<br /> D D RD NO. 96
<br />, EE RECO
<br /> QUIT CLAITR DEED, etc.
<br /> That, the City oP Grand Island, a municipal corporation, of the County of Hall, and Sta�e of
<br />� Nebraska, for the consideration of the sum of Three Hundred Ten (�310.J0) Dollars does hereby
<br /> Quit Claim and convey unto the Grand Island Safe Deposit Company, of the County oP Hall and $tat�
<br />'I of Nebraska, all its right, title and interest of whatsoever nature, in and to the following
<br /> described•rea.l est�.te, situated in the County oF Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit ;
<br /> I Lots Fourteen (14) and Sixteen (16) , Block Twenty-four (24) , College Addition to I�dest Lawn an
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> IN ?+IITNk�SS taHER�'OF, The Grantor, the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, has caused
<br /> these nresents to be signed by its Mayor and attested to �y the City Clerk and 'nas caused the
<br /> official seal of said City to be hereunto affixed this the �th day of April, 19�+�.
<br /> Marie Blain (CORP) CITY OF GRAND I3LAND
<br /> �ltness — (SEAL) By: B. J. Cunn2ngham,Mayor
<br /> .
<br /> M ri B in TT ST. i
<br /> a e la A E F. S. Wh te, City
<br /> Clerk
<br /> I STATE OF NEBRASKA) On this �tn day of Anril, A. D. , 194�, before me the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> ss. Public, duly commissioned and qualified f'or and residing in said county,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) personally came B. J. Cunningham, Mayor, of the City of Grand Island,
<br /> I Nebraska, and Floyd 3. ��ihite, City Clerk of said City to me personally
<br /> known to be the identical persons ��rhose naznea are affixed to the above instrument �,s Mayor and
<br /> City Clerk of the Grantor, the City of Grand Island, and to me peraonally kno?an to be such officera
<br /> oP said City and they severally acknowledged tne execution of said inst�ument to be their
<br /> vol nt t d d
<br /> u ar ac an deed an the offieial act nd d d on the art of s id Cit f Gr nd I
<br /> y a ee p a ,y o a sland.
<br /> I
<br /> Witness my hand a,nd Notarial Seal at Grand Island in said County, the day and year first above
<br /> written.
<br /> A. W. Larson
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires the 23 day oP December, 19�9•
<br />'I Ordinance No. 21�2
<br /> An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terma oY
<br /> said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real esta�e and the terms thereoP•
<br /> , ,
<br /> and providin f or the Pilin of a r monstr nc inst th 1 th r si
<br /> , _ g g e a e aga e sa e e eof gned by legal electors
<br /> I of the Cit,y oY Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30�) of the electors of
<br /> said City voting at last regular Municipal election held in s�.id City.
<br /> SECTION 1. The sale and conveyance oP the real estate hereinafter described is hereby directed
<br /> and authorized to ttie Grand Island Safe Deposit Company of the City oP Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> T'rie x�roperty directed and authoriz�d to be eonveyed is described as �'ollows:
<br /> Lots Fourteen (14) and Sixteen (16) B1ock Twenty-four (2�+) , College Addition to West Lawn an Addition
<br />� to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebra.ska.
<br /> SECTIC'N 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows : The nurehaser,
<br /> the Grand Island Safe Deposit Cor�pany, agrees to �aay Three Tunc�red Ten (�3Z0) Dollars for the
<br /> within described real esta�e and has naid to the Cit Clerk of the Cit of Grand Island the sum f
<br /> Y Y o
<br />, Fifty (�50) Dollars �.s a down paymentf theref'ore, �.nd the balance of Two Hundred Sixty (�260) Dollars
<br /> will be paid in full upon the execution and delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to the �urchaser.
<br /> The City 8hall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title.
<br /> -
<br />,
<br /> SECTION 3, As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof sha.11 be �ubliahed for
<br /> three consecutive T�eeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper publiahed in and of
<br /> general circulaticn in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and
<br /> publication of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare �nd
<br /> publish �.aid notice. .
<br /> SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors af tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> to file a remonstrance a.gainst the sale Df the within described real estate; and iP a remonstrance
<br /> against such sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty pEr cen'� (30�)
<br /> of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held ir} s�.id City
<br /> be filed with the Mayor and City Council within thirty (30) days after the passage and nublicat�ion
<br /> of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold.
<br /> SECTION 5. The s�le of said real estate is here'�y directed, authoriZed and confirmed; and if no
<br /> remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk sha11 rnake, execute and deliver
<br /> to the Grand Island Safe Deposit Comnany, a Quit Claim Deed for said property and the execution of
<br /> said Deed is hereby authorizgd without further action on behalf of the City Council.
<br /> ti SECTION 6. This ordinance shall- be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval
<br /> a.nd publicat': on as provided by la�r.
<br /> ' Passed and approved th is �th day of Mar ch, 194�.
<br /> B. J. Cunningham,
<br /> ATTEST: Mayor
<br /> Floyd S. 1�Jhite, City Clerk. 10-1
<br /> ss, G. A. Winters being being first duly sworn on his oath, deposes and
<br /> HALL COUiVTY ) says that he is the General Manager of The Grand Island Independent
<br /> Publishing Company, of Grand Island, a corporation, publisher of
<br /> The Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper printed and nublished at Grand Island, in Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, and of general circulation in Hall County, � Nebraska, and as such oPficer has
<br /> charge of the records and files of said company, and affiant knows of his oT,un nerson�.l knowledge ,
<br /> that said newspaper has a bona fide circulation of more th�.n 500 copies of each isaue, has been
<br /> . .
<br />