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., , �__ _ ::�: ___ : <br /> �. - - ., . .- ' _ . >< :::�• : , • :; .� <br /> � . . � _ .. _,�.,.�:.> � _ <br /> -- ----`�--t=--_._. . , . . . , _ . . . _ <br /> J _ . 97_ �oo�� ��� . : � . _ <br /> • ' 17. Trans#er of the Proper4y or a Bene4icial Interast in Borrower. it all or any paR of the Froperiy nr , � ' - � <br /> . _ any interest in R is sold or Uansterred (or rf a benehqal interes[in Bortower �s so�d cr�ar�e�'�2d and °.^.^a:��is.^.�*. a^�+=��-I �� - - - _...______ _ <br /> ' person)wRhout Lender's prior written consent. Lender may,at it� option. require immediate payment in full of aU sums secured by , ,. <br /> �--- --. ". <br />' . this Security Instrument However. this option shaii not be exercised by Lender'rf exerase is prohibRed by federai law as of the � . . <br /> i <br /> ��� date of this Security Instrument. F �_ � <br /> If Lender exercises this option. Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceieration. The no0ce shail pronde a penod of not � . <br /> � less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this ; • _ <br /> Securiry Insbvment H Borrovrer taits to pay these sums prior to the expiration ot this penod. Lender may mvoke any remedies � ; <br /> , i permitted by this Security InsVument wRhout turther notice or demand on 8orrowec � - , � <br /> J 18. BOrrovae�'s Righ4 to R9inSt3te. It Bonower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the nght to have E <br /> � eniorcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time pnor to the eari;er of: {a) 5 days (or such other period as � . • <br /> applicable law may specify tor reinsTatement) betore sale of the Property pursuant to a�y power of sale conW�ned m this Security f <br /> I Instrument: or (b) entry of a �udgment entorang this Security Instrument Those cond'Rions are that Basrovrer �a) pays Lender ail � - - <br /> � sums which then would be due under this Securlry Instrument and the Note as 'rf no acceleration had ocaned: �b) cures any f , •- ' <br /> � defautt of any otfier covenant or agreements: (c) pays ail expenses incurted m enforcmg thfs SecurAy Instrument. mcluding. but ; , � • � <br /> 1 not limited to. reasonable attomeys fees: and (d)tekes such action as Lender may reasonabty reqwre to assure that the lien o1 � , ' - <br /> i this SecuriSy instrumant. Lender's nghts m the Properry and Bortoweis obhgatlon to pay the sums secured by this Security � <br /> Instrument shall conttnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bartower. thi� Securiry Instrument ansl the obligaUOns secured • : . <br /> hereby shaU remaln fulty ettective as n no acceleration had occuned. Howe�er.this nght to reinstete shall not appty in the case <br /> ot acceleraUon under paragraph 17. . ;=��i�~- <br /> _ 19. Sal� ot Noto: Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a a paRial interest in me n�ate (together with this . , . - <br /> Secudry Instrument)may be sald one or more times without prior natice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the enUty , `� <br /> (known as the'Loan SetviceY)that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security InsWment. There also may . �w��,__: <br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the loan Servtcer. ' ��;i�. <br /> • 8onower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appticable law- The notice wilf � ' ��•� <br /> state the name and address of the new Loan Servfcer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also • Y,_��,q <br /> ' contain any other infortnation requ(red by applicable law. . . ,". '/'"�. <br /> 20. Hazardous Substanees. 8orrower shall not cause or pertnit the preseoce. use, disposat, storage.or release of F • �L�'� <br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone elsa to do. anything affecC:�g the .,� � � <br /> � PropeRy that is in violation of any Envlronmental Law. The precedng two sentences shall not appty to the presence, use, or • -� .� <br /> storage on the Properly of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that ere generxlty recognaed to be appropria te to nortn a l � <br /> r: <br /> residenUat uses and to ma�ntenance of the Property. �� •;".�,,. <br /> . Bonower shall promptty give Lender written notice of any InvestigaUon. ctaim, demand, lawsuit or other acticr. �y any �- � <br /> ,;.'{. . <br /> govemmental or regulatary agency or private peAy invohring tre Praperry and any Hazardous Substance or Environmer..�hl law of ; . <br /> �vhich Bortower has actual Imowledgo. If Barrower teams. ar is noUfied by any govemrr:a-�tal or regulatory authar'ty, ��st any , � I �. <br /> _ ' removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substanca affecting Property is necessary, Bortower s':39 prompSy take all , �,,� . ;; , <br /> _ necessary remedia!actions in accordance with Environmental law. • . _ <br /> As used(n this paragraph 20. 'Hazardous Substances' �e those substances defined as toxic or hazar3�us substances by .- ' ' � <br /> ir:��ronmental Law and the tollowing sutostances: gas�lir.•z, keroseoe, otfier flammab?e or toxlc petroleum pro�h.:�, toxle `;i <br /> pes�cides and herblcides,votatite soNents, matedals contasmy asbestos or fortnaldehyde. �rsd radioactive matedals. As used tn �""'`�' � -� <br /> paragraph 20. •Envlronmental Law' means federal laws and I�ws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located thai relata to ���"��}: � �, s; <br /> '•,;:.:e`�?, • '�T" <br /> heaRh,safety or environmental protection. ,�.,,;,.�,�, <1t ' <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8ortower and Lender turttier covenant and agree as(ollows: `'�,'�•,� �:� � <br /> �lemedles. Lender sC�a]7 ive notice to Borrower rlor to acce��raiion • ��;,' `Yc '.t# , <br /> 21. Aacelera8on; g p ,.�•'. •. <br /> 6�]low1ng 8orrower's breac� of any covena�a� or agresmen4 in this Securtty Instrument (3�ut noE s�Y,'-'. ����= <br /> '��;. ;�-�-: <br /> � { prlor to acceleration under paragraph 17 u�less appU�a�te law provides otherwise). T9� notice „P; , , ,;� <br /> . shatl specify: (a) the defautt; (Io) t8o� actton requIred to cure the defaut� (c) a date, not less than ��•�-�,=•���•�%:�' `� ' <br /> •��� 3D days from the date the notice is given tm Borrowor, by vwhich thv defaul4 mus4 be cused; and '""�-� <br /> � Q�) that iailure to cure the detaui4 on or Fm�are the date specifted in the nottce may re�ult in ���� <br />' " .' accelera4lore of the sums secured by th;s Se�u7aiy Instrument and saRO of the Property.Yh�aotice `'��•'�'�, <br /> sf�all furthor Inform Borrower of td�a right to rei�state aRer acceleratTon a�d the right to [�r�ng a � 'r��--- <br /> _,�_��-: <br /> cou�t actlon to asserfi the non-existence o! a defau43 or any ot�er dofense of Borrower to . _ -. <br /> � ' arceteratlon and sate. t! the default is nat curod on or before the date specffled in the notice, • ; ;,,�,;�'����`�� � <br /> • L�nder at i4s o�tion �o�+ requlre immedtate pi.ymeM In full o! a91 sums secured by thls ��aurity - � •���' <br /> • 8nstrument without further demand anrl m�,� invoke the power of sale and any other �000�ediea ��� ��,�-y;�;�9 <br /> .� �;,?fr�.' . <br />. permitted by appllcable law. Lender shall ba ontitled to collect all expenses incurred B� ��rsui�g ._,.,...�: ; ,,'--'; <br /> ' the rernedtes providod In thls paragraph 21, tnctuding, but not Nmited to, reaso�atnle �ttorney�' ' . • �:.�: <br /> feea and costs of title evidence. � <br /> ':. H ths power of sale is Invoked, Trus3os �hal1 record a notice of defauft in each �ssarMy in . . �t.� <br /> .�:.� <br /> , ;• w�ich any �a�t of the Propeity io locatad ar.a9 shatl mail coples of such notice 3r� 4?ao �anner _ _ _ <br /> prescrtbed by epplicable law to B��eew3r a�� to tho other persons prescribed by app�i�.�a1e law. . � �;�` - <br /> , ARer the Ume required by appUca�ls law, To�stee shalt give publlc notice ot sale to the persons ." ��';�%,•, <br /> . . artd In the manner prescri�od by appltcabto law. Trustee. without demand on 8orrower. s7��11 sell - ' <br />• � the Property at publi� suction to the highess bidder at the time and place and under 4i�o terms . . • , <br /> designated In the no4lte of sale In one or more parcels and in any order Trustee do4e�mines. '' , <br /> Trustee may postpone sale af alt or any parcel of the Property by pu6lic an�ouncement at the <br /> ,. time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the .. � �'� <br /> . Propor�y ffi any sale. � - <br /> Upon recetp! ot payment of the price bld, Trustee shatl deliver to the purchasor Trustee's � . <br /> deed conveying the Property. 7he roc(4als lo�the Trustoo's doedl shall bo prima tacle evidence of ' . � <br /> ' the truih of the statements made tharoln. 7rustee shafl apply the proceeds ot the sale In the � � . <br /> following order. (a) to all cosis and expansea of e�cercising the power of sale, and tho sate. � � - <br /> including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred. not to exceed three � : � <br /> % of the princlpal amount of the � . - <br /> � e�ate at the time of tOs,� declaration af detault, �nd reasonable atto�cy's fees as permitt�d by law: ,. ' � <br /> . .� (b) to all sums secuve�i Poy this Securitv I�s2rumenr and (c) any excoss to the person �� persons , ' � <br />, �� oegally entitled to it. • • • ,. - <br /> 1 � . . <br /> , . <br /> . . �...., .� , �.,.. � ..,s �c,�C, ')t�t l. s ....._ ...-- -... <br /> , ; . �.=. <br /> � � _ <br /> �I 95204 s =� <br /> � � ' i-�-. <br /> —�—r—�—�--=^—�--`. <br />_ �` . __. . . . . � � . � .�... � ' - . <br /> � � .. . . ' � � o y�.� " .._�j ' . 3�i ' .. :` ... ',. <br /> . . . . _ � .. . .� ... . . . ., . . . . . - - - . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ...i;' <br />