, was Plaintiff, and George C. Garrelts
<br /> and Iola L. Garrelts, were Defendants, it wag by said Court at th� January Term thereof, A.D. ,
<br /> 194'�, considered, a.d�udged, that the defendants are indebted to the FlaintiPf in ths aum of
<br /> �10�0.�0 together with inter�st �hereon at the rate of 6,� per annum and oosts taxed in the sum of
<br /> �15.04, and whereas eaid dePendants have Pailed to pay said �udgment, intereat and cogts and said
<br /> 3udgment was on June 2b, 19�7, transcribed to th� Dietriet Court in and Por Hall County, Nebraeka,
<br /> and whereae, on �he 13th d.a.y of Segtember an order of Execution wae issued by aaid Court, and
<br /> pursuant thereto a levy was made by the Sheriff of Hal.l County, Nebraska upon the premisea her�-
<br /> inafter described, and on the lSth day o1' Oatober A. D. , 1948 at the North front door oP the Court
<br /> House in �he City of Grand I�land, 1n aaid County of Hall, (the sa,me being th� place wherein tY�e
<br /> District Court was Iast held in eaid County) , havin� first given duE and legal notice of the time
<br /> and place of eaid sa1e, for not less than thirty days prior thereto, in the Grand Island Daily
<br /> Ind�pendent, a 1��ai newspaper prin�Ged and in general circulation in said County oP Hall, the eaid
<br /> Sheriff did se1�--1the said premises at publie auction to AmaYie Garrelts (she being the higheat
<br /> and best bidder therefor) for the eum of Twelve Hundred Eight and 28j100---Dollara, whioh sale
<br /> was afterwards a'G the S�ptsmber Term of said Court, A. D. , 19�8, examined and confirmed, and . the
<br /> said Herbert H. Hann, as Sheriff of said County, was ordered to execute a deed of said premiaes
<br /> to the said Amalie Garrelts.
<br /> �OW, THEREFORE, I, the said Herbert H. Hann, as Sheriff' of Hall County, Nebraska, in pursuance o1'
<br /> the order of said Court, as af oreeaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the
<br /> powers in me ves�ed by law, do hereby give, �rant, and convey unto the sald Amalie Garrelts, and
<br /> � � assigns, the premises sold as aforesaid, �o-wit:
<br /> All of Lot Three (3) in Fractional Bloek Twenty-one (21) , of Fairview Park Addition to the City
<br /> • of Grarid Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, as aurveyed, platted and recorded. Frac�ional Lot Four
<br /> (�) , in Fractional Block Twenty-one (21) , oP FairvieW Park Addltion, and its complement, Fractional
<br /> Lot Four (4) in Fractional B3ock Six (6} oP Wal.lich' s Addition, both additiona to the City of
<br />' Grand I�land Hall Gounty, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. with all and singular
<br /> the appurtenanoes thereunto belon�ing, to have and to hoid unto Amalie Garrelts the said purchaeer
<br /> at said sale, she being the plaintiff in said cau�e, and to her heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> � e c S er f f Hall Count Nebraska hereunto set m hand this
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEPEOF, i hav as su h h 3.f o y, , Y
<br /> 29�h day of Oetober A. D. , 1948.
<br /> I� Executed and delivered in Presence oP ( 1. '5 I.R. Stamps} Herbert H. Hann
<br /> I� W. A. Zeiner (Cancelled ) SHERIFF OF HALL COUNTY
<br /> Wm. H. Meier
<br /> The State oP Nebraska, ) On this 29th day oP Oatober A. D. , 1948, bef ore me M. E. Moses
<br /> ) ss C1erk of the Di,etri,et Court in and for said County personally
<br /> Hal1 County ) appeared Herbert H. Hann, Sheriff of said County, to me known to
<br /> be the identieal person described in and who executed the fore-
<br /> going instrumen'G as grantor, and acknowledged said instrument to be his voluntary aet and deed
<br /> • as such Sheriff.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and otf icial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> in sa.�.d County, �he day and year 1a,st above written. M. E. Moses, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT GOURT
<br /> (SEAL) .' ���� �����
<br /> Filed for reQOrd this 29 day of October, 194$ a� 2:00 o 'alock P.M. Reg�er fD ed
<br /> � �o�
<br />