_ _ -----�,
<br /> F.
<br /> ��
<br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96 �
<br /> and to their heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And we hereby co��enant with the said Grantees that we hold said premises by good and perfeat t3tle;
<br /> that they have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey same; that they ar� free and clear � •
<br /> of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> And we covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever.
<br /> Signed this 19th day of April, A.D. , 19�8 JOHN CLAUSSEPd AND SOi�S, a Co-Partnership
<br /> .
<br /> In presence of B 'John Claus9�n
<br /> E. B. Francl (�) Albert Claussen
<br /> Geo_r�e Clauss�n �
<br /> � Earl Cl.aussen
<br /> HALL Ct�UNTY )SS' On thia 19th day of April, 19�8, before me, E. B. Francl, a Notary
<br /> Public within and for said County, peraonally came John Clauasen -- Albert Clauseen -- George Clauss�n
<br /> and Earl Claussen, to mE known to be the identical pergons whos� names are affixed to the above
<br /> instrument as grantors, and severally acknowledged the execution of the sa�ne to be their voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purposes therein expresged.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, S have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at Grand
<br /> Island, Nebr. on the date last above written.
<br /> My cammissic�n expires 1�/�/1952 (SEAL) E. B. Francl
<br /> My General Commisaion Expire� April 4, 1952 otary Public
<br /> #�SF�kF:co`i�?:;f:`e°,i�iE 2F#4f9`t�
<br /> "TO HAVE .AND TO HOLD the lots and blocks above described, together with all the tenementa,
<br /> hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto such (corporation) arid to its �ucceesors
<br /> and a�signs, forever, sub�ect to the obligations, conditions and restrictions herein expressed and
<br /> imx�osed on such grantee, its successors, asaigns, and on all parties and all per_�ons elaimin� under
<br />' i s d te and terminatin on January l, 2000 A.D. , and the grantee, by acceptance of thia
<br /> them fron thi a �
<br /> , �
<br /> conveyance, covenants as follows, which covenants are to run s,rith the land, to-wit .
<br /> l. There is hereby re�erved a perpetual ease�ent in, along, across, and upon that part of e ach
<br /> lot lying betvreen the rear lot line and line runnin� parallel therewith a distance of five feet
<br /> inside each such lot, f or the benefit of public utilities of any kind, including eleetric and
<br /> telephone lin�s, sanit�,ry sewers, water mains, and gas mains, and eonsisting of the right : to
<br /> erect electric and telephone poles, lines, and cablea, or to lay and bury cable linea and conduits;
<br /> to ins�all sa nitary sewers, gas and water mains and pipes be3�ow the surface thereof; �nd to main-
<br /> tain, operate, repair and remove the same in, along, across, and upon each such atrip of land.
<br /> Also �hat no trees or buildings be planted or constructed on said easement.
<br /> 2. All lots herein conveyed shall be known and described as residential Clasa A. lots exeept
<br /> 2-3-1�-5 in Block 1 which shall be Class B, residential lots, and no businesa, service, or profes�ion
<br /> wha,tsoever, shall be permitted to be maintained, operated or conducted in or upon such residential
<br /> lots, exeept when authorized by the City Counctl of Grand Island in the manner provid�d by law. 2
<br /> 3. No building or buildings, other than a singlE d�relling or duplex dwelling-houae , not exceed
<br /> two and one-half gtories in height, with �.ttached private garage, or w�.th detached private garage,
<br /> shall be erected, altered, �laced or vermitted to remain u�on any lot or lots. No private garage
<br /> building ahall have a capacity of more than two cars per single dwelling or more than one ear
<br /> f or each unit of a duplex dwelling, and no such nrlvate garage shall be erected or constructed upon
<br /> any lot or lots except as attached to a dwelling-house or �rhen a dwelling-house is theretofore
<br /> situated upon such lot or lots.
<br /> 1�. No sin�le, or duplex dwelling-house or gara�e or other building sha11 be built or be
<br /> permitted to be built nearer to any Iot line than is authorized by the la�Tful,ordinance oi'
<br /> ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebra�ka.
<br />' S. No single, or duplex dwel3ing-house shall be bui2t nearer than twenty feet to the front
<br />' lot line.
<br /> 6. No sin£�le dwe�ling �,rith a firat or ground floor area less than aix hundred square feet,
<br /> exelusive of on�-story open porch�s and garages, sha.11 be erected or plac�d upon any residential
<br /> 3.ot or lots. .
<br /> 7. No deplex dwelling-house with a first or ground floor area less than four hundred square
<br /> feet in eacr. unit thereof, exclusive of one-story o�en porches and garages, shall be erected or
<br /> :nl�.ced u�on any one regidentiai lot.
<br /> 8. No deplex dwelling-house with le�s than a full �athroom, or half b�t��raom for each uni'�,
<br /> which bathroom or half bathroom shall not be directly accessible to any o�her unit in such
<br /> duplex dwellin�, shall be erected or �la�ed upon any lot or lots. 3.
<br /> r 1 u d n exce t offiee
<br />� _e barn shack or othe kind of o d b il i
<br /> No old dwellin -house old ara , , , , g, P
<br /> 9• � � � �
<br /> and supply shed or sheds f'or and durin� construction, shall be placed u�on, or be permitted to be
<br /> placed upon, any lot or lots in such Addition, either tempor�.rily or permanently.
<br /> lp. No trai3er, basement, tent, struc�ure of' temporary charac�er, garage, or other out-building
<br /> shall at any time be used as a residence tempora�ily or �erma.nently.
<br /> ,
<br /> 11. No intoxicating liquor sha11 be sold, or perrnitted to be sold, in or about any dwelling-
<br /> house, busin�ss or other building within sueh subaivision. No noxious or offensive activity shall
<br /> be carried on or u��on any lot or lots, nor shall anything be done or permitted to be done thereon
<br /> wh��h may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
<br /> 12. Neither� the property herein conveyed, nor any lot thereof, nor any dwe3ling or building
<br /> °�`��
<br /> �,,; . -
<br />