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<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96
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<br /> WARRANTY DEEI? -Corporation
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this lOth day of March, A.D. , 19�8, between The Island Realty Gompany of
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, a corpmration arganized and existin}; under and by virtue of the laws of
<br /> the State of Nebraska, party of the first part, and Leroy E. Ray, of the County of HaII, and
<br /> State of Nebraska, party of the a�cond part,
<br /> �tITNEBSETH. Th��.t the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> One Dollar and other valuable presents ----DOLLARS, in h�.nd paid, rece3pt whereof is hereby
<br />' acknowledged, has sold ard by these presents do�s grant, convey and confirm unto the said
<br /> party of' the second part, the following described premises, situated in Ha11 County, and 3tate of
<br /> Nebrasl�a, to-wit:
<br /> All of
<br /> - Beginning.a;� a point on the south line of Anna Street in the City of Gr�nd Island, Nebraska,
<br /> where it in�ersects the east property line of the county road running approximately on the
<br /> north and south centerline of the S� NW4, Section 21, Township 11 North,Range 9 West, Ha11
<br /> County, Nebraska, running thence easterly along the south line of Anna Street 110 f eet; thence
<br /> south parallel with the east property line of said county road 1�0 feet; thence westerly parallel
<br /> to the south line of Anna Street 110 feet to the east property line of said county road; thence
<br /> north on said property line 1j0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.333 �.eres,more or
<br /> . i��,and a.11 lying in the SE� NW�, Seetion 21, Township 11 North,Ra.nge 9 West, Hall County,
<br /> N�braska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisea above de�cribed, together with a11 the Tenements, Hereditaments
<br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Lsroy E. Ray - � �
<br /> And the said The Islanc� Realty Company Por itaelf or its successors, do hereby covenant and
<br /> agree to and with the sa�.d party of �he second part and --- heirs and assigns, tha,t at the time of
<br /> � the execution and delivery of these presents l� is lawfully seized of said premises,
<br /> that i�G has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance
<br /> and The Island Rea,lty Company does hereby covenant to warra nt and defend the said premises against
<br /> . the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> IN WITNESS i��IEREOF, the said The Island Realty Company has here��nto caused its corporate seal
<br /> to be affixed and these presents to be aigned by its president and secretary the day and year
<br /> f irst above written.
<br /> Signed, sealed and de�.ivered in pr�senee of (CORP) THE ISLAND REALTY COMPANY
<br /> Vera E. Newman ) Both (SEAL) By L. E. Ray, President
<br /> Glen W. A�mquist ) Si�natures By Fred B. Winter, Secretary
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 12th day of March, 191�8, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> HALL COUNTY ��s' Public in and for said County, personally �ame Leroy E. Ray and Fred
<br /> B. Winter, President and Secretary of The Ig3and Realty Compar�y to me person a l ly knoYrn to be
<br /> the President & Secretary and the- ident9.ca1 persona whose names are aff'ixed to the above convey-
<br /> ance, and ackno��tledged the exeeution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed as such officers
<br /> and the voluntary act and deed of the said The island Realty Company and that the Corporate seal
<br /> of the said �he Island R�a1ty Company wa� thereto affixed by its authority.
<br /> �Titness �ny hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, Nebr. in said county the day and year last
<br /> above written.
<br /> (SEAL) Vera E. Newman
<br /> My Commission expires the 5th day of July, 1953• ffio�ary Public
<br /> F�led for record this 15 da of March 19�8, at 2:15 o' clock P.M. .
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<br /> � �egister of Deeds
<br /> '�1�R1�.Ai1TY DEED�-�-� h-��0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-D-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> THIS II�DENTURE, made the llth day oP May, 1946 Between Gladys P. Howard a.nd Ernest . J. Howard, Harry
<br /> D. Behr and Barbara L. Behr, John H. Behr and Ravena Beverly Behr the parties of the first part,
<br /> and Leo F. Thelen, the x�arty of the second part
<br /> '�ITNESSETH: That the said. parties of tne first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars, lawful money of tne United Sta.tes of America, to them in hand
<br /> p�.id by the said party of the seconc� nart, the receipt whereof is hereby acknotaledged, do by these
<br /> presents, �rant, bargain, sell, convey �nd confirm, unt� tne said n�rty of the second part, and to
<br /> his heirs a_nd assigns forever, all th-- certain lot---, piece---or ���.rcel---of land situate, lying
<br /> and being in the Count�,= of Hall, and State of Ne'oraska and bounded and varticularly described as
<br /> follows, to-wit :
<br /> An undivided one-nalf interest in, The South East quarter of Section Twelve (12� ToUmship Eleven (11)
<br /> Nortn Ran�e T�,relve (12) '�est 6th PrinciUal ���eridian containing One hundred Sixty acres more or less
<br /> according to �overnment sur vey thereof.
<br /> TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and �pi�urtenances thereunto belonging
<br /> or in �ny?aise a�nertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues,
<br /> and �rof'its thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AtiTD TO HOLD, the same to the said Leo F. Thelen and 'nis heirs a.nd assigns forever;
<br /> and tae said first n�rties do hereby covenant with the said Gra.ntee and 'nis legal re?�resentatives
<br /> - ,
<br /> that the said real estate is free from all incumbrances; th�,t u�e have �ood ri •ht and lawful
<br /> t., �
<br /> authorityr to sell the same to the said Leo F. Thelen; and t�la.t they T�Till, and their heirs, executors,
<br /> �.nd administr�tors shall WARRAi�TT Ar�1D DEFEI�JD the title to rsaid nremises aga.inst the �just �nd lawful .
<br /> elaims �nd demanc�s of all �ersons T�rhomsoever.
<br /> , IN rJI�'NESS ��?�?EREOF, tne said l�� ties of the first �art have hereunto set tneir hands and seals
<br /> the day and year fir5t above T�vritten.
<br /> Glad.ys P. Howaxd ' Ernest J. Howard
<br /> 5•50 I.R.Staxnps) Harry D. Behr Barbara L. Behr
<br /> ( Gancelled ) Ravena Beverly Behr John H. Behr ;
<br /> �TATE OF California )
<br /> ss. On This l4th day of May A. D. , 1946, before me, NATALIE SHELL
<br /> County of Los Angeles) a Notary Public in �.nd for said County and 5tate, ?�ersonally
<br /> appeared GLADYS P. HO'��ARD, ER'�'EST J. �:OT�'ARD, HARRY D. BEHR AND �
<br /> BARBARA L. BEHR, JOHN H. BEHR and RAVE:�1A BEVERLY BEHR, knocan to me, ( or'proved to me on the oath .
<br /> r
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