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____ . <br /> . ... . . • _ _ <br /> >t.- -:,._.. � � ._._.�_.,... ..`. ' - - - - ..---,. �_._�.:�'� .. '.__ . .. :. . . � _� . - . . __ ....�___ ,. ;�.._ <br /> ' ,, — <br /> � ��0���+� . . f � ,' � <br /> t <br /> �� `Proceeds')in oonnectton wiih condemRation or o4har takirtg ot tha PropaRy or paR Mereof,or for oonveyance in Iiau of condemnation. _ . { _ <br />-�-j �nier siisii�anti"uei3 at�w c,y�'on t�ur��r►ei�.a�,eai t���prasa�,ta 6n�c,wr► r�rne ary acti�an as�.&;�d at�i�o - _ . = '`t, i� <br /> `� 1 be entitted to make any comprvmise or se4tlement fn oonnecUan vrith such taking or the event any po�lon ot tAe Property is ; .•_ _: <br /> { so taken or d�rr►agsd, lontf�r shall hava the opton in its soie and absolute discreSan,to ag�ly alt such proceeds. sfter deduccing <br /> � thoreiram a!I costs and expenses Incurred by it in oonnectlon with such Proceeds,upon any indebtedness secawd hereby and�n sucfi � . x_- <br /> order as Lender may determine.or to apply a!I auch Pro�ods,after scch ded�ctlans,to tha restoraUon of the Property upon susf�oort- �� � ' ` _ � <br /> `'_,j tGtions as Lender may determtne.My aFpGcatton of Proceads to indebtedness shali not extend or pastpons the Que date of ar�y pay- ` : �� � � � <br /> ., , menb under the Note,or cura any defauft theraunder or hereunder.My unappliad funds shaU be pald to Trustor. � <br /> , � 8.Paetortnance by I.�ndar.Upon Ma aocurrence of an Event ot Oetault hereundar,or if any aci is taken or{sgal proceedirtg . • � - <br /> ; commenced whieh matedalty affects Lendara intQrest in the PropeRy,Lender may in its a•Nn discKetion,bui without obligation to do so. , . . ` � <br /> � snd without notioe Lo or demand upon Tnistor and rrithout releasing Trustor Erom any ot� any aat which Trusror�as agreed : <br /> -_ i but failed to do and may also do any other act it deems ne�ssary to protact the security hereof.Trustor shall,imrtra�iiateiy upon ' �� • <br /> _ .� demand ti�erefcr by Lender,pay to Lendsr att cos9s and expenses incurred and surr�s expandad by Lender in connection witi�t�e exer- - --. - - -: <br /> • cise by Lender ot the faregoing rights,togather with interest thereon at tha detauli rats provided in the Note,wfilch shall be added Yo <br /> . the indebfedness secured heroby.Lender shall noi incur any Iiabiliry because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. n� ` - <br /> . 9. Fla�rdaus Materiats.Tn,stor shall keep tha Property in compliartos wish a11 applicabte lavrs.ardinances and regulabans � � . .- <br /> retating to tndustrial hygiene or envfranme»tal proteetion(collectIvety referred w herein as`Envfronmentaf laws").Trustor shaQ keep __ ' . :.. �_?�� <br /> the Property free hom aU substanoes deemed to be harsrdous or Wxfc urtder any Envlronmenta!Laws(ooIIectiveig►referred to herein ��,• � - -� <br /> ' as`Hazardous Materiais'�.Trwtor hareby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Ftazardous Materfats on or under the , , ,:���+,�.;-',. �. <br /> ;.:� Property.Teustor heteby agreas to indemnityr and hold harmless Lender,its directors,offlcers,employees ac�agents.ertd any suoces- '.<,,.�.�.�.:e:'" <br /> ' sors to Lenders intorest,from and agatnst any and all clsims,da.�nages,losses snd liabiliGes arising tn oonnectlon wltl�ihe presence. "'_'-;-_.-;�: <br /> use,disposal or transport of ar�y Hazardous Materials on,under,from ot about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRAN�ES AND � �r' <br /> • REPRESIENTATIONS.AND TRUSTOR'S OBUGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGO(NG tNOEMNITY,SHALL SURVIVE - `'�l �'v " <br /> ` RECONVEYANCE OF THfS QEED OF TRUST. ' } �°�`---'�"� <br /> . 10.Aastgnmentv o?Rents.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender.and grants Lender a securiiy interest in.aU present,tuture and �,� ' ��__„ _ - <br /> after arising�ents,issuas and profits of the Propertyr,provided thai Tmstor shalt,untii tfie oocurrence of an Event of DefaWt,hereunder. ^ — <br /> " have the dght W oolleci and retain such rents,Issues and profits as they be�ome due snd payabte_Upon tha oocurrence of an Everrt of . �� `�� _ <br /> • Default,Lender may,a�ther in person or by agent,with or witl�out bringing any action or prooeeding,or by a receiver appcinted by a '-��=-= <br /> _ oouR and without regard to the adequacy of fts securtry,enter upon and take possessfon of the Property,or any part thereof,in its awn __R,�:_��Y;.--. -, ,ew <br /> name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which it deems necessary or desirabte to preserve the vafue,marketability or • , <br /> rer�bility of the Property,or any part thereof or interest therein.or to increasa fhe Income therefrom or profect the secutity hereof and. . �"-'.,�'-"" <br /> ' with or withaut taking possession of the Property,sue for or otherwise coitect the rents,issues and profits thereof,inclu�ing ihase past ',�; ` ;,�==�•� <br /> due and unpaid,by notifyring tenants to make payments to 1 ender.Ls�r�r may apply rents,issues and profits,tess oosts and expens- ,�� �, <br /> es ot operation and oollecUon I�cluding atfomeys teas,to arty inde�:�ass secured hereby,al)in such oNer as Lender may deter- �--F►«.����,�, <br /> . m,ne.The entering upon and taking possession of the Properly,ffie coiteciton of such rents,issues and profNs,and the aQplicado� -� <br /> thereoi as aforesaid shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invaiidate any act dona in response to such .�;:•: � <br /> ` � detauit or pursuant to such noUce of defauit and, notwiihsfanding the continuance in possession of the properly or tha caltectlon, Y'`h ��;5�,•��•,� <br />';r;., receipt and application o}rents,issues or profits,T►ustee and Lendar shali be entitled to exercise e�ce�cy right pmvided for in any of the - , z- <br />�'���� Loan InsUUments or by law upon oxurrertp�mt any Event of Default,in�:uding without Omitation tine�,its to exercise the porrar of sate. <br /> .r;;,� Wrther.Lenders dghts and remedies under Lhis paragra¢h shal!be cumutattve with,and in no way a t:�itation on,Lenders dghts and �.t,.��� � ��-��, �- <br /> :�2dies under any assignmant of leasas end rents recnrr�d against the Properry.L:��er,Trustee and the recx�er shall be Itabte to '�� '�;,�� <br /> ':~ aaaount onry for those rents ectualry receivad. ` ,�•. ���.'��f '���:��" <br />�,=:-, � 11.Ev�-,".�of QetaulL The foftowing shall oonstitute an Event o4 Dsfau(t under this Deed of Trust "- ,., `''"'�--;vct:.:•"`�'_- <br />�'�i� (a)l4�itura to pay any lnstallmant of pdncipal or interest of e�ay other sum secured hereby when due; "�' �' �'�`s���� <br />'"" (b)A 6reach ot or dafault under any provlsion contaJned(n th3 Note,this Deed of Trust,any of 9he Loan instruments.or any , . � � �r � <br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the PropeRy; • `��x�r — <br /> (c)A writ of execution or attachment or any sira�itar process shall be en�r�d agrrnst Trustor wtdch sha9 Qeoome e lien on ' .!�""`: <br />' : 1 the Property or any poRian thereof or interest therein; <br /> „','�� . <br /> '. ; (�Theoe shaJl be fited by or agalnst Truat4r or Bortower an action under any present or tuparo fedaral,state or oiher s�:.�. '`� -`''`` <br /> � law or�vtatlon reta�ng to bankrup�,insotvency or other reiie!for debtors;or there shall t�a 4^,,pointad any trustee.receiar or �'- <br /> ���",'' tiquidatos of Trustor or 6orrower or of a1f or any part of the Property,or the rents,Issugs or pr3;`�thereot,ar Tnistor or Borrower f+��• <br /> . � shall ma:ce arry general assignment for the berter��f credftors; ���' <br /> � (e)The sale,transfer,lease,assignment,co:T�eyance or further encumbr-�ae of sil or eny part of aQ a�t interest In the - _ ;�� <br />: Praper.y,e}ther vofunffirily or involuntarily,without the express written consent o4 Lender,provided that TNStor sha11 be psrtnit- . � <br /> " ted to e��arte a lease of the Propary that daes no4 contaln an opUon to purohase and the term o!which Coes not exceas one � '�"'�'-` <br /> �,� ..'�°�'��.�,�,,�'r- <br /> , y�: �• <br /> � (�Abandonment o!the PropeRy;or - <br /> (g)If Trustor(s not an Individual,the issuance,sale,transfer,assignmen�xonveyance or encumbranc�at more than{�fi a •�' ,--.;��_.,,�_ <br /> : � wrpora�on)a total of peroent o}(ts issued and oufstending atact�,or(N a partnership)a totel o! �2� ' ���'�"r"'" <br /> <�:�_,� <br /> • cerrt o} paRnarship interests,or(i1 a tlmited tlabiliry company)a total of percent oi the lim'ited Ilability vn�3- �.��'�a=.a. , <br /> ny inierests or voUng dghts dudng t��pedod this Deed oi Trust remains a tlen on the prop�. � r�=,sx:,°:._ <br /> i,,j�;..J 12.Rsrt�sdi�a;Accalsration Upa�t�s?ault tn ttta event ot any Event of Oefault Lender may,without notice excepi as required •� � ~� <br /> by law,declara all fnde�tedness secured h�;Eby to De due and payebte and the same shall thereupon beoome due and payable w(th- r � �`� <br /> . .� � wt any presentment,demand,protest or notice oi an i�nal.Thereafter Lender ma . <br /> Y Y ..�-'�t:.�. :.c„-�,::�;�'�'.`=": <br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercisa the POWEffi OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shali thereafter cause Tnutor's inter• �:. .�• �, <br /> est in the Property to bo sotd and t,�is proceeds to De dlstriDuted,alt in the manner provided in the Nebraska Tnisf Oeeds Ac� -. <br /> • (b)�+corclse any and all dghts�nnrided tor In any o?the Loan Inotruments or by law upon oxurrenoe o!any Ea;�t o! ��'���, r J� � <br /> . De:�and •�PJ�'�`:` <br /> . (c)Commonce an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust ns a mortgage,apgoint a reoeiver,or spec�icaity entoroe any of the •- -����T.+-- � — <br /> oovenants hereol. :,:���.::.°.• .,. � <br /> P3o r�medy he►eln conterred upon or resenrad to Trusiea oi Lender is lntended to ko ex�usive oi any other reme�y heroin,In the Loara �~��"����z � <br /> Ins�mer.ts or by law provided or pertnitted,but each snall be cumulsUvo,shall be i�e�Qdtion to overy othor remedy given here�endor, � �3;,�� � ' • +. . � •�.,. <br /> in the Loan[�struments or now or hereafter exisUng at taw or in equiry or by statute,and may t�s otte►�cuAd concurtenUy,inde��reflantty • .{,':i� � ' <br /> or suocesivety. , <br /> � 13.Tnutee.The Trustee may resign at any tlme wtthout cause,and Len�er may at 2r.y::rna and without cause appolM a sua- . � ` '�;�;';�:i�' <br />� o�,sor or substifute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to any party,lncluding viithout Iimitation Lender.Barroveer,Trustor or any pur- � . - [_, <br /> ". �.,�ser of the Property.for any loss or damage untesa due to recidass or tviilful misconduct,and shall not be required to take any aCGon .., '-� <br /> , i1 connection with the enforoement ot this Deed ot Trust umess indemn'rf18d,in wriUng,for all costs,oompensaUon or expenses whiC� ' ' <br /> ray be assaciated there�vith.In addition,Trustee may become a pura'.-�ser at any sale of tha Pr�neRy Qudicial or under the�CVx�r of . � " _ <br /> • sale granted herein);postpone the sale of all or arry portion of fhe Pro,��y,as provtded by lavr,cr.�_II the Property as a who�� or 1� ��_`�>�'. _: <br /> separate parcols or lots at Tnastee's dlscretton. `�`��:'�;'� . <br /> 14.Fees and EYpenaes.In the evant Yrustee sel+s the PropeRy by exerCise oT powet of sate,Trustee shsH be entiUed to eppty .� � � • <br /> , ���y sale proceeds first to payment a}alt cosis and expenses of exercising power of sale,inctuding a►I Trustee's tees,and Lender's and � ;� �. <br /> , Tvstee's attome}�s tees, actually incUrred to extent pertnitted by applicabie law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right •�� . . � <br /> provlded Dy law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entiUed to recover from Trustor aIl oosts and expenses ectualty incurred as • . • - <br /> . a resufi of Trustors defnult,inctuding v�ithout iimitatlan all Trustee's and attomey's tees,to the eutez'pormit4ed by appltcabie Iaw. " . ': <br /> 15.Fu�r�Advances. Upon request o}Borrov�er.Lender may,at iLs op�on,make addittonaf and futur�e advances and read- _,_ <br /> - vanCes to Borrowet.Such advances and readvances,with interest thereon,shail be secured by this Deed ot TrusL At no time shatl the — . <br /> . .=.:• <br />. .. ' ' _�. r �. . <br /> _..-.r,_.�---.._._.._...___.._.__..."' _�__._._.��.__.�---..-.�_...�._ _ . __ ___ _ _ ^-_ .. . _ . . <br /> . . . .-. .. . - . . .... :.�... . ___ ' . . . <br /> �. .�. �� <br /> .. .. . . <br />._-_�..� ' -�.-... .... .... . .... .... . .. . .. ...... . ....._..-.t----..._'•_'r.. .. .. . . . . . _ . .. <br /> , �.-. .___.--�-•T-'-.� ... <br /> .. __ . .. . . . . . . . . � . _ . . - . � ��. <br /> . . ' . . <br /> ,.. . . .. __. . . ti- . . �. - ` , . 1 . . � -, . .r , ._ -�,,+•'. , .,. - � � ,,. � .1 . . ... `� r . ..�'•' .. _ ' � <br />