. , . . • . :��. ... . �
<br /> A ._._.���`. .....__"_ 4 , , (.. . -
<br /> �
<br /> ti i . _
<br /> (d) Gramor has me ngrrc and is auiy suthorized Eo exacw�a�sd pasfo�r ia CblEgw,:a,»�^dsr thi3 L�°d o!?�r.ea s^.�these 8�4na do nOt and , ��, _ _
<br /> � '. -
<br /> ' shali not confliCt with the pravisions of any sffiMe, regulatian,ordinance, rute Of law,contract or other agreemerrt which may be binding on � ��. `.� , - •
<br /> . Gracrtor at any time;
<br /> (e) No ection or proceeding�s or shait be pending or threatened which might materialty affect the Proparty:and ' ` '. - -
<br /> (n CiraMOr has not violated and shall not violate any statute,reguiation,ordinance,rule of law,eortuact or othor agresment(induding,but not .
<br /> limfted to,those goveming Hazardous PAaterials)vrhich might materiaily affect the Proparty or Lender's rights or interest in the Properly pursuarst �
<br /> � � LO thi9 O88d O}TNSt. t ` ' . ,- .
<br /> �3. RiiiOfl DEEOS OF TFiUST. Grantor represents and warranb that thore nre no prior deeds of bust affecting any part of the Property except as srat � _
<br /> �forth on Schedule B attached to this Deed of Trust,vfiich G�r agrees to pay and perform in a timely manner. I}there are any prior deeds of trust
<br /> then Grantor agreos to pay an amounts ovred,and perfortn a11 obGgations requ�red,under such deeds of Vust and thtt indebtedness secured th9teby
<br /> end turther agreas thffi a defautt under any prior deed of trust shall be a detault under this DeBd ot Trust and shalt entitts Lender to all rights and
<br /> . �remedies contained herein or in the Obligations to which Lender would De erttitled in the eveot of any other default.
<br /> �0. TRQ�ISPERS OF THE P€OP�RTY OR BENEFICIAL IMERESTS IN GRQNTOAS OR 80RROH►ERS. In the eva�t ot a sale.eonveyance.tease,
<br /> cantract for deed or Vansfer to any person of all or any part of tha real property described in Schedule A,or any interest therein,or of all or any
<br /> � benefidal interest in Borcower or Grentor(f Borrower or Grantor is not a naiural person or persons but is a corporation,limited Iiabiiity wmpany. - " - � �
<br /> � pertnership,Vust,or othar legal entity�,Lendar may,at its opUon deGare the ouLatanding principai balance of the Obligations plus acau8d interest
<br /> � thereon immediately due and payalole. At Lender's request,Grantor or Borrow�er,as the case may be,sheli fumish a complete statement setting torth , .
<br /> . all of its stockholders.members,or partners,as appropriate,and the extent of their respective ownership iMerests.
<br /> � 5. ASSlGNMENT OF REtiTS. In consideration of the ObligaUons,whieh are secured by this Daed of Trust Grarttor absoluteiy assigns to Lender aii • , ,.;:::•,' ��';
<br /> ' �rantor's estate,ri ht,tiUe,interes�t,daim and demand nov�owned or hereafter acquired in all existing and fuwre leases of the Property(nduding ":;`�t"�� �' '
<br /> 9 "��`!;"•�;:;
<br /> � extensions,renewals and subleasesJ,all agcaemeMS tor use and ocxupancy of the Property(ail sueh leases and agreemonts vrhether written or oral, ;�j�;,,�:<<.,,;:,'.
<br /> are hereatter refened to as the'Leases'),and ail guaranties of tessees'performanee under the Leases,together with the immediate and wntinuing • f'
<br /> , right to coliect and receive all of the reMS,ineome,receipts.tevenues,issuss,profita and other income of any nature now or hereafter due Gnciuding • , " -
<br /> •� � eny ineome of any nature coming due dufinp any redemption periodj under the Leases or�Yom or arising aut of the Property induding minimum , �• "� � .,
<br /> rettts,additionai rents,percentage renLS, arkin or common area maintenance cortttibutions,tax and insurance contributions,defictency rerns, ���:•�•��• .
<br /> )j P 9 ::.i}yl . ...
<br /> ' � liquidated damages foilovring deisuR in any Lease, alt procesds payabla under any policy of insurance covering loss of rertb resuking from :,�,_f . ,. ,
<br /> urnenantability caused by destruction or tlamage to the Propeny,al�proceeds payabte as a resutt of a lessee's exercisa of an optlon to purchase the � :,��:.:' •. --�'f..��
<br /> � Propsrty,ail proceeds derived from the tertnirtation or rejeetion oi any Lease�R a bankruptc.y or offier insotvency proceeding,and all proceeds from • :`�:� ,_ a. ..
<br /> any rights and claims af any Idnd which Grantor msy have aga'^st any tess�e.u-2er Ute Leases at any oCCUpents of the Property(all of the above are " � `;:}Y �' ' •
<br /> n..}! ,•
<br /> � . � hereafter coltectiveiy referred to as the'Rents"1. This a�ignrr,=-:'s sub;ect ts�*.e right,Rmver a^.d authority given to the Lender ta coltect and appiy I," • - �'Y�;.'• "' .
<br /> " • the Rerrts. This assignmertt is recorded in a��ance wiC��-:cable s!�.^�la�:the I€��c�d by this assignment Is intended to be specific, i ,�;-.. . ,
<br /> .�
<br /> ' pertec[ed,aRd Maate upon the recording of���s�ed of Tn:st,aS as Frov^:ded'ey aFF'i��s�taw as amended Nom tima to time. As lung as ; !,�'+�:�� ; �.
<br /> ' there is rto cnfa��_nder the Obligations c,-�:is'�of tru.st,Lenqer gra.�s�-.r�:a reLa�2;ice�se to collect all Rertts from the Leasts•�han �,�`;�`f., k_�
<br /> r-;�: ' due and�,�s:if proceeds in Grantars busi:pss eFeraSaas. Howeti2�. �e�azr rnay�a-y tim9 require Granta to deposit ali Rcrr�;rnII an , _ •;,,,� � •
<br /> acxurtt ma.:-�,rraa ty Gra.�r or Lender a!Wi�s:'s�nsL*ti.��- Upon C�`auk r..the pay.:c-r-��,or in the peBormance af,any of the Qal;g�_:r�-s, '' ?� ''' �`" -
<br /> Le�Cer mzy a:its option ts+cn pass2ssion ot�e e�.oparty a-�c heva-hoid,rr,anaga,laase a^,�a�ate the Property on terms and for a periatl e`.ime � . .;l;t-r�•�,��..�,�.:. :
<br /> • thsi LsnCer G22r..s pro�ar. ;�sr.+�ar may proceod to ca�:°�aiC raceive ali Ranis from t: v:^^,erty,and Lender shall have full power to make �.��:� -`-_..
<br /> a°8�ans,r�-c��ons,reFa::s ar;eplaeemeMS to the Pro�:ty as ts�der may deem proFes 1�-�er may apply all Rerrts in LsndePa sote discretion ,.. =n..�;•.�.
<br /> � b paymerrt e�t+s 081igatic:�as to the paymartt of the eos.�i s+�a"a'teraUons,renovations.�e,x3.:s and repla�ments and any expanses incident to �:�fl -s;�
<br /> , � ti,`:.,:...
<br /> - ' { t�tcir.g and r��ir.:^g posssss:or.ot the ProFerty periodicalty a��µe managemertt and operaaon of the Property. Lender may keep the Property :':t�;y.<;..,i •
<br /> p:oparly ins-ra�a�3 may diseharge ury taues.drarges,cta:^s �sass:r.e.^.is a�d other Iier.s whfch mav eurue. The e�►ense and cost of these , � aM �(,��
<br /> a�ona may 5_aad frort:the Rents received.and arry unpae a-n�:,-s s:�a:.ba;.3Ced ta tha r.r:�cipal of the Obiigatfons. These amourna,together ,.�+� � .
<br /> v:�other casts,shalt bacsrt:a rast of U�e Ob:i,�2tio�s Secucel0y t�'s�a Cead c°T^� . E���r�f`
<br /> : ,.,� 6. LEASES AND OTH�G.a�icu'1;EN3�. G�ar..or sha�-:�:��ss�ar tal ta�ko aa 2�.�- ya•;eh ma cause or ermit tho tertninatian or the F.::�;:��;.�.: ,`,'��',,:;''.':�� �
<br /> Y Y P F,}..:; , ,. ,
<br /> 1 w�hholding of anY paym�t-�,�,�ctr w*J a-y Leass cr- x`i���;r�emeat(°Agreemer.t°y-.:c�ning to the Properry. In addition,Grentor,without f;�';.... �;�;:tis.,�;�::.�:• ;:_
<br /> Lender's prior mitten consa.-:,s�a1:-�� ;a�,�.».cc an rr.��rs�yabte�cr.Cer a� reemertt more than ane month in advance: )mad'rfy any t.,'.. -: `L � �
<br /> Y YK4 ro :.�r. �tt:�;n.s ..>
<br /> • l�qreement; (c)assign or ailow a ren,s�s� c�rest or other encumbr2-��7 be placed upon Grantor's dghts,tiUa and interest in and to any _G;��,l 1�; �
<br /> . i�qreemem or the amourtta payabte thereunCar;or(d)terminate or cancel any qqreement except for the nonpaymerst of any sum or other material . �Ye�.•;_�;P '.
<br /> Dreach by the other party thereto. B QraMOr rereives at any Ume any written communicaUon asserting a detault by Qrantor under an Apreament or �
<br /> purporting to terminate or eancei any qgreament, Cirantor sriall promptiy forward a copy of such eommu�ication (and any subsoquent . � '
<br /> communlCaUons retating thetfsto)to Lender. NI such/�qreementa and the amounts due to(3rantor thereundar are hereby assigned to Lender es _ '1� .
<br /> - additional security tor the Obligatio�a ; •- .�� _,
<br /> 7. COLLECT[OH OF IHDEB7'EDNEBS FROHI TNIRD PARTY. Lender shxli be entiUad to noti or re ulre Grerttor to no' an third �:�T fi`
<br /> ty q tity y party(inctudinp, ,�•
<br /> • " but not limitetl to,lessees,ticensees.govemmemat sumor(tlas and Insurence companiea)to pay Lender any indebtedrr,rs9 or obBgaUon owing m :r;: T.- �. ;
<br /> Grantor with respect to the Property(cumutaUvely'Indebtedness")whether or not a default exists under this Oeed of Trust (irarttor shali diiiQenUy ;�,. F•
<br /> : coliect the Indabtedness ovdng to Orantor bom thoso thtrd parties unttl the giving af such notiflcation. in the event that Orantor possessae or roceives ••�••- .��
<br /> possession of any instrumenta or other remittances wlth respect to tha lndebtedness following tho ptving of such not(floaUon or H Ms inaVuments or .�,..%
<br /> othar rem(ttaneea eonstitute the prepayment of any Indebtedness or the paymant of any(n�uranCe or wndemnaUOn proC�fds,Qrantor ehall hotd ;_ � ��._�
<br /> . such instrumenta and other remittances in uust for Lender apart irom ita other property,endorse the instruments and other remittancaa to Lender. _'. �
<br /> and immediatety provide Lender with possesaton ot the instrumente and otner remittances. lsnder ehall bs anttUsd,but not roquirod,to colleCt(hy ��.-��;�•'�:�.r;_
<br /> legai proceedings or otherv+rise),extend the time for payment,compromisa,axehanga or release any obligor or eoilateral,or othsrwise settte any of
<br /> � the Indabtadness whether or not an event of defauR ex(sts under this ABreement. Lendor ehall not 6a Uablo to�rantor tor any acUon,error,mistnke, = � ,-°r -
<br /> om(ssion or delay pertalNng to the actlons dascdbed in thia paragraph or any damages resulUng therehom. Notwithatandinp the toreyoing,notAing �*•+;��� —
<br /> herein shall cause Lenderto be deemed a mortgagee�fn-passession. ,;i1,�,;�..�::
<br /> : condUon Grantar s�,noCcommiPor� ertn an6yv aste to ba oomm'itt d wkh es ct t the rPro�e �eCirantm shall use the Prope�soiety in -r�°��'�'•�v�:�.
<br /> compliance with appticabla law and insu anee pollGes. Gracmr shall not make any alteraUona,addWo s or improvements to tha Property without ��. ;';\,_,,..,��___
<br /> � Lender'9 priot written consen� Without limiting the toregoing,all alterations,add�lons and improvaments mada to the Property shall be subJact to ,�,�^;
<br /> the benaflclal interest belonging to lender,ahall not 6e removed w(thout Lender's prior written conseM,and shall be made at(iraMOr's sole expanse.
<br /> 9. LCSS OR OANIAGE Grantor shail bear the enUre risk of any loss,theft,des�uctlon or damage(cumulativety'Loss or Oam�qe')to tha Property or •' , ��-��t•
<br /> . any poRion thereof from any cause whatsoever. In the evant of any Loss or Damage,Grantor ahall,et the option of Lender,repair the affECted
<br /> . .. Properly to rta prevloua condition or pay or cause to be pald to Lender the decrease in the fair market vatue o}the aNected Property. '��'
<br /> 10. IHSURAHCE. Tho Prop�r.y will be kept insured tor its tuil insura6le value(reptacement cost)against ail hazarde including loss or damage • �
<br /> caused by flood,earthquake,scmado and fire,theft or other casualty to the extent required by Lender. (3rantor may obtaln insurance on the Property :
<br /> from such companies as are€�pteble to Lender in tts solo discreUon. The i�surance policies ehall reqWro the Insurance company to providti . : •
<br /> � lender with at teast days v-i.ton noUCe before such potia�2:e attered or canceiled In any manner. The Insurance poltcles ehall .. •
<br /> • nama Lender as a loss payee and prwide that no act or omisslon of Cr�-�T or any other person ahall aNect the dght of Lender to be pdd the
<br /> � insurance procoads pertainirs�t�the loss or damage of the Property. In�'�event tirantor faiis to acquire or malntaln insurance,Lender(after • ..
<br /> provlding notice as may be re+��.�ed by law)may in ip tlisc�,:r+crocura a��ropdate insurance coverage upon the Property and ths inaurance cost � �
<br /> shail be an advance payable nnh bearing Interos!as descs:�:r.�aragraph 23 and aocured heroby. tirantor shatl furNSh Lender with evldence of � �
<br /> tnsurancs indicating the requi:od coverage. Lender may a�:�E:tomeyan-tact for(irantor lo making and sotUing clalms under insutance poticies, �• •
<br /> cancelUng any policy or endorsing Cirantor's name on any draft or negotiat'0 instrument drawn by any inaurer. Ail such insuranco poticles ahail ba • ,
<br /> Immedtatety assignod,ptedged and EeliveceC to lsnder as turther seeur;ty irr y!e Obtlgations. In the sveM ot loss,Grantor shall immediatety phre ,
<br /> Lender written notice and Lender is authoriz��to make proof of loss. E2c:� ��surance oompany is directed to make payments directiy to Lender •
<br /> • instead of to Lender and Orantor. Lender sha!�have the right,at ita sole option,to appty such monios toward the Obllgations or toward the cost o} �
<br /> robuilding and restoring the Property. My smounb may at lender's opUon be apptied tn the inverse order of the dua dates thereof. � ,
<br /> 11. 20NIHG ANO PRNATE COVENARfTS. �rantor shall not initlata or cansent to any chanpe in Gtie zoning provisions or private covenanta aHacdng :
<br /> � the use ot the Property without Lender's prior wrltten oonseM. H Grantor's use of the Property is or beCOmes a nonconforming use under any zoning
<br /> provision.(irantor shall not causa or permit such use to bo disAOnUnued or abandoned without the prior vrtinen consent of Lender. Orantor wiil ,
<br /> , immediatety provlde Londor with wrkten noe�s of any proposed changes to tno:oning provislons or private oovenants aHecting the Property. y ' ,
<br /> 12. CONDEIV!lAAY(QN. Qrantor shall imrr.e�.;,�:aly provide Lender with wri��notice of any actual or threatened condemnatlon or eminant damain � .
<br /> proceeding Fe�CS.�mg to the Property. A11 monies payabla to(irantor from rr?eondemnat;on or taking are hereby assigned to lsnder and ehall be • � � .
<br /> appHed first � �°e payrre� of Lender's attomeys' foes. �:3a1 exper.s�s 2nd other cosia pncluding appratsal lees) in connoctlon with the
<br /> condemnation or eminer.t a1r-5ain proceedings and then,at`_ti?�;tion of LenC�r.to t`o c.��m�nt of the Obligations or the reatoratlon or repair of tho . ,
<br /> - i 13.PI.ENDER'S RtGMT T^.��'J�+IMENCE OA DEFEND LEGAL ACT10:9S. Gr_,tor shall immadlately provide Lender with wtitten notice of any actual �
<br /> or threate�eC a�qn,su.t�-�iher proceeding affeoting the Property. GrartL�-eby appoirrts Lender as its attnmeyin-fact to cammence,irtteNene
<br /> in.and de�er•.�.en aet,cr;.suita,or other legal proeuedinga snC to camFcr^:�or settte any clalm or controversy pertaining thereto. Lender shall ! .
<br /> not be IiaC:e�r.�:�r.,Cr�cr a�y acUOn,error,mistake.omission or deiay�ai��-!r.g to the actions described in this paragraph or any damages k
<br /> " . - resuiting therefrom. Nothirtg�ntained herein v�il�prevent LecCer!rom fak;r,g 1*e aeGCrts r��ibed in this paragraph in its own name. !
<br /> 14. INOEM��IFICATIOP�. Lru"d�3r sh&II not Bssumo or be re�r.�7�s.Ule for tho�:ert�,�arc�?y'��r/of GtentoPs obligatlons vrkh respe�:t to the Property �
<br /> under any circumsffinces. 3-s.itor shall immediately proviCa�^Cer w;V;w;:44�r:-crcj�`4�d indemnify and hold Lender and its shflreholders. � , • __
<br /> directors,officers,employees and agentc harmless hom all c�acns,dam2,qes. �as::+-es '^ciuding attorneys'fees and legal expensee).causes of --
<br /> action,actions,suits and other legai proceedinga(cumulatively"Claims')�:�:ng to c�e Propeny(including,but not Iimited to,those involving , •
<br /> __ H223�dOU9 MAt9riAIS) G�?ntor,v�On tha rgq�igst pf�gnrle�.chRll hire Iqr�Ai�f.-ggt tn A8f8�d 1 gnd8r frOm S�JCh�A�mS.R�tl QR�/H+9��mPye'f9B� • , :- . .
<br /> � legal expenses and other costs incurred in connection thurevrith. in the aiterna'•+e.Lender shall be entitled to employ Rs own legal counsoi to defend '
<br /> such Claims at Grantor's cost. Grantor's obiigation to indemnify Lender under this paragraph shall survive the tormination,reiease or foreclosure of
<br /> this�eed of Trust.
<br /> � �PNESt t8 � Fo.mAUOn Tecnnoiog�es.�nc�i.2�961 IB001 937�3789 Pugo 2 of 5 . - .
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> . . . . . .. �-..... ...... _ _ , .
<br /> , — �---��-.,e•.�_.._-. . . . • .' . .� . . •
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<br />