I � �� �
<br /> D�,ED RECORD No. 95, HAL�L COUNTY
<br /> 52218—The Auguatine Co., Grsnd Island, Nebr. '
<br /> Hall County, sa
<br /> Albert Claussen & wf. .
<br /> I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical I dex,
<br /> TO and filed for record this 13 day of 0 Ct� 19�� ,
<br /> at � o'clock P.M.
<br /> gis er of Dee .
<br /> The I�land Supply Go. - (� ��� Deputy.
<br /> . Fees, $],•35 �� �;
<br /> �rt�a�vr ,�1� ��ert br� c��r�e��e �r��,��n#�:
<br /> THAT ALBERT CLAUSSEN AND SIMONA CLAUSSEN, husband and wife, and- each in his and her own
<br /> right
<br /> of H�+L County, and State of NEHRASKA
<br /> in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER VALUABLL+" CONSIDEftATION DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid by THE ISLAND SUPPLY C0. .
<br /> of HALL County, and State of NEBRASKA do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey,
<br /> and conPirm unto the said THE ISLAND SUPPLY C�. the Pollowing described premisea situated in the
<br /> County of HAI;L �,nd State of NEBRASKA �o-wit: A lot, pareel and tra,ct of land si�uated in Hall
<br /> County and Btate of Nebraska descrlbed as: ,��,1 of Fractional Lot S3x (6) in Fractional B1ock
<br /> y- � p � e aity oP arand Island, Nebraska, and a part of
<br /> Thir'� niz�e 39 in Ch�;rles Waamer a Additian to �h
<br /> Fractionai Block Twelne (12) in Windol h � Addi'�iori �to the clty oP Grand Island, Nebraska,which
<br /> taken to�ether is more partic l 1 deseribed a� followa: eommeneing at the svutheast corner o�
<br /> said Fractional Block Twelve �1� �n Windolph� s Addition 'to the city oP Grand Island' - N�braska;
<br /> running thence nvrtherly along a�Q. upon the easterly bounc�ary line of said �'raetiona�. block for a
<br /> distance of one hundred forty (140) t'eet; running thenae westerly, parallel wi�h the southerly
<br /> boundary line of said Fractional Block Twelve (12) for a� d�.s'Ganee of two hundred gixty_�our (264)
<br /> feet• runnin thenee southerl arallel with the easterly boundax line of said Fraational Block
<br /> , g , Y� P Y
<br /> Twelve (12) for a distance of one hundred forty (140) Peet to the southweeterly corner ot' said
<br /> Fractional Block Twelve (12) ; running thence easterly, along and upon the eoutherl boundary 11ne
<br /> of said Fractional Block Twelve (1.2) for a diatance of two hundred sixty-Pour (264�feet, to �he plaae
<br /> of beg�nning, as surveyed, platted, and recorded.
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Titte, Interest, Claim, or
<br /> Demand whatsoever; including Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said GRAN'1'OR,►�
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. � ' • • amPB�
<br /> (Cancelled )
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said THE ISLAND SUPPLY C0.
<br /> and to their
<br /> heirs and assigns forever. And y�g hereby covenant with the said grgllte@
<br /> that hold � said remises b ood n
<br /> P
<br /> Yg
<br /> ad
<br /> perfect title; that y�� ha yg good right ancl lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of
<br /> all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> And yJg covenant to warrant and defend the said �remises against the 2awful claims of atl persons whomsoever.
<br /> SIGNED this 12 th y day of - 0 CTO BER A. D., 19 4S�
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF Albert Claussen
<br /> Simona Claussen
<br /> J. H. Nitzel
<br /> ss.
<br /> HAj,j, County, On this 12th day of October , 19 48`
<br /> before me, �j'. H. Ni t z el � a NO�a.z'y Pub11 C within and for said
<br /> County, personally came ALBERT CLAUSSEN AND 5IMONA CLAUSSETd� husba,Ild alld w1Pe, arid eaeh in hia and her
<br /> own right
<br /> to me known to be the identical person g whose name g affixed to the above instrument as grantor g and severally
<br /> acknowledged the execution of the same to he �he1r voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal, at
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> �s�) J. H. Nitzel
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires Dee. 26� 1.9cj1 -
<br />