<br /> DEE�D RECORD NO. 96
<br /> 92841-TNEAU6USTINEC0.6flANU18LAND,NEBR, .
<br />�
<br /> aCknowledged s��id instrument to be his vol�antary act ar�d deed.
<br /> !�ITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the d�te last aforesaid.
<br /> Jno. A. MeKenzie
<br /> (SEAL) Not�y Public.
<br /> My Commission expires on �he 17 day of Dec. A.D. 1�52. ��j
<br /> Filed for r�cord the 19 day of M�.rch, 1��+� at E�: 45 0 ' cloek A.?�. �J����°� ���
<br />' _ � Register of Deeds.
<br /> 4 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> Ti�ARRANTv DEFD-Cor�oratian h
<br /> THIS II�TDENTT�RE, ?�ade this 12th d�y of I�iarch A.L�. , 194� between J�?ITZEL AT�tD COMPA!V'Y, A CORPORATSON
<br /> a corn�ration or��nized a��d existing under �.nd by virtue of the l�.ws of the State of NEBRASKA
<br /> rart,y of the first nart, anc� LYLE E. KI�OTT of tcie County of HALL, and State of NEBRASKA, ��arty of
<br /> the sec�nd part, "�TTT"�ESSETH. That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of
<br /> the sum :of ONE pOLLAR A��1D OT�-i�'R VALUABLE CONSIDERA�-ONS DOLLARS in hand paid, recei�t 7ah.ereof is
<br /> hereby �.cknp?ale�.ged, has sold a.nd by these ��resents does �rant, convey and confirm unto the s��id
<br /> ��a.rty of thP secor.d t�art, tne following described �rer�ises, situated in HALL County, and State of
<br /> NEBRASKA, to-?�it :
<br /> TO H V Ar?D TO H�LD th r.ramises above described to�ether T��ith all the Tenements Her d t m t
<br /> A E e ., , ,� e i a en s and
<br /> ,
<br /> Ap�urtena.nces thereunto belon�ing unto the s�.id LYLE E. KNOTi
<br /> And the said DIITZEL A�dD COr�PANY, A CORPORA.TTOTJ for itself or its successors, does hereby
<br /> covenant and agree to a.r.d ��rith the said n�rty of the second ��a.rt and heirs and assigns, that at�' the
<br /> I time of' the exPCtu.ion and delivery of these nresents it is la,T�fully seized of said premises; tnat
<br /> it has �ood right �nd .la.wful authority to convey the same; thGt they are free from eneumbrance does
<br /> hereby covenant to tiaa.rrant and defend the sa,id premises against the la�aful claims of all perso�s- whamsoever.
<br /> I I�T �{1IT�JESS ?1THF�;FOF, t�le said l�?ITZEL AND CC�MPANY, A COP.PORATION has hereunto caused its eorpo`rate
<br /> seal to be �ffixed �,nd tr�ese ��resents to be signed by its PRESIDENT the day a.nd year first above
<br /> written.
<br /> ( CORP) Nitzel a.nd Company
<br /> I Signed, sea.led �nd delivered in nresence of ( SEAL) By J. H. Nitz�l, President
<br /> E. B. Francl ( . 0 I.R. StP�,mps �
<br /> (Cancelled ) -
<br /> '
<br /> BTATE OF Nebr)
<br /> ss. On this l�th da,y of March 19�-�, before me, the undersigned, a Notar�T Public
<br /> Hall County ) in and for s�.id County, x�ersonally came J. H. �ti�zel, President of the Nitzel
<br /> �nd Company to rre persona.11y kno�,un to be the President and the identical
<br /> nerson T��hose n�me is a.ffixed to the above conveya_nce, and a.cknc�wle�ged the execution thereof to be .
<br /> his volunta.ry act �,nc1. c�eed �s such officer �nc� trie volunta.ry act anc� deed of' the said Nitzel and
<br /> Comx�a.ny, a,n� that the Corpor�te sea.I of tne said Nitzel and Company was thereto �.ffixed by its
<br /> �.ut�ority.
<br /> Tditness r.:y h�nd and Not�rial Seal at Gra.nd Island, Nebr. in said county the day and year last
<br /> above written.
<br /> E. B. Francl
<br /> � SEAL) Notar Pub ic.
<br /> Y
<br /> M G n r _ E s �- �
<br /> y e e al Commisslon xnire Apr. , 1,52. -
<br /> Filed for record the 19 d�y of March, 19��� �t 3: �0 o 'cloc�C P.M. �-�-��-+-aC
<br /> � Register of Deed .
<br /> O-O-'0-0-0-4�-O-O-n-^-0-�^-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-C-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0 '
<br /> KNO�� ALL ?�EN BY mHESE PRESE."'TS:
<br /> ��':�TAT T�Te, Emil G. Stolley and Sophie Stolley, eac'r? in his �nd her oum right a.nd as husband
<br /> and �rifs of Hall County, and Stnte of Nebraska in consideratioLL� of trie sum of Three Hundred and '
<br /> Seventy five- - -I�?o/100 DOLT�ARS, in hand t�aid by Robert J. UTood and Bette J. '�lood, husband �nd wife,
<br /> of Ha.1.l Cour.ty, �,nd St�,te of ��Tebraska do hereby �rant, b�rgain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the
<br /> sa.id RobPrt J. and Bette J. Wood the folloT�ri::g described premises, si�uated in the County of Hall
<br /> and Sta,te af' ?�lebraska, to-uTit:
<br /> Lot Ten (10) , in Block "A'' , in Park View Subdivision of �, t�art of the west half of the northwest
<br /> quarter of Secticn 2�, and the east h�lf of the n�rtheast �uarter of Section 2�, both in Totanship 11 : ,
<br /> North, Ran�e 9 Jest of the �6th P. r4. , a,s surveyed, ��latt ed and recfirded, sub,j eet however, to the
<br /> folloU��in� conclitions and restrictions, each and all of wi�ic�i shall be and rPma,in in full force and
<br /> effect, as covenants runnin�� ��itL� trie land, until the fir�t day of r•2ay, Zg53, namely: That said
<br /> premises are sold for resider.tial ��urnoses only; t?�at no building sh�.11 be moved onto sa.id premises
<br /> without the ?lrritten consent of tne Lots in the block �.��here it is �aroposed to remove such building;
<br /> that any buildin� erected or �laced on said z�remises sha.11 be 35 feet or more from the street on whieh
<br /> said prem�ses fronts; tnat no residence shall be erected on s�id premises at a cost of less tnan
<br /> �:2500. 00, that said t�remises shall not be sold, rented, or leased, to any t�erson or persons other
<br /> tt�an nersona of i,he ?��ilite or Caucasion race; that no swine shall be ke?�t or maintaine� on said
<br /> premises; said 7�remises are also conveyed subject to an easement of 14� feet over the rear of said
<br /> t�remises ?ahic:l is dedic�ted far nublic utility purposes and restrictive a�reements recorcled September
<br /> �-, 1g40, Book "T" , P�,ge 1�7, Office of Hall County Register of Deeds.
<br /> Together ��Tith all the tenements, heredit�ments, and a��purtenances to trie s�me belonging, and .�
<br /> a.11 of the estate, ri�;ht, title, interest, clair� and demand �ahatsoever, of said grantor, of, in and
<br /> to the same, or �ny x�art thereof.
<br /> "It being tne intention of' �.11 parties hereto, that in tn.e ever.t of the dea,th of either of said
<br /> Grantees the entire Fee Simple Ti�1e tr� the Real Estate described herein sh�l� vest in the Surviving
<br /> Grantee. "
<br /> ,
<br /> TO HAVE Al�?D TO HOLD the above described ��remises, ��rith the anpurtenances, unto the sa.id Robert J.
<br /> and Bette J. ��ood ���d to tl�eir heirs arid assigns forever. And we hereby coven�.nt with the' said
<br /> Robert J. �nd Bette J. ?^lood tha.t T•re hold said bremi_ses bv ,�ood �nd verfect title; that we have �ood
<br /> ri�;ht anc� la.TM1rful �.ut�ori'�j� to sel.l a.nd convey same; that they are free �nd clear of �.11 liens and
<br /> incur_lbr��.�ces �������.troever. And we covenant to warrant and def�nc� the said ?�remises a�ainst the lawful
<br />