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<br /> _A-.� .
<br /> D��D RECORD NO. 96 .
<br /> 32841-}NFAU6UffTINEC0.6RAN019LAN0,NEBR. � � �
<br /> /
<br /> as �j3int tenants, and not as tenants in common,and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assi�n� oP
<br /> th� aurnivor of them, Porever, and Norvin F'.Davi�s and Mary Ann Daeies,husband and wife, the grantors
<br /> named herein Por themselves and their heirs, executora, and administrators, do covenant with the
<br /> grantees named herein and with their assi�ns and with the heirs and assigns o�� the surnivor of
<br /> them, that they are lawPully seized of said premises; that they are free from ineumbrance,and that '
<br /> they the said grantors have good right and lawful authority to se11 the same,a�d that they will
<br /> and� their laeirs, executors and adminiatrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the �rantees
<br /> named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, for-
<br /> ever, aga�.nst the lawful claims of all persons whomsover.
<br /> IN WITNESS ��THE�EOF,we ahve here�anto set our hands thia �th day of Ma.rch,A. D. , 1g4�.
<br /> Irene E. Sasser -------------------- Norvin F.Davies
<br /> i ness (�1. 10 I.�. S�ampe � Ma,ry Ann Daviee
<br /> ( Cancelled
<br /> ss : On this � day of Ma.rch, A. D. 194�, before me, the undersigned Irene E.
<br /> County of Los Angeles � Sasser, a Notary Publie in a�d Pvr said County,personally came the
<br /> above named Norvin F.Davles and Mary Ann Davies,husband and wiYe,who
<br /> are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above
<br /> instrument as grantors, and they acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the date -last afores�,id.
<br /> Irene E.�aseer
<br /> P�ty commission expires on the 30 day of July, A.D. , 1951 ���) o ary ub c
<br /> Fi2ed for record this 5 d.a.y o� Apri1, 194�, at 11:�5 0 ' cloek A.M. �� .
<br /> � �/(«�a�!
<br /> �
<br /> eg ster o �"ee s
<br /> -o�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c>-
<br /> THAT we, Elsa 0. Persson and Ed�rard B. Persson, Wife and husband, each in her and in his �
<br /> own right and as t�ife and husband, of Hall County, and State of Nebraska, in conaider�,tion of the
<br /> sum of Three Hunc�red and twenty-five (�325.00) DOLLARS, in hand pa�d by Michael A. Sorahan and
<br /> Evalyn M. Sorahan, husband -t,tife, of Hall Gounty, and State of Nebraska, do hereb� grant, bargain,
<br /> se1�, convey, and confirm unto the said Michael A. Sorahan and Ev�.l.yn M. Sorahan, the f ollowing
<br /> described premises,� situated in the Cou nty of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit :
<br /> Lot _:Twenty (20) in Block r�B" in Park View �Subdivision of a part of the west half of the northUrest
<br /> quarter of Section 28, and tn.e east half ot' the northeast qudr�er of Section 29, both in Township
<br /> 11, North, Range 9 ��Tes� of the 6th P.M. , aa surveyed, platted, and recorded, sub3ect, howev'er,
<br /> to the f'ollowing conditians and restrictions, each a,nd all of which shall be and remain in full
<br /> force and effect, as covenants running with the land until the first day oP May, 1953, namely:
<br /> That said prPmises are sold foz' residential purposes on1.y; that no building shall be moved
<br /> onto said prem3_ses without the written consent of the Lots in the block where it is proposed to
<br /> remove such building; that any building erected or placed �n said premisea sha�l b� �� feet or
<br /> more fr��m the street on �rhich said premises fronts; that no residence shall be erected on said
<br /> premises at a cost of less than �2500.00, that said pr�miseq sha�l not be sold, rented, or leased,
<br /> to any person or �ersons other. than persons of the Urhite or Caucasion race; that no awine shall •
<br /> be kept or maintained on said premises; said premises �,re also conveyed sub�ject to an easement of
<br /> seven feet over the rear of said premises which is dedicated f or publie utility purposes, and
<br /> restrictive agreements recorded September �, 19�0, Book "T41 , Page 187, Office of Hall County
<br /> Register of Deeds.
<br /> Te�gether �Tith all the tenements, hereditU.ments, and apPurtenances to the same belonging, and
<br /> all of the est�.te, right, title, interest,claim and de�and tiahatsoever, of said grantor, of, in
<br /> and to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> uIt bein� the intention of all par�ies hereto, that in the event of the death of either of
<br /> s�.id Gr�.nt�es, the entire Fee Simple T3,tle to the Aeal Es�ate described herein shall vest in the
<br /> surviving Grantee. " . �
<br /> TO HAVE AI�iD TO HOLD the above described premises, t�ith �he appurtenanees, unto the said
<br /> Michael A, and Evalyn M. Sorahan and to their heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> Ana. we hereby covenant �rith the said Michael A, and Evelyn M. Sorahan that ure hold said premises
<br /> by good and perfect title; tYiat they have good right and lat,rf'ul autr�ority to sell anc� convey
<br /> sarle; thGt they are free and clear of all liena and incumbrances whatsoever. And we covenant to
<br /> warrant and defenc�. the said ?�remises against the lawful claims of a.11 persons whomsoever.
<br /> Signed this 17th day of October., A.D. , i9�7.
<br /> In �rea�nce of Elsa 0. Persson
<br /> Olen Cowgill 5�, I.R.Stam�s � Ed�rard B. Persson
<br /> Cancelled )
<br /> .
<br /> State of Nebrasl�a ) On this �.7th day of Detober, A.D. 19�'�, before me a Notary Public, in
<br /> H 1 ss' and for said Count ersonall came the above named Elsa 0, Persson
<br /> Count of al ) y, P Y
<br /> Y
<br /> - r nd nhs ownr ht swfe nd ubnd wo-
<br /> sb nd each in he a i i i a i a h a a h
<br /> and Edward B. Persson ti�rif e and hu a g ,
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> personally knot�rn to me to be the identical persons �Those nazne- are affixed to the above inatrument
<br /> , ,
<br /> s r ntors and trie acYnot�r�ed ed said instrtzment to be their voluntar'y act and deed.
<br /> a g � , Y �
<br /> I WITNr�SS my nand and Notarial Seal the date last af oresaid.
<br /> Olen Cowgill
<br /> • (SEAL) Notary Publie
<br /> My comr�ission expires on the 16th day of Max,A.D. 19.�0
<br /> F�1ed f or record this '�th day of April, 19�8, at 3:1s o� clock P.M. �. �
<br /> t•. Register of Deeds
<br /> o-a-�-o-o-c-a-o-o-��-��-a-o-o_;-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-c�-c-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-n-�-o-o-o-0-0-0-
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