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. ., :�:. <br /> ,.ri. . <br /> � . <br /> ' " ��... <br /> . ,,.,,,...a.� . 4 � <br /> 01-08-1998 DEED OF TFiUST P°�e i <br /> Losn No 826333 (Continued) 9�" 1f i1.��5 '� <br /> provided below unless Trustor elther (a)paya the tex betoro H becomes dellnquent,or (b)contasb tha tex aa provlcNd tbove In tho Taxss nnd I � <br /> Llens secYOn and depos�l6 w��h Lender cash or n euHiclent corpaata sur�ty bond a other seCUrtty eaUsfactory to Lender. r <br /> SECURITY A(iREEMEHT;FINANCINQ BTATEMQ�IT8. The fdlowiny proNstons relatlrp to this Deed of Trust as a securHy a0reement are a paA ot <br /> thls Deed of Trust. � <br /> peraona�l propertY�o d Lender shall�havo au of th�triphts of�aus cu e pa�ly under th�Uniform Commerc ap Code�astamended N m time� . <br /> nme. <br /> S�eurity Inttr�st. Upon requost by Lender,Trustor shall exeoute financinq slatamont5 inidtle�whto ecordlnp this�Deed ofuTrust nythe re�� <br /> to peAscl and condnw Under's secu�ity Intenst In the Rmts and Persond Property. <br /> propertyr recads,Lendtr may,at any time and w8hout furttwr authorlration aom Trusta,flle exeouted counterparts,coples or reproducNons ot j <br /> thls Deetl of Trust as a Nnanclnp suiamsnt. Trustor shali relmburse lender for all expenses inCUrred In perleatlnp or continulnp thb aecudty . <br /> InlKSSt. Upon dehult,Trustor shall assembla the Person�l Property In a m�nner and at a place reasonabiy convenlent to Trusta and Lender <br /> end make It avaliabl9 to!ender within three(3)days aRer recelpl of wrltten demand hom Lender. • __ <br /> �ti^j�py�pi�p�oj�ru tdma�y be oblfllned(eaah as�requlred b�l�e UNlam Com�me�al Code),a e as steted on then8rst p�Qe of this Deed ' <br /> Q <br /> of Trust. •• "° <br /> pUFiTFIER ASSURANCHS;ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The following provislons reiatinq to tuAher assurances and attomey-in-fect are a pert of thls __ <br /> Deed of Trust. _ <br /> Furth�r Assur�nc�s. At any dme,and hom tlme to time,upon request of Lender.Trustor wiil make,exeaute and deliver,or wl�l c�usv to ba <br /> made, exeouted a delivered, to Lender a to Lenders desiqnss,�nd when requesbd by Lander,cause to be flled,recadad,relibd,or <br /> rerecorded,as the case may be,at such tlmes and In such o�and places as Lender may deem approp�late,any and all such �y�a�� � <br /> deads dtrust,seCUrity deeds,secudry aqreements,flnanclnq statemenls,continuatlon sfatements,instruments o}further assuranca. , <br /> and other documents as maY�in the sole opinlon oi Lender,be necessary or deslrable In order to eHectuate,compiete,peAect, contlnue,a ' _ <br /> preserve (a)1he obllyaHons of Trusta under the Note,thls Deed of 7mst,and the Fielated Dxuments,and (b)IBe Ilens end securify Interesb _ <br /> lawp eg�eed o�lhe onhary by Lenderpn writing,TrustoPshall re�imburse L nder for al�costs and expenses Incurtedrin Conneation'w1iih the =_ <br /> metters reterted to In this paragraph. ' ',T <br /> Atlorney-in-Fact If Trustor fHUS to do any of the thlnqs referced to In the precedinp parayraph,Lender may do so for and In the name of ^,t-,�:,. <br /> Trustor end at Trustor's expense. For such purposes,Yrustor hereby Irrevoctibly appolnts Lender as Trustors attorney-ln-fael for ihe purpose <br /> � of makMp, exeauUnp,dellvering,fiunp,recordlnp,and ddny nll other thirps as may be necesssry or desirable,In Lender's 6ole opinlon,to ��;,_r <br /> accomp�sh the matters referred to In the precedinp pnrapraph. <br /> FULL PERFORMANCE. I}Truslor pays all the Indebtedness when due,tarMn4tes ihe Ilne ot credit,and otherwis�paAorms all the obliyatbns <br /> Imposed upon Trustor under this Deed ot Trust,Lender shail wcecula and deliwr to Trustee a request tor fuil reconveyance and alull exeaUb�nd :' ��,�� <br /> deilver to Trustor suiLble statements of terminatlon of any flnancinp statemeM on fik sddenclnp Lender's securlty Inte�st In tM Rents and ihe , `Y�. <br /> Persorwl Property. Any reconveyance tee required by taw shall be pald by Trusla,if perml8od by appNcable law. �_ <br /> �FFAU.T. Eaah ot the followlnp,et the optfon of Lender,shall constitute an event of default("Event ot Defaull')under this Deed of Tmst: <<�, i,�-_ <br /> 1 Defewlt on Indebtedness. Falture of Trustor to make any payment whe�due on the indebtedness. -�� ', � <br /> D�feult on Oth�r Payments. Fallure of Trustor withln the time required by ihis Deed of Trust to make any payment for taxes a insurance,or t,l�� <br /> I any other payment necessery to prevent flling ot or to eftect dlscharge of eny lien. �� ��■� <br /> �r:: �,.:-. <br /> Cw�pNlnce Wtiwlt. faliure of Trustor to comply with any other term. obYgatlon,covenant or condltlon contalned In lhis Oeed of Trust,the _{V 7 <br /> Note a In any of the Reiated Documents. � <br /> F�se StatemenU. Any warranty,representation or statement mada or furNShed to Lender by or on behalt of Trustor under thls Deed of Trust, • ,�,` <br /> the Nde or the Related Dxuments Is false or misleading In any materlal respect,elther now or at the time made or tumished. ��; <br /> Oetective Coll�teratir�tlon. Thls Deed of Trust or eny of the Related Dxumonts ce�ses to be in tull tace and effect(Inciudirp feNUre of tny <br /> cdlatenl dxuments to create a valld and perfected securlty Interest a lien)at any time and for any reason. _ � <br /> � Death a InaWency. The death oi 7rustor or the dissWutlon u termin�Non of Trustors a�dstence as a pWnp buslness,the Insotvency of ;,a.�,,,._:� <br /> ' Trustor,the appdntment of a recelver for any part of Trusta's properry, any asslpnment for lhe benefit of Creditors,any type ot Credita workout, ,,�y���___ <br /> or the commencomont of any proceedln9 under any bankruptcy or Insotvency laws by w�painst Trustor. ;�c°s�i_— <br /> Forecbauro,Fortelturo,etc. Commencement of forectosure or fodellure proceedinps,whether by Judlclal prxaedinq,seli-help.repossesslon :.-� <br /> or any olher method,by any credltor of Trustor or by any qovernmental aqenoy epainst any of the Properly. However,this subseotlon shaU nOt _ <br /> epply In the evenl ot a qood falth dispute by Trustar as to the validity or reasonableness of the clalm wh�h Is the basis of the foreclosure or ,.:•�.,w_ <br /> (orefellure proceedinp,Provfded lhflt Trustor gives Lender writt9n notice of such cla�m and furnishes reserves or a surety bond fa the clalm ; :;,.__� <br /> '. satisfeclory to Lender. }';''��� <br />- Breach of Other Ay�eement. Any breach by Trustor under the terms of eny other ayreement between Truslor and Lender thet Is not remedied 7��",. <br />- withfn any grece pe�lod provided Ihereln,Includine wlthout Ilmltatlon any aq�eement Conceminp any Indebtedness or olher obliqatlon o}Trustor •,�;,;.� <br /> to Lender,whether exlsting now or latar. -;,�'�"° <br /> Eventa Aftectinp Ruarsntor. Any ot the preceding events occurs with respect lo any Ouarentor of any of the Indebtedness a any Civarantor ;,�-_ <br /> dles or becomes Incompetent,w revokes or dlsputes the valldity of,or Ikbllity under,any(ivaranty oi the Indsbtedness. Lender,nt Ib optlon. •. -Ja a.� <br /> '.���"F`".:::: <br />� may,but shaU not be requlred to,permit the(ivamntors estate to assume uncondlHonNty the obllyallons arfsinp under the �uaranty In a � �' <br /> manner satlsfactory to Lender,and,In dolnp so,cure the Event of Default. � <br />- _,;,..y�...�'. <br /> Insecudty. Lendar In qood faith deoms Itself Insecure. '�JSri.+,,;'�.• � . <br /> Ri�ht to Cure. If such a Seilure Is curable and if Trustor has not been qlven e notke of n breach of ihe same P►ovislon of thls Deed of Trust . <br /> ' witfiin the precedlnq hvelve(12)months,It may be cured (and no Evenl of Default wlll have occurted)If Trustor,aRer Lender sends wrlflen <br /> notice demandlnp cure of such feYure: (a)cures the fallure withln Nfteen(15)days;or (b)If the cure requlres more than Afteen(16)days, <br /> Immed�ately Initlates ateps sufficlent to cure the tallure end thereafler con�nues and compleles a�l reasonable and necessary steps suNiclent to , <br /> produce compllance as soon as reasonably practical. � <br /> me exerds aRy o e�oEmwe ofEhe fobwing ri8hts and rem d es f in ddition�to any other ghis or reimpolesrpaovid d�byeew r Lender,at Its optlon, <br /> Acceleration upon Detault;Addlllonel Remedies, If any event W de�ad► occurs as per the terms of the Note secured hereby,Lender may <br /> declare ail Indebledness secured by this Oesd of Trust to bo due and payabie and the same shall thereupon become due and payable wllhout <br /> - any prasentment,demend,prolosl or nol�e of eny kind. Thereatter,Lander may: <br /> (e) Elther In person or by agent,wfth or without bringing any acUon or proceedinp,or by a recelver appolnted by a cou�t and without <br />_ regard to the adequacy of Its seCUdty,enter upon end take possess�on of the Property,or any part lhereof,In Its own name or In the name <br /> ol Trustee,and do any acts whlco It dee�em�neces�sary�Md�kn�rnha Pro ettv 00 DroteCt►he SeCUtlly Ot thetPbOperty:ta dP wllh or�w�lhoul <br /> - OI If19 rfUptl�iy i7i nurnaaa n�.��.....p....�,..._'____'-' " r . - <br /> _� leking possession of the Property,sue tor or otherv+fse coliscl the ronSS,Issues and proiHS of the Property,incWOing tnose pasi due u�iG <br /> unpald,and epply the same,less costs and expenses of operatiun and collection,InCluding allorneys'fees,to eny Indebtedness secured i <br /> by this Deed of Trust,all In such ader as Le I cntio et e eof shae nothcure1ori aive any defeult or not ce oif defnult unde�h s Desd oul Trus� i <br /> of such rents.Ksues and pro6ts,and ihe epp <br /> or invalidele any act done in rd5ponse to such de�au�t or pursuanl lo such noti�g oi defaulh flnd, notwithstnnding the ContlnuIInCe In i <br /> exere selevery r ght prop ded or,hn ihAlNOte or�heeRelaled Documo�5 or'by Iaw pon the occur�rence o�any e enl ofrde auitbinc uding the <br /> ngh�l0 BxerCise Iho power ol sale: <br /> �b) CommenCe an utlion lo}oreclose Ihis Deed ot Trust es e malgage.eppui�il a reCeiver or speCihCelly enfarCe any Of ihe CovBnan�S <br /> _ hereol:and <br /> Ic) Deliver to Trustee a wnllen dec�ah c1h nohcseTrustee shael cause lo be duly filedriqr record in the approp�e otfhces oflhe Countyrin <br /> � interesl In Iho Properiy t0 be Sold, <br /> - __ <br />