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<br /> - G.ASSIGMI�N'i'OF LEASES. Upon Lendea's request,Borrower shaall assign tn Lender all le�ases of the � �
<br /> s ll
<br /> .:.,
<br /> Properry and all security aeposits made in cannecdon with leases of the Property.Upon the assignment,Lender _ � , -
<br /> • ; shall hava the rigbt tn modify.extcAd or te�mimate the existing[eases aad to execute ne�r teasss.in I.ender's sola •.. �, .-- -.-- --• -_�.-_._•_ ..
<br /> f dis�xetion As used in this puagraph G.the word"lease"shaU mean"sublease" if the Sec�uity Instrument is on a
<br /> leasehold. • � -
<br />. • Borrower absolutely and uncondirionally assigns aad o�LSfas to Lendea all the cents and revenaes("Reats'�of the ,_ . .s,-
<br /> . A'opertY,rega�ess of to whom the Reuts of the Piroperty are payable. Bormaer aut�orizes l.ender or Lender,s �'•. ;.. . . .':, •
<br /> `> ag�ts to oollect the R�ts,an d agcees t h a t e a c h t�ant o f t he P�o p e r t y s h a ll�a y t h e R e u t s t o L e a d e r a r L e a d e r,s � :_.�-
<br /> ' < ageats.Hawever.B�orrower shall�eceive the Rents nntil(�I.c,nder has give�n Borrower norioe of defa�ilt pntsuant to . . � ___
<br /> • Patagtaph 21 of fhe Saauity lnstrument and(n7 Lemd�has give,n notice tn the tenant(s)that the Reuts are to be � � . �
<br /> : paid to Le�dea or Leader's agea►t This assignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and aot an I .°- '� • �.� �
<br /> ' '; assiSnmeat for additional security only. f . . �`°'''' �
<br /> %� �.�,.
<br /> _ If Lender gives notice of tsreach to Boaow�:(�all Rea►ts received by Bosmwea sUa�P 1�I�eld by Bonower as . � �
<br /> austee€�the benefn of Leadea only,to be apptied w the sums sesarad by the Secucity Ins�unenx(n�Leudei shall • : . �;�� -_
<br /> be eatrt�ed to coitect and receive aU of the Re�s af the Pmperty; (ii�7 Bv�Owea agr�es thai eash tra�aat of the ;;;�;F`J.,:,�� ;:.• �: -'' -_�;-
<br /> � pmperty st�all pay all Re�ts dne and anpaid to B�ea o3 Lendar's agents upon I,.eaider's wntie�demand w the y`�`:��;•�'. .�� _,�^'^'a�-•.
<br /> �fi f�)��aPPlicabie taw provides oth�,aII R�5 collected b Lender or Lendar's ents shall be ?'''.•_, !r-"''' it r.ti•: =.,�a
<br /> Y � t,:�tj�,';.1.`lr;„�, �.,
<br /> .~t :
<br /> applied firsi w the wsts of taking conirol of and maaa�ng tti�I�capedty and coIIe�ing the L��ts.inctuding,but not �y,;��;' r �;�; . ��''''=
<br /> limited�o,aitnme s'fees,receiver's fees,premiums Qn n�ua.'s bonds,repanr and ma;*�r,.��,cp costs,insmrance ��%��r ;.`>;� �'� `.s
<br /> ��.� preminms. �axes,assessmeuts and ather charges en de F�tc�ty, and then to the sums s�cared by the Security �'.;��`: . �.:,��'''s"� ..;; ': ;-
<br /> �.b �/}�- .'.S: y' .
<br /> '► �ted receiver shall 6e liable to account for mily those ' • '. `�`
<br /> lnstrumea►fi(v)Leadea,T.ender's ageuts or anY���:Y agpo '°r 4�;, �;'':��
<br /> � ,Y.c
<br /> Rents actually received;and(v��Lender s6all be��::.�ed t�a I�ve a receiver appainted on cxke pnssession of and ,, ....}��;�� �t ��{{ .•r'=
<br />. �e ths Prapesty�d collect the Re.nts������f�m ths Pmperty witho:.�any showing as to the , � �It� �j�,���;'` � F=r
<br /> � r,Y'f�4'j`�ly.t�l.?��Y :
<br /> inad�.�acy of the Aoperty as seaprity. ',,;,�`s� 'Yfi;�,s��`' •�+,,'.:
<br /> r �f/_:
<br />� If the Rea�ts of the Property are not su��t ro cover the custv of M�,�rnng cantrol of and managing the '';�� > ,:�?;.�y'y,,'�;`„< «�:=
<br /> Pmpeaty and of coitecoing the R�ts any funds eapended by Lender for sacf��ns�ceses shall become indeb2edness of �'k,•_-• ,,�';-;._``_::
<br /> ''is�•
<br /> Bor�u�.�m I.endea sec�ued by the Security Tnsuument piasuant w Unifoan�c�enant 7. f `..�1���i -
<br /> ' �� >.�?. ,�,. •; �
<br /> I�o�+awer represeats and w�ra.-xs that Bormwer ha9 nua eaecuted any prior assigr.��t of the Rents and 6as ''O�'�"" `•'
<br /> .+�: �:i��:: : .--
<br /> uot aa�wn�l nos perfmm any act t�a:would grevenc Lender fsw�ex�cis�g its rights und�c�vs pa�agzaph. r. .;••.� ���, . .
<br /> oi
<br /> Leader,or i.eada's agents or a judiaally appolnted receir-ra,sbaII not be required to enter upon,taYe coatrol _ �':r .
<br /> of or mauitaui the Pmpeaty befare or after giving nodce of default m Borrower.Howeve�,Lend�,or Leaidea's ' ' _
<br /> ageats ar a judicialIy sppointed receive�r,may do so at any time when a default accros.Any applicasion of Rentv �
<br /> �:. shaEIl�at eure or araive any defaalt or invalidate any oWer right ar semedy of Lender.Zlus assignme�t of Rents of �r ; ., �•;,..=; �
<br /> �,�'����� the L�tn�zrty shall telminate when all the sums secured by the Sscurity lnstrument ffie paid'm full. -
<br /> •.��.,.�-_
<br /> ' II.CItOSS-DEP'AULT PROVISION. Borrower's dafauit or breach und� aay note or agreement � _ --•�'='_
<br /> ;`;:,:.
<br /> � whic�I�adea has an interest shall be a�reach under the Secinrity Ins��ment and Lender may invoke any of We ,;.P{{-. I - ...""�.,`.
<br /> tem�s pprmitted by dte Sectuily inatn�me.r�t ``.
<br /> ��'SIt3N3NG BflLUW,Bormwc�r accept�and agrees w the teims and provisions contamed in this 1-4 FamiJy -,,.�_
<br /> •4
<br /> :,� Ri�f. . --_ ';�,1 �
<br /> . ' : ��,'���UJ `jez�.�C(���ie/�f%�i�G'!if/'�/($C.'l�� � 4�� 1C. 1.t 1 ,�$C81� ' � —°— -
<br /> 'PHOMAS F WALTEMATH -Harrawer CRETA R WALTEMI►TH -Horrowet •
<br /> .i
<br /> (S� �S� ' - _ •
<br /> . . -Bortoaer -Honower .`' . .
<br /> �:�:(' ,��T1..
<br /> ;�f.,:�r1.•e7,�.._._ :t.,^-z.� .
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<br /> • .:a`li:•Y,, ��'�,'r.,'.;<
<br /> �j •57 �o3oa�.o� Paga 2 G a Form 5170 9J99 � .�:,;.�i��:+..,.�,�
<br /> . .. • ::i.y�„a*� �'
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