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, <br /> ��� . <br /> � <br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 32841�TXEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND.NEBR. h <br /> STATE OF Nebr. ) On this 9th day of April, �.R�-�, before me, the undersigned, a Not�.ry Public <br /> ss. in and Por said County, personaTly c�.me J. H. Nitzel, Preaident of the <br /> Hall County � Nitzel & Com���tiny to me personally kno?�m to be the President �nd the identical <br /> person whose n�,me is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the <br /> execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer �nd the voluntary a.ct and deed of <br />° the said Nitzel & Co. , and that the Cor�orate seal of the Nitzel & Company taas thereto affixed <br /> by its aut�ority. <br />" Witness my hand �nd Nota.rial Seal at Grand Island, ?vebr. in said county the day and yea,r last <br /> above written. <br />� � E. B. F'rancl � <br /> ( SEAL) Notary P ic. i <br /> My �ene'r�.�, _�+amr.:�,s�ion �'�pires Apr. 4, 19 2. n (Jd ' <br /> F'iled Por record the 14 day of April, 19�� at 4:30 o ' �lock P.M. � V[-���-� � <br /> �egister o ee s. <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED h <br /> THIS INDE!dTURE, r�ade this 14th day of A�ril, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight, <br /> betTaeen Bessie G. Dietscn, Single of the first part, and Irene A. Worshen, Single of the second part, <br /> ��1ITI�?ESSETH, th t the said �arty of t��e first part, in consideration of the sum of Other consideration <br /> and One and No�100 DOLLAI?S, to her duly �aaid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has remised, <br /> released, and auit-claimed, and by these nresents does for herself her heirs, executors and admin- <br /> istrators, remise, release �.nd forever quit-claim �,nd convey unto the said p�,rty of tne second part, <br /> and to her heirs and a,�signs forever, all her right, title, interest, estate cl�,im and demand, both <br /> at law �nd in eauity, of, in and to all <br /> df Lot Four (�+) in Block Thirty (30) in Packer ancl B�.rr' s Second Additi�n to the City of Grand <br /> Island, Nebraska, as surveyed, �l�tted and r. ecorded. <br /> Together with all �.nd singula.r the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> Tp HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described �remisea unto the said Irene A. i�Torshen, her heirs <br /> and assigns; so that neither the Gra.r.�o�r , nor any person in her name and behalf, shall or will <br /> hereafter claim or demand any right or title to ttie said prernises or any part thereof, but they and <br /> every one of them sh�ll b,y these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN ?+TITI�IESS ��1HEREOF, the said part,y of the first pa,rt has hereunto set her hand and seal the <br /> day �nd ye�r above written. <br /> Bessie G. Dietsch <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in x�resence of ( .R. tamps ) <br /> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Cancelled ) <br /> STATE OF N.�braska) <br /> ss. On this 14th day of April, A. D. 19��, bePore me, the undersigned C. T. <br /> Hall County ) Flower a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in <br /> said county, personally came 8essie G. Dietsch, Single to me known to be <br /> the identical person �ahose n�rne is affixed to the for. egoing instrument as grantor and acknowled�ed <br /> the same to be her volunta,ry act �.nd deed. <br /> Witness my hand �nd Notarial Seal the day and ye�r last above ?rtmitten. <br /> C. T. Flower <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> My Commission exr�ires the �th day of September, 19�9. /������ <br /> Filed Por record the 15 day of April, 1��� at 3:45 0 � clock P. M. �/C � <br /> i � Reg s er o e`Leds: <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-�-�- �-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o- - - - _ - <br /> o-o o-o o-o-o o-�^ o 0 <br /> Q <br /> U I T C L A I P� D E E D h <br /> THIS INDE�TTURE, Made this 29th clay of A�ril, in the year one thousand nine hundred and itmrty-seven, <br /> between �HARLES E. TAYLOR & LELIA F. TAYLOR, husband and wife, of Grand I�land, Nebraska, pa,rties <br /> of the first r�art, and LL�YU E. CARR?'TH & LAL'RA 0. CARRUTH, as �oint tenant�, not ten�.nts in <br /> common, with the right of survivorship na.rties of the second part, TJITNESSETH, that the said parties <br /> of the first n�rt, in considera.t:_.on of the sum of One Doll�r.,and other valuable consideration to <br /> them duly n�id, the receint ���Yiereof is hereby ackno?aledged have remised, released, �.nd auit-claimed, <br /> and by these t�resents do for themselves, their heirs, executors �nd administrators, remise, release <br /> �nd forever c�uit-claim and convey unto the said pa.rties of the second part, and to their heirs �.nd <br /> assigns f'orever, all our right, title, interest, esta,te our claim �nd demand, both at law and in <br /> eq_uity� of, in and to �11 <br /> .Lot Four (4) , B1ock Sfxteen (16) ; Lots Eight ( �) and Nine (�) in Block Nine (9) in West View <br /> Addition to the City of Gr�nd Island, Nebraska. <br /> Together with all �.nd singular the heredita.ments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE ATTD TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said LLOYD E. CARRTJTH & LAURA 0. <br /> CARR??TH, as �joint tenants, not tenants in common, Taith the ri�ht of survivorship, their heirs and <br /> assigns; so that neither the sa id grantors, n�r any person in their name and behalf, shall <br /> or �aill hereafter claim or demanc� a,ny right or title t� the said premises or any ���rt thereof, but <br /> they and everyT one of them shall by these presents be exclucled and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESa T:�HrREOF, tne said parties of the first part have hereunto set their h�nds and seals <br /> the day And year above Tnrritten. <br /> Signed, sealed and d.ellvered in ,�resence of Charles E. Taylor <br /> B.J. Cunningham Lelia F. Taylor <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) On this 29th c�ay of April, A.D. 1947, before me, the unc�ersigned <br /> ss. B. J. Cunningham a Notary Public, duly cor�missioned �nd qualified <br /> HALL County ) for and residing in said county, personally came CHARLES E. TAYLOR & <br /> LvLIA F. TAYLOR, husband and wif e to me known to be the identical <br /> persons *�ahose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and acknowledged the <br /> to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> '�Jitness my hand and Notarial Seal the d�y and year last abo�re written. <br /> B.J. Cunnin�ham <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> My Commission exnires the 5th day of August, 19L{-7 <br /> Filed for record the 16 day of April, 19�-� a� 9:15 o ' clock A.M. ., ���� �� <br /> Register of ee s. <br />