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� ------.�..--�- - , <br />� <br /> � <br /> � I <br />; DEED RECOI�.D NO. 96 ,� <br /> . � <br /> �; <br /> 32641-THEAUGIISTINECO.GRANOISIAND,NEBR. . . � � <br />' TO HAVE A?�?D TO HOLD �aic� bremises, together with all the tenement.s, heredita.ments, and '; <br /> apx�urtenances therFUnto belonging unto the said �rantees, as ,joint tenants and not a.s tenants 'in <br /> common, a.nd to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them forever. <br /> Signed this �-th c�.y of M�rch, A. D. , 194� �.t Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska. � <br /> ( l. I. R. S amps ) Ernest T. Lindgren <br /> ( Cancelled ) Administrator of the Estate <br /> of Gustaf Ehlers, Deceased � <br /> State of Nebraska) , <br /> ss. On this �th c�ay of March, A. D. , 194�, before me, the undersigneci, a <br /> Hall County ) Notary Public in far said_ county, personally came Ernest T. Lindgren, <br /> Administrator of tiie estate of Gustaf Ehlers, �eceased, bersonally kno�an <br /> to me to be the identical ��e.rson T,�rho execute�. the fo�egoing d�ed in my presence and acknowledged <br /> the same to be his volunt�.r,y act �r.d deed as such ac'iministratbr for the nurboses therein exbressed. <br /> �hIITnTE�S my hancl. anc� notarial seal the c?a.te last aforesaid. <br /> . Donald H. Weaver <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> My commission exx�ires December 1, 1�51. ����� � <br /> Filed for record the 10 clay of March, 191�� at 3: 30 o ' clock P.N!. <br /> ` � egis er of eeds�� <br /> O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-^-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-�0-0^0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> e <br /> REFEREE�S DEED � <br /> KNO��T ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENTB: that whereas in an action in partition pending in the District <br /> Court of Hall C.nunty, Nebraska, wherein Ella Wiese, is plaintiff and Hilda Iar�s, Bryan Iams, Glenn <br /> Fitchhorn, Blanche Fitchhorn, Mildred Seott, Quin Scott, Hernice Burmood, Harley Burmood, Viola <br /> Maddox, Kenneth L. Maddox, Althea Lee, Ervin Lee, Ben�amin T aylor, Ferrol Taylor, Dorothy Taylor, <br /> Mar�orie Smit�, Robert Smith, Marilyn MeNurlin, Arnold McNurlin, Howard Wiese, Opal Taylor, Ela.ine <br /> Taylor, a minor, and Hoti�ard Wiese, administrator of the estate of Tina McGuire, Deceased, Dema <br /> Taylor, are defendants, being case number 11007, for the partition of the premises hereinafter <br /> described, the undersigned Referee appointed by said C�urt to make partition of said real estate, <br /> made rex�ort in writing, duly signed, setting forth �hat partition of said lands canno� be had <br /> without great pre,judice to the o��nera thereof, which report was duly examined by the Court and - <br /> the Court being satisfied therewith, confirmed the same, and thereupon made and caused to be <br />� entered an order directing me as such Referee to sell said premises on the follo�9ing terms ta-�it : <br /> for cash to the highest and best bidder, at puUlic auction, on the premises, in the City of <br /> Grand Island, in Hall County and State of Nebraska, on the 16th day of February 19�8, at the hour <br /> of 1:30 0� clock in the afternoon of such day, as upon execution. The terma of the sale shall be <br /> 15� cash at the time of the sale a rxi th� balance upon confirmation. <br /> And in pursuance of said order, I caused a notice to be published in the Grand Is�.and Independent, <br /> �, legal newspaper printed, published, and in general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, that <br /> I Vrould offer said lands for sale for cash to the highest and best bidder, at �ublic auction, on <br /> the premises, in the City of Grand Island, in Ha7.l County, and State of Nebraska, on the 16th day <br /> of Februa_ry, 19U�8, at the hour of 1:30 o� clock in the afternoon of such day, such sale to be kept <br /> open one hour, and after publication of said notice for a peri.od of more than thirty days, in the <br /> manner provided by law, at the time and place stated in said no�ice, I offered said lands f'or <br /> sale at public auction to the highest and best bidder and after keeping said sale open for one <br /> hour, I sold the <br /> Northerly seventy two (72 feet) feet of Lot Five (5) in Block �ifteen (15) in Charles <br /> Wa,smer' s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrastiia, to <br /> F. H. Rockwell and Esther Rockwell, hu9band and Vrife, as ,joint tenants and not as tenants in <br /> cc�mmon, for the sum of .�100�0.00 thPy being the highest and b��t bidders therefor. <br /> And the Court, havin� e�onfirmed the sal� arzd all of the proceedings thereunder on the 27th <br /> day of February, 19�8, and as a part of said confirmation, having directed me as such Referee, <br /> to conJey said lands by deed in fee simple to the purchasers thereof upon the �ayment of' the <br /> �urchase price in full , <br /> NO'�T, THEREFORE, I, Ray M. Higgins, Referee herein, in Consideration of the �?remises and the . <br /> sum of Ten Thousand Fif'ty Dollars so bid and paid by F. B. Rocks�aell and Esther Rockwell, husband <br /> and tiTife, and by vzrtue of the �owers vested in me by la�r, do by these preaents, grant, sell and <br /> convey unto the said F. B. Rockwell and Esther Rock�ell, husband and wife, as �oint tenants and <br /> not as tenants in comr�o�, the f'ollo�rzng describ�d rea,l e�tatP to wit : <br /> The Nort'rlerly Seventy Two (72) f eet of Lot Five (5) in Block Fif teen (1.�) in Cha,r3es Wa$mer� s <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska., as surveyed, platted and recarded, trrith all <br /> appurtenances thereunto belonging, <br /> to have and �o hold unto said grantees and tn their heirs and assigns forever. It being the <br /> intention of ai..l partiea hereto, that in the event of the death of one of said grantees, the <br /> entire fee simple title to said re�,l estate, shal�_ vest in the surviving �rantee, <br /> � IN WITNESS ��HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of March, 19�8. <br /> IN THE �RESENCE OF: 11.�5 I.R.Stamps) Ray M. Hi��ins <br /> Louis A. Holme,s ( Cancelled � REFEREE <br /> State of Nebraska <br /> County of Hall )SS' On this 8th day of March, 19�f3, before me the undersigned, a notary. public <br /> in and for saic� state and County, personally appeared, Ray M. H3.ggins, Referee in the case referred <br /> to in sa�d deed, who is personally kno�Jn to me to be the identica.I person, whose s3.gnature is <br /> af'fi�ed to the f oregcin� instrument as Referee, and he acknot�ledged the same �o �e his volun�ary <br /> act and deed as such Referee for the purposes therein e�ressed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notari�.l Seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the day and year last above <br /> written. <br /> Louis A. Holmes <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commission Exnires Sept. 2�, 195Z <br /> Filed f'or record this l0 day o�' March, 19�8, at 4�:00 0' cl�ck P.M. . � <br /> C``- Register of D�s <br /> 0-0-Q-0-0-C-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�`-C-C-0-0-C-C-C-0-0-0-0-0-G-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br />