<br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96
<br /> 92841-THEAUGUSi1NEC0.6RANU13LAND,NEBR. .
<br /> of) , to be the ��ersons ���hose n�mes �,re subscribed to �he �aitnin Instrument, and acknaT�rledged to
<br /> me that they execu�ed the same.
<br />� IN '�iITi�?ESS t�1�-��'��EOF, I have hereunto set r�y ha.nd �nd a,f'fixed my official seal the day and year
<br />` in this certifica.te first a.bove T�mitten.
<br /> Natalie Shell
<br />� ( SEAL) Not�.ry Public in �nd for said
<br /> County and State.
<br /> ATy Commission Ex��ires Se?�t. 21 , 1947
<br /> Filed for record the 16 day of P�Zarch, 19�-� at 1:30 o ' clock P.M. ��-��� ���-�'�'
<br /> � Register of Deeds.
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-��-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br />, � � .
<br /> WARRANTY DEED -Corporation
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 26 day of February, A.D. , 19�8, between PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CO. ,
<br /> a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraeka, party
<br /> of the first part, and HERBER�' L. RUNGE and ALETHA C. RUNGE, husband and wife, as ,joint tenants,
<br /> and not as tenanta in common, each in his own right and as survivor of th� other, of tbe County
<br /> of Ha1I and State of Nebraska arties of the second part,
<br /> , , P
<br /> WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sw�n of
<br /> One llollar (�1.00) and other valuable considerations , in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby
<br /> acknoti,rledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm unto the . said par'�ies
<br /> of the second part, the following deseribed premises, situated in Ha1I County, and state of
<br /> Nebraska, to-wit :
<br /> All of Lot Three (3) , in Block Three (3) , Meves First Ad�.ition to the City of Grarxi
<br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AI�D TO HOLD the �remises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments
<br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said grantees, as JOINT 'PENANTS, and not as tenants
<br /> in comr�on, and to tYeir assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever,
<br /> And the said Pl�tte Valley Development Co. , a corporation, for itgelf or its succeasors, does
<br /> hereby covenant and agree to and �rith the said parties of �he second part and --- h�:lrs and assigns,
<br /> �hat at the time of �he execution and delivery of these presents it i� lawfully sei�ed of said
<br /> premises; that it has good right and lawfu� authority to convey the samE; �hat they are free from
<br /> encurnbrance, does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims
<br /> of all persons whomsoever. �
<br /> IN WZTNESS WIiEREOF, the said Platte Valley Development Co. , a cor�oration, has hereunto cauged
<br /> its corporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its President the day and year
<br /> fi^at above written. ( 11.00 I.R.Stam�s
<br /> . ( Cancelled ) (CORP) �L1�TTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of (SEAL) By D. H. Meves, Pres.
<br /> Frances Jones .
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA )ss. On this 26 day of February, 194�8, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> H A L L C O U N T Y ) Pu b l ic in an d for sa i d Coun ty, persona l ly came D. H. Meves, Pres i den t
<br /> of -the P2atte Val�ey Development Co. , a corporation, to me personally known to be the President
<br /> and the identical person whose name is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the
<br /> execution thereof' to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed
<br /> of' the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELO�MENZ' CO. , a corporat3on, and that the Cor�orate eeal of the gald
<br /> Platte Va11ey Development Co. , a corporation was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, in said county the day and year Iast
<br /> above written. �
<br /> (SEAL) F'rances Jones
<br /> My Commission expires the 17 day of March, i95a Notary Public
<br /> Filed for record this 17 day of March, 19�8, at �:SQ o' clock P.M. � ��i�� ��
<br /> � —�egister ofJ D ee ds—
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<br /> e
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 29th day of January, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Forty-
<br /> eight between Clarence Vath, husband of Carrie Sims Vath, of the first part, and Elmer C. Iverson
<br /> and LeVerna M. Iverson, his Urife, of the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETfi, that the said party of the first part, in consideratian of , the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to
<br /> me du�y paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released, and quit-elaimed,
<br /> and by these presents do for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and
<br /> f orever quit-clairn and convey unto the said parties of the second part, and to their heirs and
<br /> ascig��s f'orever, a11 my right, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both at Iaw and in equity,
<br /> of, in and to all
<br /> . Lot Five (5) in Block Seventy-five (75) in Wheeler and Hennett ' s Third Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Is�and �n Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Together �r�th all and singul�.r the heredita��nents thereunto belongin�;.
<br /> TO HAVE ARD TO HOLD the a�ove described �remises unt.o the said Elmer C. Iverson and LeVerna
<br /> M. iverson, their heirs and assigns; so that neither I the said grantor, or any pers�n in my name
<br /> and 'aehalf, shall or ��ill herea.fter claim or demana any ri�ht or title to the said premises or any
<br /> part thereof, but they and every one of them �ha3.Z by these presents be excluded and forever barred.
<br />� II� WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of th� first part has hereunto set his hand �,nd seal
<br /> t?�e da.y and y�ar al�ove �rritten. Clarence Vath
<br /> Signed, sea3ed and deTivered in presence of
<br />