<br /> �y
<br />�� 92641�iHEA06U8TIHEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. h . ' � �
<br /> now situated thereon, or hereafter erected, constructed, or placed thereon, shall be used or
<br /> occupied by any person ar persons excent those of the ��rnite Caucasian race, and excenting a
<br /> , ,� berson or persons iaho is or are domestic employee or employees, for and during the period of the
<br /> employment.
<br /> i
<br /> 13. In case the parties hereto, or any of them, or their successors or assigns, shall violate or
<br /> attempt to violate, any of the covenants and restrictions herein, it shall be lawfult Porar�y
<br />' other person or persons ow�i�;ng any real property situated in such subdivision to prosecute any
<br /> proceedings at 1aw or in equity against any such violator or attempted, violator of �ny such
<br /> covenant or restriction, �,nd either to �revent him, it, or them from so doing, or to recover
<br /> damages or other dues for svch violation; for the grantor herein, its or their successors or
<br /> assigns, in addition to tne remedies provided by law, to re-enter any such lot or lots for any such
<br /> br�aeh of covenant, restriction or condition, and be seiz�ed of the former estate of sueh grantor�
<br /> sub�ject, however, to the lien of any lien created by such grantee, its successors or
<br /> assigns, to secure a debt here�fter contracted. �
<br /> 14. Inv�.lidating of any one of the covenants and restrictions by �judgement or court order
<br /> shall in no T�ris�e affect any of the other provisions , whi�n sh�.11 remain in full force and effect.
<br /> ��� � �,J..
<br /> Fi1ed for record the 26 day of April, 194� at 2 :00 o ' clock P.M. �
<br /> eg ster o ee s.
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> QUI T CLAI M DEED h
<br /> THI� INDENTURE, Made this 4th day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-six
<br /> between Marvin Friend and Ella Mae Friend, each in his and her o��n right and as husband and wife,
<br /> of the first nart, and Charles A. Moyer and Emma Moyer, of the second part, ��TITNE�SETH, that the
<br /> said parties of the firs'� part, in consideration of the sum of One Do11ax and other �valuable '
<br /> ' considerations to them duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released,
<br /> and quit-elaimed, and b�,- these presents do for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators,
<br /> remise, release and Porever quit-claim and convey unto the s�.id parties of the second part, and to
<br /> their heirs �nd assigns forever, all our right, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both
<br /> at l�.w and in eauity oP, and in particular an undivided one-half interest in Lot Eleven (11) ln
<br /> ?�legt Lawn, an addition to the city oP Grand Island, in Hall County, state of Nebr�,ska, as surveyed,
<br /> platted, a1d recorded,
<br /> Together with a11 and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE Ai�3D TO HOLD the above described premises unto the s�.id Charles A. Moyer and Emma Moyer,
<br /> their heir� and assigns; so th�,t neither the s�.id grantors, nor any nerson -in their, his or her,
<br /> name a.nd behalP, shal2 or will hereafter c�aim or demand any right or title to the said premises
<br /> or any part thereof, but tney and every one of them shall by �Cnese presents be exeluded a.nd Porever
<br /> barred.
<br /> IN ?;tITr1FSS ?��?E��'OF, t��e said paxties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals
<br /> the day and yea.r above written.
<br /> Marvin Friend
<br /> 3lgned, se�led and delivered in nresence of Ella ��ae Friend
<br /> Rose P. Dudek (Johnston)
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KA) On this �th d�.y of December, A. D. 19�I-6, before me, the ur�ciersi�;ned
<br /> ss. a Notary Publlc, dul.y commissioned and qualified for and residing
<br /> Hall County ) in said county, personally came Marvin Friend and Ella P�Iae Friend,
<br /> each i,n hi5 and her own rioht , �.nd as husband and wife, to me knnwn
<br /> to be .the identi cal ?�ersons whose names �re affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and
<br /> aeverally acknowledgecl the same to be their voluntary act and dee�..
<br /> 'Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> Rose P. Dudek(Johnston)
<br /> (SE�L) Notary Public.
<br /> My Commission expires the llth day of February, 1952. ����� �(
<br /> Filed for record the 29 day of April, 194� at 9:�5 0 ' elock A.M. ,�� ����-�-�-�
<br /> egi eter oP eec�a�
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-Q o-a-o-o-o-a-o-c-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> � CLA�M DEED h
<br /> That, the City of Grand Ialand, a municipal corporation, of the County oP Hall, and State of
<br /> Nebraska, for the consideratien of the sum of Three Hundred Five t�3o5) Dollars doe$ hereby Quit
<br /> Claim and convey unto Charles H. Justice oP the County of Ha31 and State of Nebraska, all its
<br /> right, title and interest of whatsoever nature, in and to the Pollowing described real estate,
<br /> sltuated in the County oY Hall and State oP Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Three (3) , Block Four (�+) Park Place an addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> IN t�tIT"1ESS WfiEREOF, the Grantor, the City of Grand Isl�nd, in Hall County, Nebr�.ska, has caused
<br /> these presents to be eigned by its Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk and has caused the
<br /> official �eal of said City to be hereunto affixed this the 26th day of April A. D. , 19��.
<br /> ness (SEAL) By B.J. Cunningham,Mayor
<br /> Marie Blain ATTEST: F. S. White, City Clerk.
<br /> ness
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) " On this 26th day of April, A.D. , 19�-�, before me the undersigned, a
<br /> SS Notary Public, duly commissioned and qu�,lified for and residing in
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL � said county, personally came B.J. Cunningham, Mayor, of the City of
<br /> Grand I�land, Nebraska, and Floyd S. White, City Clerk of said City
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persons �,uhose names are affixed to the abave instrument
<br /> as Mayor and City Clerk of the ar�,ntor, the City of Grand Island, and to me personally known to
<br /> be such officers of said City and they severally ackno?��lec�ged the execution of said instrument
<br /> to be their voluntary act and deed and the official act and deed on the part oP said City of
<br /> Grand Island.
<br /> Witnesa my ha.nd and Notarial Seal at Grand Is3and in County� the day and y�ar f�rst above
<br /> written. ( 3EAL) A. W. Larson
<br /> I My commission expires the 23d day of Dec. 19�+9. Notary Public. _
<br />'�,�, ,. - .
<br />� � . _ _ _ �
<br />