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0�-39-�s�7 DEED O�TRUST 9�m �.��`�3 �ag�5 . � ' : <br /> l�sr�No 441Z412 (Con2inued) <br /> RIGlfTS IIAID REIW�DIES ON AtFAILT. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Dafault and at any eme tttereafter.Tnistee ar Lender•at tb opUOn. • <br /> may exercise any one or mare ot the following rights and remediss,in addition to eny other righb cr remstfiss provided by law: � <br /> Acce�eratton upon Oefaut4;AdQ3UOna!Remndtea. If any eve�t of detauit occurs as par 1he terms ot the Note sawred hareby.Lender maY . ,`' <br /> declare ell Indabtedness secured by this Deed of TnAt to be due and payabs and the same shall tiiereupan become dw and RaY��+�a� <br /> any presentman�demand,protost or notiee of any k1nd� Thereafter,Lender may: �� <br /> � (a) E�Rher m person rn by agent,w�th or without bringing any acUOn or procee�np,or by a reeaiver appo�rrted by a court and witAout ,,-__ <br /> repard to tho adeQuacy ot its secudty,enter upon and take P�n of the PropaAy,or anY P� Its own narne or In tha nama •- <br /> of Trustee.and do any acts whkh i!deems neo�sarfr or desUable to Greserve tha vatue.markeffibNtY or rsntsb9ity of Ihs ProDerh��cr Dart <br /> of Ms ProP�Y a intereBf in the Property,increese the income from the Property or Proteet the sec�aityr of ine PraD�Y�4.'�a�lhout <br /> i tsking possession of the PropertY.sue for w otherw'se co!lect the rents.t�ues and profits of tAe Pro�erlY.Indudiag thase past due and , , - <br /> unAeid,and aPAty the same.tess cosls and�ensss ot o�era8on and cotiedion,indud�np attomeys�f�s.t0 arry InGebtadn��tued <br /> by ihis Deed of Tnst,eD in such order as Lender may datertnina The enterinp upon and taidnp p�slon of the Propsrty.tAe coQeCticn • <br /> ot sucti renis,issues and profits,and tha�plcation thereof sha0 not cure or walve any delauft o►noike of detauH undsr th3s Qsad of Tntst ; <br /> or invelldate any sct done in cesporise to SucA dsfault or pursuar�t to Suth noUce of defaulk and,notwitt�sffind1n0 the co�rtinuene��° . <br /> possession of the Prope+tY or 1he co�ecticn,recefpt end applisation o}rerds, fssues or profrts.Ttust'oa or Lendet shaB be en80ed to , • , <br /> exercise every ngM provided fot in the Note or the Rslated Oxuments or by law upon the oxurtenee of arry BveM af d�7f8u1t,tnctumnp tha � • , <br /> right to sxerc�o the power of salb; j' . <br /> (b1 Commence an acBon to forectose this Dead of Trust as a rr.crtyape,appnlnt e recehrsr or sAaaftcaiN entorce any of the covenards . <br /> heteof:end �, . ' � ' _ <br /> (c) DeGver to Trustee a written dadara�on of detsuit and dame+�d for sa!e and a mitten natI�oo of defautt nnd eiecUon to causa TrusFo+'s i . . <br /> i�terest in tt�e Property to be seJd.which noUce Trustee shatl caase to be dWy fifed tor record In th0 apPropr(afs otflc�oi tha County in i , � ,,a•..� <br /> whk:h the Praperty fs located:end � • � . . <br /> (d) Nfdh resped to all or anyr paR of the Personal Proparh�.Lendar shan have a�the riDMs end rerneB,es of a sscured parly undsr tl�e i ' <br /> h � <br /> Nebraska Unifortn Commerctai Ccde. � <br /> Fotedomtro by Pawer of Sde. �t lender elects to foradose by exe�cise of the Power of Sale tie�r.carttatnsd.Lender shaN notHy Trustee and i • � , .' . _ <br /> shail deposit with Trustee ihis Qee�af Trust and the Note and such recetpfs end evlder�ce of a�enddures made and seCUred by this Oeed of , '.�:� '; <br /> Trust es TNStee rttay�-G� , . . . ,:: <br /> (a) Upon receip2 0`secy r".�irom Lend4�r,Tnutee shali cawe to be record�t.pubGShed end deGvered to Trusta such NoUO9 ot Defauit _ �":—_: <br /> and Notka of Sale as ct�&r+s3qutred by law end by th's Deed of Tnuf. Tnu�s.haA,without demand on Trt�sto,sfter such tlme es may •� . <br /> then be requ�rod by Iaw an�a`�r recardation of such Notice of Detautl artd a.`tar�lotloa of Seie haNnp been given as requhed by law,se0 . , �;•:t,.�d�.r_ <br /> lhe Praperty at the time ar.a psce of sale ftted by it in such�'rc�ce of Sale,either ag a whole.or in separate lots w parc�ts nr(tems as �` �r`•- . <br /> Trustee sha�deem expe�erct,and in such order as it may C�rr�iae,at pubL'c aucdon b the hiqhest btdder for cash tn Iav�t�money of � � < �'•'� ` <br /> •=r�,•:-• �r, �r+ <br /> the United States Payable et tT�e Bme of sate. Ttustee shall debves to sui:h QurCfwser ot putGhaseis thereof(ts pood end su?.R��t deed or : .�,.t•.--.. ��� <br /> deeds convayiny the property so sald.but without any covena.�t ar wa.�ra.�ty.e�res5 or impAed. Th6 redtels in such deed d1�.�y matters � . '.f•—....�, . . <br /> a faets shaU be condusive proof of the Vuthtuiness thawof. Aay Rpsan,indudinp withaut RmitaUon Tnrstor,TNStee, or Lender,may . , <br /> purchase et suCh s8!e. � . ,' <br /> � (b) !�may be permitted by taw,after deductinp alt costs,(ees a�ed e�er�sss of Trustee and of this Tnat,indu�np costs ot evfdence of . '. — <br /> tlne in connecHon wlth sab.Tnistee shaA apP►y ttie prooeeds a4 sate to paymertt ot (�all sur.�mxpended under the terrt�s e72h's Oeed of !ri :. <br /> Tnst or under the terms of tt�e Note not then repald,Iaciuding but not�mfted to acxrued in�i3s't and Iate charyes. (�aU ot�'s�r sums then �:,<��::'. :. <br /> � secared hereby,and (�iha r�rnalnder,ff any,to the person or pe�sons IegaQy+entiUed tharata. • . • ; � <br /> (c) Tnutae maY in the manrter Orovlded by��r�tpone sale o}efl a eny�er7tion of the PrOA�Y• ' , ... 1� — <br /> �:" <br /> Rtisnas73es Nat�iv0. T►vsiee and Lender,er.d each ot them,shall be er.�ed to enforoe payment and perf�rrt�,'ue ot any►indebtoQt�ess �`�`"= <br /> . � ar obtigetions secu:�d by tNs Oeed ot Trust and fo exercise ell ri�.'fs and powers under thls Oeed o}TrusL under ihe Note.uce�aml of the . ��'�;`��, �. <br /> ReL�i9d Oxumsns,ar under any other apreemeet or any laws r�w or heraofter in toroe;notwfthstandin9,Some or atl of s�aeh indob'udness _ �. <br /> � and obdgaUons secured by this Deed o!Tnrst mey now or heroa��r be otharwlse socured,whethar by moRpaye,deed o!b�t,pbdpe,flen, . • <br /> ' asslynment or ak�wise. Neither the ea�eptance ot thts Deed otTrt�t nor ib en!aca�nonl.whelher by court actlon or pwsuan!ta L`�power of � �-±!' <br /> a eP 7�i!- <br /> . sate or other pcwas conte►rred In thls Oaed of Trust,sA�ll prejudke or in arry manner aftect Truste9's or Lendefs ripht to taif�tqon ar . �`�r:s—__- <br /> � entarce any olher sacrrriy now er hersafter hetd by Trustee or lender,8 being n�ed that Tnistea end Lender.and wcl�of iMm,shoD be , .;.; _ <br /> � enUUed to entorca�iti�Deed of Tn1st cnd any other securtty now or horeafter held by lender or Tnatse in auch ord¢r anQ manner as itNY a ; . ;. ' . � <br /> � • efther of them may In theit ebsotute dlscretlon detetmine. No remedy contarted upon a reserved to Trusiee or Lender,is intended to be •,'`_ ,, _J��. <br /> � ezclusive ot any ottier remedy in t'as deed of Trust or by law provldad ar permittod,but each s1Wl b�cumutaHvo�nd aha9 be In aQdNon to :: .��, <br /> � every other remedy ylven in this Deed of Trus!or now a heteafter e�dstlrp at taw or tn equ(ty or by statute. E+�ry pa►w►a rem�dy piwn by th� , <br /> Note ar ony of the Retatad Oowrtw�a to Trustee or Landar a to wWch oittwr ot th�m may b�atNwwtr�Y a�iit�d� maY b�car�kwd� • : � <br /> • concurreniry a IndependemlY�from tlme to tlme es oRen es may be deemed eape�eM by Tn�stes a►LenMr.and�ithr of tMm m�y *- <br /> pursue incansister.t r�emedles. Nominq in thls Deer1 of Tnist ahaA be construes as prohibiUnO Lender trom seektnp a defklency judpment . �:.,� <br /> • agair�st the Trusta ta the axteni ss:ct►acflon is pertnitted by taw. �. _ <br /> � RaquasY For Notka Trustor,on behalf oS Trustor and Lender,tx��bY requasts that n copy of any NoUos of Defa�11 and a capy of arry Notia � • _,r .�: <br /> � of Sab under this Qaed of Trust be mnited fo them at tho addressc�se1 torth in ihe flrst paragraDh o!ttds Deed of Trus� . : �.,,,w,- :. <br /> W�tvar,QecUcs�o!Remedtes. A weiver by any party o1 a breach ot a pravls�on of this Deed ot Tnisl shall not cor�tltute a walvar of or '�„��.,. <br /> re�rtiedy proveldea gt i�shDoedtt of Tntst,tt►e ote in an�ReDiate Doeument,por praviQeC bY law She➢no�eocclude p�u►sWt of�rry tothpir nmedy. - � . .. — <br /> and an etecuon t�make e�enditures a to take acflon fo pertorm on obOgatlon of Trusta under thls Deed of Tnut atter faNure of Tntsta to • <br /> pertam shetl not attect Lenders rtpht to dedare e detautt and to exerc�e eny of its remedles. ` • <br /> Attomeys'Fees;Eupen�es. �f Lender tnsritutes any suit a aeUOn to enforoe any of the terms of t�is Deed of Tnut,LonQer shall be or�itled to i . `_ <br /> recover such sum as the cou�t may adJudpe reasonabis as attomeys'fees at trtaf and on any appeal. Whsiher a aat any court�cHon(s ,_ , � . <br /> invdvsd,ail re�:.urabN exper�s ineurred by Len6er whlch in Lenders opWon ars nocessary at ury tlma for ihs protettian of ib I►�a�sl a the � <br /> erdaroement o1 fts rlphb she0 Cecome a p8rf of tho Indebtedn�s payabt0 en der.end and sMN bea►Intere6l a1 the NoW rats from the Cats o} � , <br /> .� e�endit�e unUl repaid. Expenses cowrod bY this parayraph indude,wfthoul G:�dffiBon.howww s�pct to any Ymlb undar apDA�bta t�w. —. <br /> ., Lenders ettaneys'tees wAett�er or no!thers b a I�wsuit,Inc(udlnp attomeys'fees fa bankruptry Proceedirps pnc►udln0 eRats to modify a <br /> � vacats erry autumatb stay or injutx:tlon),appenis and any antit�ated posHud9ment ca�leeUon servfa�, tfN c�t o}searctl�q records. . <br /> � cptetr�rg Htle reporb pndudinq foreclosure reports).survaya+s reports.aAA��.��e Insumna�.and feos ta tho Tnulso,to tfie�dent . <br /> permlNed by epA��1e�aw. Trusta atso will pay eny couA cost�.In additlon to aU o2her sums provlded by law. �: <br /> j Rt�U of Trus2z0. Trustee shatl have a11 of the rfyhb and duUes of Lender as sa1 torth in this secUon. . <br /> POYYERS AND OBI.IGATtdNS OF TRUf1TEE. The fdloxring provlsions retatlns to tha powars and obli/g�dons of Trustee ere part of thts Deed of � , <br /> ''I� Trust. � ' <br /> 1. Powers o!Trustee. In additlon to ail poweis of Trustee art5ing as e matter of law,Trustee sBalt have the power to teke the fdlowlny aedor�s ' .. __ <br /> � with respect to tho Property upon the written request of Lender and Trustor. (a)Join In prepariny and fillnp e map a plet of tt�e Reai PropettY. � <br /> �' inctutling the dad:catlon of streets or other righ4s to the pubiic; (b)Jdn in granuny any easertrent a creaUnp any resUiction on the Real Property; , <br /> and (c)join�n sny subard)natlon or othar ngreamont aBecUnp this Oesd of Trust a the Interest a!Lender unQm thls Dead of Tnlst , <br />� ' Ttustee. Trustee shall meet eit quelificabons r�quhed far Trustea und�r appli�ab:s law. In addiUOn to the rtyhts and remedies set fath above, • . _ <br /> + vdth r�pect to eil or any part ot ihe Ptoperly,the Trustee shafl h�•ra the riQht to tor�ctose by nofloe and sele,and Lender shall have ths rtyht to �� <br /> ta�etase by judidai toredosure,in eithsr case in axordance vrfth ar.d to tAO tuA e�dent provfded by applicablg taw. . <br /> $wxes�or Truatee. Lender,at Lenders optlon,may hom Ume to tlms appolnt a Stlooessor Trustoo to any T�uste�appdnted haroundor by an <br /> . �rntrument executed and acknovNedysd by Lendet and recorded in tfw oftice o!2'ie recorder ot HAU.County,Nebraske. The it�strurtw�sNfl <br /> eonffiin,in addi8on to en other matters requtre0 by stn4a law,the names o1 tt�e artglnN Lender.Trustee,nnd Truatot,the book tnd pape(or <br /> computer system reterence)whsre this Deed ot Trust is recorded,and tAe name and address of the s�ssor trustee.and the InstrumeM shail r <br /> b�executed and acknowledged by ali tho Dertefldedss under the Osed ot Trust or thsU successors In IntereSt Tne suooessor 4ust�a,vrithoN <br /> conveyance of the Property,shau succeed to all tha UUe,power,and dutles contsrred upon the Trustea in lhis Dosd of TNSt and by appllcabta _ <br /> taw. ThI9 proCedure for wbstitution ot trustee shelt gOvern to th9 exC►usion ot ell other provlSiorLS}or subsdtutlon. <br /> HOTICES TO TRUSTOA AND OTHER PAATIES. Any notice under this Deed of Trust shali bs in writing,may be ba ssnt by teiefacsimil?a,end Sh&II (_ <br /> � • • - �� . . <br /> F.,.�---r._.,.n—:—z-,�,�i, <br /> 'i". , _ .. ,. . . � . • �� , . - ._ <br /> •� � , . . ' • t , ..... ' • . . . . ' _ ' • ' ' ' . � . <br /> , �.r� ., . .. ;� . . ' . ' '.. . . ., .... ... . <br /> . .. . . . . , �.a.._. . . . . .. . <br />