<br />� DEED R�CORD NO. 96
<br /> S CZ N �7 �i l
<br /> publi hed at Gran Island, ebraska, for more t an 2 weeks successivel brior to tze first
<br /> � y
<br /> publication of the annexed nrinted notice, and is a legal newspaper under the status of the State
<br /> of Nebraska; tha,t the annexed ��rinted notice was �ublished in said newspaper f�r one time publication
<br /> being on ti�Tednesday the lOth day of March, 194�
<br /> G. A. Winter$.
<br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this llth day of March, 19�-�.
<br /> Marguerite E. Meyer
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public.
<br /> My commission exz�ires Ma,y 9, 194�
<br /> Fees, �10. 60
<br /> I, �'. 3. White, duly elected, au�.lified and acting City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 21�2 as passed by the
<br /> Mayor and City Council of Grand Island, Nebraska meeting in ad,journed session on the �th day of
<br /> March, 1942 �.nd �ublished in tk�e Grand Island Daily Independent, a x�aper of daily circulation in
<br /> said City, on the �th day oP ��arch, 194�.
<br /> IN WITNESS T�IHER�AF I set my hand �,nd affix the official seal of the above meiltioned City tYiis 7th
<br /> day of April, 19�F�.
<br /> ( CORP) . F. S. White
<br /> ( SEAL) Ci ty Cl erk
<br /> Filed for recorc� the 13 �a,y of April, 194� at 11:15 0 ' clock A.M. 1������-�L�
<br /> e�gister oP eed�.
<br /> O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-O-O-O-O-O-O-�-O-O-O-O-O-�O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-O-O-O-O--O-O-O-O-O--E)
<br /> SH ERIFF� S DEED h
<br /> T�-:AT, r+�IEREAS, in a,n action in the Distr3ct Court oP the Eleventh Judicial District of the
<br /> State of Nebraska, T�aithin and for the County of Hall, wherein County of Hall, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> a municipal corporation, is plaintiPf and Fred E. Bean , et aI. , are defendants, No. 1, Doc. 1, '
<br /> Page 1-10, the pla.intiff did on the lst day of December, 1947, obtain a decree finding there to be
<br /> due Prom the defendants for �ea�eral and special improvement taxes upon a Certificate oP Tax Sale
<br /> and subsequer�t taxes, in Cause of Act,..on, No. l, the sum of �154.�3, accruing interest and cos�s
<br /> of the suit, and, zahereas, it was then and there further ordered in the said action that in default
<br /> of the nayment of the sum so founr� due from the said defendants that the Sheriff of said County
<br /> of Hall should cause the lands and tenements herein�fter described to be advertised and sold aecording
<br /> to laU� to nay the same, and, ���hereas, default ha.ving been made therein, the sa.id Sheriff of said
<br /> County, under and hy virtue of the said decree and the order of sale to him duly directed, did, on
<br /> the 27th �ay of January, l9�-� at the North Front Door of t:�e Caurt House in the City of Grand Island
<br /> in s�id County oP Hall having Pirst given due and �e�al notice of the time and place of said sale
<br /> for not less than thirty days prior thereto in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal
<br /> newspaper, printed and in general circulation in said County of Hall, sell said premises at public
<br /> aucti�n to Simon J. Shada for the sum of Forty-two and No/100 Dollars, ( the total accrued costs of suit
<br /> and sa.le being �160. ��) , t�rriich sale was afterwards on the 3rd day of February, 19�+�, examined and
<br /> confirmed by the s�.id Court an�. the said Herber'� H. Hann as such Sheriff, ordered to convey the
<br /> said z�remises in fee simple to the said Simon J. Shada
<br /> NO��, THEREFORE, I, the s�id Sheriff of the County of Hall, �.s �,foresaid, in consideration of
<br /> the premises and by virtue of the power vested in me by law and the decree of said Court, do
<br /> hPreby give, grant, �nd convey to tne said Simon J. Shada his heirs and assigns, the premises so as
<br /> aforesaid sold, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Two�, (2) , in Block Thirty-eight (3£�) , in Russel tf+Theeler' s Addition to the Gity of Grand Island,
<br /> Ha�ll County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br /> with the appurtenances.
<br /> TO HAVE A?�?D TO HOLD THE SA?�E unto the said Simon J. Shada and his heirs and assl�gns forever.
<br /> Ird TESTIMONY '�1HFREOF, I ha.ve as such Sheriff hereunto s�� my hand this lOth da.y of February, 19�
<br /> Executed and delivered in the presence of - Herbert H. Hann
<br />' ti+l. A. �einer Sheriff oP Hall County,
<br /> Nebra.ska
<br /> STATE ��' NFBRA"KA) �
<br /> ss. Or� this lOth day of Februa.ry, 194�, before me, M. E. Mvses personally
<br /> County of Ha1.l ) appeared the said Herbert H. Hann, as sheriff of said County to me,
<br /> personally known to be the identical nerson who signed the f'oregoing
<br /> instrument as gr�:ntor, and aclsnowledged the same to be his volunt�,ry act and deed, as such sheriff,
<br /> for the uses �nd nur��oses therein set forth.
<br /> ?tirITNESS my hand and afficial seal the day and year above �rritten. �
<br /> � Ai�. E. Moses
<br /> Filed for record the 1.� da of A ri1. 1 4� at :l � k A � � V✓
<br /> Y p , 9 9 5 o c1Q c .M. ���d
<br /> egis er oP S'eeds:�
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