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<br /> L��ED RECOI-�. N
<br /> 926d1�}NlAIIGUS7INEC0.6R�N�ISLAND,NHBR. h .
<br /> THAT ?�Je, Clara, Stolley, Sin�le, and Olga Palmer, single of Hall County, and State of Nebraska,
<br /> in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred and Seventy Five, (�375.00) No�100 DOLLARS, in hand
<br /> paid by A. C. Harrop and Irene E. Harrop, husband and wife, of Hall County, and State of Nebraska
<br /> do h?reby gr�nt, bar�ain, sell, convey, �nd confirm unto the s�.id� A. C. a.nd Irene E. Harrop the
<br /> following described nremises, situated in the County of Ha.11 and State of Nebra.ska, to—wit:
<br /> Lot Thirty Six (36) , in Bloc'i "D" , in Park View Subdivision of a part of the west half of the
<br /> north?aest quarter of Section 2�, �n d the east half of the northeast ouarter of Section 2g, both
<br /> in Totanship 11, North, Range 9 ?�est oP the 6th P.M. , as surveyed, platted, and recorded, sub,ject,
<br /> however, to the fol.lojaing conditions �nd restrictions, eaeh and all of which shall be and rernain
<br /> in full force and et'fect, as covenants running Taith the land, until the first day of May, 1953,
<br /> namely: That s�id �remises are sold for residential purposes o�nly; that no building shall be moved
<br /> onto said premises Taithout the written consent of t'r�e Lots in the block where it is proposec� to
<br /> remove such building; that any building erected or pl�,ced on s��,id nremises shall be 35 feet or more
<br /> from the street on ?ahich said �remises fronts; that no residenee shall be erected on said �remises
<br /> at a cast of less than �2500.00, that said nremises shall not be sold, rented, or leased, to any
<br /> p�rson or t�ersons other than persons of' the white or Cauc�.sion race; that no swine shall be kevt
<br /> or maintained on s�id premises ; said nremises are also conveyed sub,�ect to an easement of Seven
<br /> feet over the rear of said premises which is dedic�ted for �ub3ic utility purposes, and reatrictive
<br /> agreements recorded SeptPmber 4, 19�+0, Book "T'� , Page 1��, Office of Hall County Register of Deeds.
<br /> Together with al1 the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to tne same belonging, and
<br /> all of the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand wha,tsoever, of said grantor, of, in
<br /> and to the same, or any t�a.rt thereof.
<br /> '�It being the intention of All na.rties hereto, that in the event oP the death of either of said
<br /> Grantees the entire Fee Simple Title to tne Real Estate described herein shall vest in the surviving
<br /> Grantee. "
<br /> TO HAVF Ati`D TO HOLD the above described t�remises, witn the appur.tenances, unto the said A. C.
<br /> an�. Irene E. H�,rrop and to their heirs and assigns forever. And we hereby covenant with the said
<br /> A. C. and Irene E. Harrop that ti,re hold sa.id premises by good and �erfect title; tnat we have good
<br /> right and lawful a.uthorit,y to sell �.nd convey sa.me; that the� are free �nd clear of all liens and
<br /> incumbr�nces whatsoever: And we covenant to warrant and defend the s�,id �remises against the
<br /> laTaful claims of a.11 persons *.ahomsoever.
<br /> Signed this �th da.y of November A. D. , 19�7.
<br />�I In presence of ( I. R. tamps ) By Olg�. Palmer HE'R ATTORNEY IN FACT
<br /> Herman F. Buckow ( Cancelled ) Olga Palmer
<br /> STATE OF Nebraska) On this 5th dfly of Nover�ber A. D. 1947, before me a Notary Publie,
<br /> ss. in and for said County, personally came the above named Clara
<br /> County of Hall ) Stolley, single, by Olga Palmer, her attorney in fact, and Olga
<br /> Palmer, single, in her own behalf who is personally known to me to
<br /> be tne identical person ���hose name is a.ffixed to the �.bove instrument �s gr�.ntor, and she
<br /> acknoT��ledged sai� instrument to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> '^tITNESB my hand and Not�.rial Seal tne da.te l�.st aforesaid.
<br /> Herman F. Buckow
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Pub c.
<br /> My commission expires on the l7" day of April, A.D. 1950. _ � �
<br /> Filed Por record the 25 day of May, 19�+� a.t 3 0 � clock P.M. ���-���-�-�( , .
<br /> Register o��eec�s?'--
<br /> �-O-O-O-O-O- -O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-�0
<br /> WARRANTY DEr�—Cor oration h
<br /> . —
<br /> THIS INDE�vT?TRE, Made this 14th day of May, A. D. , 19�+�, bett�aeen J. H. Yost Lumber Company, of
<br /> Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska a corporation organiZed and existing under and by virtue of the
<br /> laws of the State of Nebraska �aarty of the first part, �nd Crane Co. , an Illinois Corporation,
<br /> Chica o I1linois of the Count nf Cook and State o� Illinois
<br /> � , , Y , , party of the second �a.rt
<br /> � �
<br /> j�TITNESSETH, That the sa.id nart� of the first part for �.nd in consideration of the sum of Forty
<br /> Five Thousand and 00�100 DOLLARS in hand �aid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and
<br /> by these 7�resents does grant, convey, and confirm unto the said pa,rty oP the second part, the
<br /> following described bremises, situated in Hr�ll County, and State af Nebraska to—�ait:
<br /> Al1 of Lot 2, in B1ocK 54, in the Original Town, noza City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> TO HAVE A"dD TQ HOLD the premises above described, together with all th� Tenements, Heredita.ments
<br /> �.nd A�,purtenances therQunto belonging unto the said Crane Co.
<br /> And the said J. H. Yost Lumber Company for itselP or its successors, do hereby covenan� a,nd agree
<br /> to �nd with the qaid x�art,y of the second bart and heirs and assigns, that at the time of the
<br /> execution a.nd delivery of these presents it is lawfully sei7ed of sa.id nremises; that it has good
<br /> right anc� la.��fu1 authority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and does hereb
<br /> Y
<br /> covenant to U�arrant ai.�d defend the s�.id premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> IN ?�IT?�TEilS f-1�-�E?�.EQF, the sa.id J. H. Yost Lumber Company has hereunto caused its eorporate seal to
<br /> be affixed and these t�resents to be si�;ned b.•,T its president, A. H. Yost, the day and year Pirst
<br /> above written.
<br /> Si ned sea.led �nd d liv r
<br /> g , e e ed in nresence of ( SEAL) B A. H
<br /> . Yo s t Pr
<br /> James I. Sha.mburg . � , am Ayt . , esident
<br /> t est . H n
<br />, � P e r Kattl r
<br /> t ) Y e , Seeretary
<br /> i M�.r i �l
<br /> e . Ashton �
<br /> Cancelled
<br /> � )
<br /> .
<br /> STATE OF Nebraska) Ss. On tY�is 14th day of May, 19�I-� before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in
<br />, Hall County ) and for said County, personally ca.me A. H. Yost President of the J.H. Yost
<br /> Lumber Company to me �ersonally known to be tne President and ti7e identical
<br /> person Tahose na.me i.s a��'ixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his
<br /> voluntary �act and deed as_ such officer and the voluntary act and deed of the sai d J. H. Yost Lumber
<br /> Cornpany, and that the Cort�orate seal of the s�id J. H. Yost Lumber Com�any ��ras thereto afPixed by its
<br /> authority. -
<br /> u�fitness my hand a.nd Notarial Seal at Grand Island in said county the day and year l�,st above written.
<br /> ( SEAL) �._„4 H.G. Wellensiek
<br /> A^.y commission ex�ires the lst day of September, 194�`. ��ar� .
<br /> Filed for record� t'rle 26 day of P�ay, lq�-� at 11 0 ' clock A. M. egister of Deeds.
<br />