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� • <br /> ..__. r - <br /> 01-08-1998 DEED OF TRUST � Pd��2 _ <br /> Loan No 626309 (Contlnued� 98-� ��j�Z�� <br /> CONTAiNB A VARIABIE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Penon�l Pro�rly. The wads "Personii Property'mean ali equlpment, fixtures,and other art�les ot personai property now a hereatler <br /> owrwd by Trusta,and now or her9attw aNached or attlx�d to the Renl PropeRy;topether with all accesslons,parts,and addltlons to,eil <br /> replaCartwnts of,�nd�II substitutlons for, dny of auCh propeAy; end topether wlth all prqceeds (Includinp wlihout Ilmltation ali InsuranCe _ <br /> proceeds and�elunds Of premlums)hom eny sale or Other disposltion of the Property. <br /> P►op�nyt. The wad"Properly'me�ns collsativaly the Real Properly and ihe Personal Property. <br /> � FteW Propertyr. The wads'�1eal Property'menn the property.Interests and rtphts described ebove In ihe"Conveyance and dranC sectlon. <br /> R�l�ted DocumN►ta. Tha worda'Aei�Ud Oxumnnts" mesn and include without Ilmltatlon all prom�ssory 49reemenls, loan � <br /> uqreements,enNronmentel epreements,pu�tnntl�s,eecu�ity ayreements,morlpapes,dseds of trust,and ali cther Instrumenb,ayreements�nd <br /> dxumenls,whether now or herer.8er existiny,ax�outed in connectlon wlth the Indebtedness. , _ <br /> � Fientt. The wad'Renfs"me8ns all present and tulure ronls,revenues,Income,Issues,royaltles,profits,and othe�benefits derived from the i <br /> Property. ' . - <br /> Ttutlee. The wad"Trustee'means UNITEO NEBRASKA BANK and eny substitute w suCCessor trusteeS. I .. <br /> ' Trustor. The wad'?rustor"means any and all pe►sons and enddes exocutinp ihis Deed of Trust,including wlihout Amltation ali Trustors named i <br /> above. �`.,.. <br /> THIS DHED OF TRUST, INCLWIN�THE ASSIONMENt OF REHTS AND THE SECUAITY INTEREST IN TFIE RENTS AND PERSONAL ,:� <br /> PROPERTY,IS G11VEN TO SECUR� (i)PAYMENT OF THE IN[1EBTEONE88 AND �2�PERFORIIAANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIOATIONB OF ! _ <br /> TRUSTOR L7NDER THE MOTE,Th1E RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. TH18 DEED OF TRUST, I;YCIUDINfi THE , - <br /> ASSIONM�NT OF AENT8 AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IH THE REHTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.IS AI..SG fi1VEN TO SECURE ANY ' �' <br /> AND ALL OBLIOATIONS OF TRUSTOR UNOER THAT CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION LOAN A(iREEMEHT BETWEEN TRUSTOR AND LENDER OF � ..,; .,... <br /> EVEN DATE HEFiEWITH. ANY EVENT OF PEFAULT UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION LOAN A(iREHMEHT, OR ANY OF THE RELATEO <br /> DED OF TRUS AR GIVEN AND ACCEPTEH D�ON THE FOLd.OW�IM�G T RMS:FAULT UNDER THIS DEEO OF TRUST. TFIE NOTE AND THIS <br /> I <br /> ot�Tru,st as heybecome dMe,and shall sprtc ly and In a tlmrely�menner pe oem 1 of Tr stor's�obuyatlony.stunder�theallote,this Deeduof T usthandthe I <br /> I Ael$ted Documents• . <br /> j POSSESSION ANb MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees Ihat Trustors poasesslon and use of the Property sh411 be qoverned by <br /> � the followinfl provlsions: <br /> PosNatlon and Us�. Unt11 the occurrence of an Event o}Defeult,Trustor may (a)remaln In possesslon and contrd ot the Property, (b)use, i <br /> � oparite or manaye the Property,and (a)collect any Rents Irom the Property. _ _ <br /> Duty to Mdntaln. Trustor shali maintain lhe Property in tennntablo conditlon and promptly peAorm all repfllrs,replacements,and malntenance 1,, � <br /> � necessary to preserve Its value. '�'�' <br /> j Fterardous SubtW�ca. The terms"hezardous waste,""huardous substance,""disposal,""release,"and 9hreatened release,"as used in thls +�:. <br /> � Deed of Trust,ahali have the seme meaninys as set foRh In the ComprehensNe Environmental Response,CompensaUon,and LtabAlry Act of — <br /> 1980,as amended, 42 U.S.C. Secnon i�tstii,et seq.('CERCi.C"y,th8 Supsrtund Ass�ndm�nL 8n�R£euthar4?ANnn Act of 1988,Pub.L.No. ____ <br /> I gg-499('SARA�,the Ha=ardous Materitla Transpatatlon Act,49 U.S.C.SecUon 1801,et seq.,the Resourco Conservatbn and Recovery Act, , <br /> 42 U.S.C.SecUOn 6901,et seq.,a otFwr appllcable stata a Federai laws,rules,or repulallons adopted pursuant to any of th�forepdnp. Ttw ,. „ <br /> � terms"heTardous waste"and"harardous aubstance'shall dso Includa,without Ilmitatlon,petroleum nnd pe�oieum by-products or any hacHOn . <br /> thereof and esbestos. Trustor represents and warrents to Lender that: (a)Durinp the period of Trustor's ownershlp of the Property,ihere has •� <br /> J been no use,yeneration,manufacture,storaqe,treatment,disposal,releese or threatened release of any henrdous waste a substnnce by any <br /> i person on,under,8bout or from the Properly; (b)Trustor has no knowledqe of,or reason to believe that thete has bean,except ss preWousiy i <br /> disdosed to and acknowledqed by Lender In writinp, (f)any use,peneratlon,manufacture,storaqe,treatment, disposal,release,or threatened ; :y� <br /> release of any hazardous waste a substanr,e on,under,about or Nom the Property by any prfor owners or occupants of the Properly a (II)any . <br /> actual or threatened Iltlyation or claims of any ktnd by any person retetlnp to such matters;and (c)Except a3 prevlously disclosad to and ;y�. <br /> acknowiedqed by Lender In writinq, (1)nelther Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,ayent a other authorlted usw of the Prope�ty shali use, � .b,�� <br /> generate,manufacture,store,treat,dispose of,or release any hezerdous waste or substence on,under,about or from the Property and (II)any �:�a. _ � <br /> such activity sheN be conducted In compllance with all appllcsble tederal,stete,and local laws,reyulatlons and adlnanees,Inciudiny wilhout ,'i,�� �.� <br /> Ilmitatlon those laws,regulafions,and wdinances described above. Trustor authorlws Lender and its apents to enter upon the Properly to ;,}�� ' __ <br /> make such tnspectlons and tests,at Trustor's ezpense, as Lender may deem approprlate to determino compllnnce ot tho Property w�th this ,�r <br /> section of the Deed of Trust. Any Inspectlons or tests made by Lender shall bo for Lender'a purposes only end shWl not be conatrtwd to crente ";:.; � <br /> Iany responslbiWty or Nabitliy on the part ot Lender to Trusta a to any other per`on. The representatlons nnd wt�mnties contaitwd heroln are ��,::_. <br /> ' based on Trustor's due dfllgence In Invesllpatinp the Property for hezerdous waste and hezardous substances. Trustor hereby (n)rN�ases and •�• <br /> � waives any tuture cialms aqalnst Lender tor Indemnily or conMtrution in the event Trustor becomes Ilable ta cle4nup or other costs undw any I •ln,�; :-�� <br /> such laws,and (b)ayrees to IndemNly end hdd harmless Lender apainst any and ail claims,losses,NEibIlltles, damayes,penaltles,and ;�;� <br /> � expenses whbh Lender may dlrectty or �ndlrecHy sustaln or suMer resuitinp hom a breach of thls secYon ot the Deed of Trust or as a ::t, <br /> consequenee of any use,qeneratlon,manufacture,Storage,disposal,re�ease or threatened release occuMnp pda to Trustor's ownersND or „____ <br /> Interest In the Property,whether or not ihe same v�as or shouid have been known to Trustor. The provlsions of thia sectlon of the Deed of Trust, , �-.- <br /> jincluding the obNgation to Indemnify,shail suMve the payment of the Indebledness and the satlsfacflon and 1eCOnveyanta of the Iien of this <br /> Deed of Trust and Shall not be affected by Lender's acqWsltlon of any interes t In t he Prope r t y,w h e t h e r b y f o r e c t o s u r e o r a t h e r w i s e. �:� �t'��.: <br /> _�::_•::.,,��__ <br /> I Nulaence,Waste. Trustor shall not cause,conduct or permit any nulsance nor commlt,permtt,or SuHer eny sMpping of or waste on or to the I :� �Ml�-.:..�i� <br /> Property or any poRion ot the PropeRy. Without Ilmlting the generality of the forepolnp,7rusta will not remove,a prant to eny other parly the ,r <br /> j right to remove,any tlmber,minerals pncludtng oll and ges),soN,gravei or rxk products without the pdor wdtlen consent ot Lender• i . � <br /> I Removal ot Improvementa. Trustor shali not demoWSh a remove any Improvements from the Real Property wilhout the p�►or wrttlen consent , <br /> of Lender. As a condltion to the removal of eny Improvemants, Londer may requlre Trustor to make arrangemenls satistactory to Lender lo � . � <br /> � replaCe such Improvements wlth Improvements of at least equfll valuo. <br /> Lender's Riqht to Entbr. Lender and Its apents and representatives may enter upon the Reai Properly at ali reasonable times to ettond to , <br /> Lender'S interesis and to Inspecl the Property tor purposes of Trustor's compllance with ihe terms and condllions of this Deed ot Trust. <br /> Complience wlth Govemmentel Requlremente. Trustor shaN promptry compiy wilh aN lews,ordinances,and repulatfons,now or hereafler In � ' <br /> eHect, of ell governmental authodtfes appllcable to the use or xcupancy of the property, InC�uding wllh0ut NMtatlon, the Amerkans With � <br /> Dlsabliltles Act. Trustor may contest In good falth any such law,ordlnence,or regulatlon and withhold compllence during any proceeding, � <br /> including approprlate appeals, so long us Trustor has noNfled Lender In wrlting prior to d�ing so and so long as, In Lender's soie opinlon, i <br /> Lender's fnterests In the Prope�iy are not Jeopardized. Lender may requlre Trustor lo post adequate secutity or a surety bond,reasOnab�y I <br /> ' satisfaclory to Lender,to prolect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to P�OteCt. Trustor agrees nelther to abandon nor leave unaHended the Property. Trustor shall do atl other aCls,�n addltion to Ihose 8Ct5 <br /> set torlh above In this section,which from the chareCtor and use of tho Property are reasonflbly neCessary to proteCl and preserve the Property. I <br /> DUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender muy,nt its op►wn,declere immediately due and payable all Sums seCUred by this Deed ot Trust <br /> _.�......�... ,...�ti„�.�u,o i o.,�or'e n.inr wrinan ronsent. of ali or flny part Of the Re81 PrOpe�ty, or any interest In the Real Prope�ty. A <br /> - oNv���uo�d�v r. .�u..a.,.. ......__....--- -- - <br /> � "5a18 ar transfer"meanS the Conveyance of Real Property or any right,tdle or Intere5t thereln;whether legal,ben9hclel or equneble;wnetner voiuniary <br /> or involuntary;whelher by outnght se�e,tleed.Installmenl Saie conlract,land contraCt,Contract for deed,leasehold Interesl wllh 8 lerm qreater than <br /> Ihree�3)years,lease-opt�on coniract,or by sale,assignment,or transfer of any beneflcial Interest In or to any land trust holdlnp tltle to the Real <br /> Property, or by any o�her method of conveyance of Real Propetiy Interes�. It any TruStor Is a corporatlon, paAnsrshlp or Ilmlted IIablllty compeny, <br /> transfer also includes any chango in ownersh�p ot more tha��iwenry-five percenl(25%)ot ihe votlnp stcek,pertnershlp Interesls Or Ilmiled Ilabflity <br /> company Ihe case may be, of Trustor. Howover,lnls oDtlon shall not be exerc�sed by Lender If such exerctse Is prOhlbited by fedorel <br /> law Or bY Nebraskfl Iew. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The f0110wing prov�siOnS relaling IO the tazeS end henS on the Prcporty ere e peri Of thfs Deed O�TruSt. <br /> Peyment. Truslor shall pay when due(and�n all event5 pnor to delinquency)all Iaxes,spBCia��axes, e55essmenls.charges(Including water <br /> and sewer), fines and Impositions �ehed against or on aCCOUnt of the Prope�ty,and shAll pey when due all c�aims lor work done on or lor <br /> serv�Ces rendered or materlal furrnshed lo Ihe Prope�ty. Truslor shall mainlem the Property free of all Ifens having pnonty over o�equal to the <br />� inleresf of�ender under ihis Oeed of Trust.Bxcppl lor the lien o}taues and asse5smen15 nol due and excepl as olherwi58 provided in 1hi5 Deed <br /> � <br /> _ _ _ <br /> -- - -- <br />