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<br /> ."�[ �� -
<br /> � DEED R�CORD NO. 96
<br /> 32841-7NEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANU18LAND,NEBH,h �'
<br /> remove such building; that any building erected or placed on said �remises shall be j5 feet or
<br /> m�re from the street on which said nremises fronts; that no residence shall be erected on said
<br /> premises �t a cost of less than �2500.00, tha't sa.id premises shall not be sold, rented, or lear�ed,
<br /> to �ny peraon_ or persons other than nersons of tne wriite or C�.ucasion race; that no swine shall
<br /> be kept or maintained on said premises; sa_id premises are also conveyed sub,�ect to an easement of
<br /> Seven feet over the rear of said �remises which is dedic�ted for -�ublic utility vur�oses, and
<br /> restrictive agreements recorded September 4, Zg4o, Book "T" , Page 1£S7, Office of Hall County
<br />, Register of Deeds.
<br /> t m ts nd a �urt n n to th s m b" n i d
<br /> Tagether with all ttle tenem�an�s, heredi a en , a p� e a ces e a e �l� g ng, �,n all
<br /> of the estate, right, title, interest, cla.im and demand whatsoever, of said grantor, of, in and to
<br /> the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> "It bein� the intention of All parties hereto, that in tne event of the death of either of sai�
<br /> Grantees, tne entire Fee Simple Title to the Re�l Estate described herein shall vest in the
<br /> surviving Grantee. "
<br /> TO HAVE ATvD TO HOLD �he above described premises, �aith the a?�vurtenances, unto the sa.id Leslie R.
<br /> and Aldie E. Boroff a.nd to tneir heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> Ancl we hereby covena.nt ��aith the saic� Leslie R. a,nd Aldie E. Boroff tha.t we hold said premises
<br /> by good and perfect title; tl��t we have good right anc� la�aful aut�nority to sell and convey same;
<br /> th�t they �re fr�e and clea.r of alI liens and incumi�rances ��rhatsoever.
<br /> And t,re covenant to �aarrant a.nd defend th� said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> T,uhomsoever. �
<br /> Signed this 21st clay of Anril, A. D. , 19�-�
<br /> ( . R. tam�s ) � Emil G. Stolley
<br /> In r�resence of ( Cancelled ) Sophie Stolley
<br /> Herman F. Buckow
<br /> ST_AT�' OF �1EBRASKA) On this 21st da.y of A�ril A. D. 19�-�, before me a Notary Public, in
<br /> ss. ,�.nd for said County, personal2y c�.rne tn? above na_med Emil G. Stolley
<br /> County of HALL ) and Sophie Stolley, each in his and her own right, as husband and tr�ife,
<br /> who are personally knouan to m� to be the identical persons whose names are
<br /> affixed to trle a�ove instrument �s �rantors, �nd tiave ackno*srledg�d s�,id 3.nstrument to be their
<br /> voluz.tary act �,nd deed.
<br /> WIT�TE�S my hand and Notarial Sea1 tne date last aforesa.id.
<br /> Herman F. Buckow
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires on the 17 day of April A. D. 1950. ����ta� �
<br /> Filed for recard the 2� day of April, 194� at 11:15 o 'clock A.M. ��^-
<br /> egister of beeds.
<br /> O-O-p-O-O-O-O�O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-U-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�
<br /> QUIT CL�Z�i DEED h
<br /> Tha,t, the City of Grand Island, a mun��cinal cor�oration, of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,
<br /> f'or the consideration of the sum of One Hundred Forty (�140.00) Dollars does hereby Quit Claim and ^
<br /> convey unto E. B. Lockett, of the County of Hall a.nd State of ��ebraska, all its right, title and
<br /> interest of Tahatsoever n�ture, in and to the followin� described real estate, situa.ted in the County
<br /> of Hall and Sta,te of I�ebraska., to-*�rit :
<br /> Lots Four ( 4) a_nd FivP ( 5) , Bloc� Twelve (12) , Ev�n' � Ac�dition tc� the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> County,: Nebraska.
<br /> Tne Gra.ntor, the Ci�y of Gra.nd Isla.nd, shall not be required to furnish an Abst��ct of Title.
<br /> IN �^JITNESS �nIHFREc?F, tr�e Gra.ntor, the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska,, has
<br />, caused these nresents to be signed b,y its T-�ayor and attested to bs� the City Clerk a.nd has causecl the
<br /> official seal of said Cit to be hereunto affixed this the 20th d
<br /> y ay of April, A. D. 194�.
<br />' Mari e B1�in (CORP} C2 TY OF GRAY�ID ISLAND �
<br /> '�itness ( SEAL) BY: B. J. Cunningham Mayor
<br /> Marie Bla.in ATT�'ST: F. S. T�Thite
<br /> ? .��ne.ss City C1erk
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) On this 20th day of April, A. D. , Zg4�, before me the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> ss. Public, duly commissioned and aualified for and residing in �aid county,
<br /> COUT�rTY OF HALL ) ?�ersona.11y came, B. J. Cunningham, ��Iayor, of the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, a.nd Floyd S. '�thite, City Clerk of said City to me personally
<br /> known to be the identical nersons �nrhoae names �re a.ffixed to tY�e a.bove instrument as Mayor and
<br /> City Clerk of tne Gr�ntor, the City of Grand Island, and to me personally known to be such officers
<br /> of said City and they se verally �.cknowled�ed the execution df s�.�d instrument to be tneir voluntary �
<br /> act a,nd deed a.nd the official act and deed on the part of said City of Grand Island.
<br /> Uditness my hand a.nd Notarial Seal a:t Granc� Islanc�, in .said County, the day and year first above
<br /> wri�ten.
<br /> A. ��t. Larson
<br /> My commission exnirQS the _23rd day of Dec. 19�+9. C ��AL, Notary Public.
<br /> Ordinance No. 21�3
<br /> . An ordinance authorizing an d directing the sale of cert�in rea.l estate belonging to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the Manner in Tr�hicYi the same shall be sold and the terms of said
<br /> sale; �rovicling for tYie giving of notice of tne s�.Ie of s�id real esta.te and the terr�s tnereof; and,
<br /> ?�rovic�ing for t��,e ri����t to file a. remonstrance against � the sale t'riereof si�ned by legal electors o�'
<br /> the City of Gra.nd Islancl, Nebras':�a, eoual in number to thirty �er cent (30�d) of the electors of said
<br /> City, voting at t'r�e last regular municir�al election helc� in s�,id City. .
<br /> BE IT nF,DAI�2�'D B�j ^?�'_E ?�"A�OR AP�?D CIiY CC?UhTCIL nF T�:F CITY nF GRA�1D ISLAND, ?�1E�RASKA.
<br /> SECTION l. The sale and conveyance of the real estate hereinafter clescribed is hereby directed
<br /> and authorizec� to F. B. Lockett, of the City oP Grand Island, Nebra.ska.
<br /> The nropertt� c�irected �nd a.uthoriZed to be conve��ed is described as follows :
<br /> Lots Four ( ��) and Five ( 5) Block TTnielve (12) , Evan` s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall '
<br /> County, NPbraska.
<br />