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� at; <br /> • � : <br /> � � ' <br /> � o��t—�997 DEEO OF TRUST C�'7'_.., ���'7'�� �a�s 3 �.• <br /> L.oan 6Vs g02+Al2 (Conttnuet� • - <br /> Pey[r�nt. Trustor shall pay when due(and in all evenfs pnor to d2linqueney)en taxes.syesial taxes.assassmat�s.�hBrH�����n0 water � <br /> and sewer). fic�es and impositians Ievled apamst or on account of the ProperlY�and shatl pay when due ail cial+ns tor worlc dane on a 1Dt <br /> senrtces rendsred or material fumished to the PrapeAY• Trustor sha11 maintuin th9 Property h'e0 of all ligns havin9 D��Y 4�a�1�to Ihe , <br /> interest ot Lender un6ar this Oeed of Tnst,ezcept for tha Gen of taxes and assessments not due and exoa�t as oltrorwlse provlded in ft�Oaed . <br /> of Trust � <br /> Rt�At To Contesl. Trustor may withhold payment at any tau,as�s+nent,or ctelm in connectlon witt►a Sood tailh dlspute ovat the abL�yatlon `� <br /> to pay,so lony�s Lendar's interest in t0e ProperQy is not jeopar�d. If a Aen ar�ss ur is fBed as(t�esutt of rtonpayment,Trustor shaU w�l�dn -- <br /> ftfteen(15)days after the 6en aris� a lian�fi'.as,witNn fiftsan(15)days after Tnistor hes noUce of tt►3 filing.sGCUre the dlsCtt�t�a of Ure <br /> � I�n,or M requested 6y Lender,depasit wft!►Lendt�r caSA ot a SuKclent ccrparaie surety tro�d or other securtlY sa�stactaY to Lender In 8n <br /> amount SufEiaent to d'ischarpe ths Gen pfus any c�end attomeys'tess b►ott�er charpes that coutd aeaue as a resuSt of a foredos�u0 or raJe <br /> under the Oen. In eny contest,Ttusta shaii defend itsaif and Ler►�and shs�sat�iy any adver�'.>e ludyment Oc�Yaa�r�ar�t r.�Jnst lt�s � , <br /> PrcpeRy. TntStor shai narre Lender as an add�lonal !iBM under any sisetY 6ond tamished In the contest Pr�adlnQs. i <br /> Eviden�of Paymartt. Tn�stcr shal!upon demar►d tumish to LertQer satlsfaciarY ovtdence of peyms�t of the taxes o►a�umerds a�d shaU ! <br /> a�cthortre fhe apProP�ga�+�n�o�to deSver to Lendar at any tima a rnitten sffitsmerd of tt►s�s end ssse�ssments agair�st tha <br /> PropeRy. <br /> Notlte of Conatntctton. TnisWr shan no6iyr Lender at least fitteen(t5)days betae arry work�s commenced any services are ftunished.or anY . <br /> ma0eriafs are suppf�ed to the Proparty,if any mechan(Bs I:en,materta:mer►'s i'ien, or othu Uen coutd be asserted an axourti af the vioAc, � - <br /> services,or matsriats. Trustor w�U u�on request of Lender fumish to Lender advarioe sssuranees se�sfactaY M lender that Tnistar ean and w9 . , . - <br /> pay the cost of such improvements. � <br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE IHSURAHCE.The idtoKrinp provisions relating to insurtng the Praperhi are a part of this Deed otTnat � ' . <br /> IKat..Tdr�raaee o!Insurance. Tnutor stv�D��and maintain pofctes ot flre insurarrce with standard mRenBed coverape endcusem�x�fis on a ; , <br /> repSe�rar-ent basls to�the tuD insurable vetue coverhip a9 Improvemants on the Rsal PropePty in an amount sttiticlent to avoid eppifcetion af any { <br /> coirts��.te dause.end with a stanQaM mortgsQae dause in fava of Lendar. Trustor shall aso procure and melntaTn comprehensive aeneral � . � <br /> lia6i6iy iasurnnce in suCh covareye amaunis as Lender may request with tr�tee end Lender betnp named Es addGonal insureds in such 0ab�ity t , . <br /> ` insurance PcW�es. A�Sdonaly.Trusta shaD mairttain such oUwr lnsirrance,indudtrq but noi 6mNed to haserd,bitsin�s iME�rit¢6on,and � , � <br /> bodec insur�.-�a,Es L�n�r may reasonabh feQ�- PoC+c(es sliaU Do wAtten in(�m.amOUr�SS.wverngss end CeslS reasonabtY acoYPlBbW to . __ <br /> • Lender a����s�D!a compeny or compantes reasonabN aooeDtabte to Lender. Trustor.uPon request W Lendor.wID de�ver to Londer trom � ; • . <br /> tme tc a��a:a7cies w ceNftcates oi insurance in tortn SaUS�aY to Lender.indu�n8 stlPulatlons Uut caverapes w��oi 6e eanoe0od or r , . .. <br /> + �rt:ir�e�w�+o.rt at least ten(10)days'pria wdtten notice to Lander. Each ins�uanCe PoUcy also shaU i�lude an endwsement provt�np ttwt .�.__ <br /> cover�n tavor af Lendfu w(U not be impaired in arry way bY aaY ect,omission a default ot Trtutar a ar►Y other PersaR Shau10 the Rea! � � <br /> : u <br /> ; i FroAertY at any tlms�come Iocated in en erea desi8nated by the Dfrecta af the Federal EmeryerwY��+Oemerd Apencf►tts 8 special flood V i- <br /> � ha7ard area.Trustor s,'ree.4 to obtain and maintein Federal Flood Irtsuranoe tor ihe inY unpaid prtnc�pal ba4trw�ot tAi loan.uP to ths ma�dum � ` {,� <br /> ', poticy Iimits se!under the NaUonal Flood Insurance Program,or as othenNs9 required by Lender.and to malntatn suct.�nstuBnCe for tise term of "�. <br /> � ihe lOan. t-.--� �tt . <br /> � i AppltcaUon ut Proceeda Trustor shall Promptty notiry tsnder of any loss or damaae to the Property. Lender maY�"�''�p�of I�ss ff Tnstor "��<. ..•, <br /> � fails to do so withtn fitteen(15)days cf�4e casuaAy Whether a not Lendei's security Ls impahed,Lender may,at ils aieddon,cecetve and ret�M =�' <br /> the pr000eds o}any insurance and apa:y the prooeeds ta the reduction of the In6ebtedness.payment of nny lis�►a��5n0 the Propsrt�r.or ihe • <br /> � d�a��ped� or dde scya�l cmprovert�ienftys in'a manner s�.�tacto�ryrpt�o Len p�dec shaD.WonB�satlsfectaY D�such�nd"cture.oay or . .. <br /> retmburse Tnistar�^�Ure proceads for tho raasc�.d�l�cost of repatr a restaraUan�Trustor is not fn QetaWt und4c ttis Deed M Tn�sf. Arry �' ^�"�= � <br /> � proceuds which t�ve nat been dtsbursed within tnA�.ys af6er tl�eV receipt and wt�ich Lender has not commftted to 4tre rapafr or restOraiton ot ' � _ <br /> the Properly shaU be�sed flrst to pay any amount mvr�to Lender under Ws Qeed of Tnut,then to pay acetued inte�rast,and the oa�stnder,ii � � � '� _ <br /> Any.stwU be appiied to the prfncipal batance ot the la�ebtedness. If Lender holds arry Prooeeds atWr DaYment in h�of the Indab�a�.�ss,such :" •..'�� <br /> ed <br /> proceeds shell be p�:d to Trustor as Trustors irrteres's maY aPDaar• � '4�`;' <br /> tJnexplred Insuran�e at Sete. My unexptred icu�.�r+a�sAall inur�4o the benefit oL and pass to,the purcAaser ol tt+e PraperlY cov�red by ttJs . - E: :�� <br /> Dead of Trwt at any trustee's sate ar other sale he9�vncfer the Drovisior�s of th�Oeed ot Tnist,or at arry fore�asure saf�of su�h Properly. . E . <br /> Ttuator's Report on tnsuranCa Upon request of Lendet,howevor not more than onCe a year.Trustor sheU tumish to Lendet a n9port on each , S �� " �� ` <br /> (d)tha G�Y ir�sured .1�"`�: <br /> n e�dsynp Polley of insivanoa showing: (a)the nams ot the insurer; (�)the rtsks Insured; (c)the amount o}the poUcyr. . . ���-�. <br /> .+ the trien curtent reptacement valr:e cr srch propeAy,and the manner of QetarMMrp that vaiue:and (e)the w�iraflon d4ta o}the poncyr. a.. , T,�_� <br /> Trusta shall,upon request of Lender,r�ave an indepandent eppttLser satis(actaY to Lender determine the casb valus replaoertwrtt cost o}the _ <br /> Properly. . # <br /> ' TAX AND INSIRiAtSCE RESERYES. Subject to any Urtiltatlons set bY apA�le law.Lendet may reQulre Trustor to mairttain with L�nder�Mws � �•�. <br /> fa payment oi annual taxes.assessmenb.and insurance Dremtums.wtUCb�.�er�es shaD be crpatad by advana OaYment a mon1AJY WY���• i � � • . . � <br /> sum ostlmated by Lender to be s�iidant to praduoe amounis at Ieast equol to the taxe9,assessmeni9,and insuranca praNums to b�patd. T►w I „ <br /> ., reserve fur�she11 be twtd by Lender as a Oenetai dePOSit from Tn�sta.which Lender may sAUsty bY PaY�nf ot the t�xes.assossrtwnts,anA � • �` � �, <br />' insurar�oo premiums requked to be peld bY Trustor as tlwY become due. Lender sfwll have tho riyht to draw upon ths rsservo tun�to p�Y auch • :,--.---•. <br /> items,and Lander shs[I not be requhed to detertNr�s the validity or accuracy oi nny liem before paylrp IL NottYnp in th�Daad of Tn�t shafl be � � ' :–"' �� <br /> . coratrued a9 requhinp Lende►to advance oth2t monles for such purposes,end Lendor shall rsot incur erry BabW2y for anylhlnp H may do a omH to : , : � .. <br /> • do wlth respect to the neserve account !�9 a.mounb in tho reserve accouN are hetoby pledped to furtNsr Sscurs tlw Indebtednes9.and Lende►�S ,�,, <br /> herepy Quthorized to wilhdraw end apD►Y sxh emounb on the Indebtedness upon the accurtence of an Event of OefauN. Lsndar ahaA not be , .. . <br /> required to pay any interest a eamings rr"ne reserve(unds uNess requhed by law or apreed b by Lender in wriHnp. Londor does not hdd the � �.,. <br /> reserve funds In trusl tor Tru,ta,and Lcr,��not Trustar's apent for payment o!tho fenen and essossmen�requUed to be paid by Trustor. , � \ � <br /> EXPENDITURES BY LENDEA. It Trusta faiis to compty wllh any provlsion of th�Oeed of Tnu�or i!any aCUon a praceedlny b Comrtwnced that � • , � <br /> woNd rtwterially affeet Lende�'s Interests�n the Property,Lender on Tnutors befial}may,but st�all not be requhed to,taka erry actlon that Lsnder � . <br /> • deems eppropriate. My amount thal Lender e�ends In so dainy wUi bear interest at the rate provlded fa In tAe Note Bom ths date ir�txr�d or pald • <br /> by Lender to the date of ropayment by Tnqtw. AH such e�enses,at tsnders op8on,wr'J (a)bs payebte on demand, (b)be added to the balance �� . <br /> of the fta�and bo apportloned amonp and be payabt�wlth any instailment paymenb to become duo durinp eith6r (q ttw term of arry appAcabb � - <br />�nxco pallCy Ot (ii)the remalnlny tetm Of the Note,a (c)be treated�s c betloan payment wAkh wtll be due and peyabta at the Not�s mahaity. � . <br /> T:���yEr6 ot Trust atso wi9 secura payment ot these amounb. The rtphts provided tor in thb parapraph ahaN be in addiUon to any oiher rlahb or arry � . . <br /> ro:odes to which Lender may bo enUUad on aocouM of the defaNt. My such acUon by Lender sfwt!not be construed es curin�the detauH so es to � <br /> bar Lentler(rom any remedy that it othetwise waut0 have haA. <br /> WApApt�ITY;pEXEMSE OF TiTLE.The fotlowing prav�ior�rdadng to ownorshlp oi tiia Propertyr ar8 a part of this Oeed of Tn�s4. �_ — <br /> Tltte. Trusta war►anb that (a)Trustor hotdc�oad an0 maAcetabte title ot recud to tFw Propwly In fae slmpl0,Ue0 end ciear af afl�ens and _ <br /> � ! encumbrances other than those set forth in the Ree!Property desafpbon a U any tibe insuranee poDcy.UUe report,a flnol tiGe oplNon issued in . <br /> favor o},and acoepted by,Lender In connectlon wtth this Oeed of Trust,and (b)Trusta hes the full�Iaht,power,and nuthoAly to e�cute and , <br /> • 4 deilver lhis Deed o}Trust to Lender. . _ <br /> : Qetanae of TIUe. Subject lo the exCepUon in tne pzre�raph ebovo.Trustor warmnLs and wtt!tarever detend the ffife to the Ptoperty apalnst the • <br /> [ lawful d81ms ot all p0tson9. In the event eny 8c*_�n o�proo98d1ny Is CommenCOd th81 quesUon9 Trustors fltle w tAe Intetest of TNSte9 Or I- — <br /> �• Wnder under this Desd of Ttust,Trustor shall defen0 tt�e seHon at Ttustor's eo�ense. Trustor may be the nominrJ party In such proeasdinp,but � <br /> " ! �er„sr sha�t be en8tled to prutidpate in the proweding and ta b�represented tn the proceeding by counsel of Lender8 own chok:e,and � <br /> • �r,,,.;.�r will deliver,or cause to be deUvered,to Lender sucA Instrumor�ts es Lender may request hom Ums to dme to permit such R:.R1CiAa9on. � • <br /> � i :�,:�ylience Nflth�a Trustor wanants that 4r,�P►operty and Trustor's use ot the Property comptiss with atl exlSHng eyplkebfe Iaws, � • <br /> , ; sr,:inances.and reyulaUons ot povemmental authcr�. �- <br /> _ �1iIIEaANATtON.The(otlowing provtslons relatlnp to condemnaHOn prooeedings ero e part of this Daed o!Trust. ' <br /> �1Seatlon of ltet Proeecd�. If ail or any part o}tne Property b condemned by eminant domain procsedlnps or by any ptoceedinp or <br /> Furc:�,ase In Ileu of condemna8on,Lendsr mey at its slocUon require that atl or any pordon ot ihe net praceeds of the award Ce applled to the _ <br /> InCeDtedness or the repatr or restorflLOn o4 the Properly. The net proceads of fhe av�erd shell mean the ewerd flfter peymenf ot ell reesonabte — <br /> cosLs,e�ens�.and attomeys'tees ineurred by Trusteo or Lender In connscUOn wHh the condemnrltion. = <br /> Proceedin�s. If any prooeeding in condemnaUOn is fited,Trustor sheil prompUy notity Lendar in writlng,and Trustor shall prompll}r fake sueh <br /> steps es may be necessary to defend the acUOn and obtain the awarG. Trusror may be the nominai pariy in sucn procescnr�,Lui Leflder si�a➢t <br /> be entiUed to partiGpate in the proceeding and to be represented in the prooseding by counssl ot itg ovm cho!ce,and Trustor will deiiver or � <br /> - � <br /> _ ,, . . , .. . .. � � ` , .. . . • , ' . ... . .u:. _� . ' . . . ' �:...t . . <br />