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.. � '- <br /> . . <br /> t -- <br /> ; Page 2 � - <br /> o�—oa-1998 DEED OF TRUST _ <br /> Loan No 625333 (Continued) 98—��� !L(� <br /> CONTAINS A VARIABLE INTERE3T RATE. �:. <br /> Perwn�l Prop�rty. Tho words "Persanal Property' mean all equlpmenl, fi:Auros.and other articles of peMOnal property now a hereaRer � <br /> owned by 7rustor,end now or heresBer ettached or 9ttixed to the Re9l Property;toyether with ell eCCesslons,pa�is, and eddlllons to,all t'. <br /> repiacements of, and all substltutlons for, any of such property; and topether with all prxeeds (InCludirq wfthout limltatlon an�nsurance ��� <br /> proceeds and refunds of premlums)hom any sale or other dlspositlon of the Property. � <br /> Propsrly. The word 7roperty'means collectively Ihe Real Propetty and the Personal Property. � <br /> ReM Propa'ty. The words'�1eal Propwly'mean the property,Interasts and riyhts descrtbad above In the"Con�eyance and Cinnt"aectlon. <br /> � RN�t�d Docurteanta Tho words'Ralntod pocuments" mean nnd Inciude wlthout Ilmltellon aN promissory notes, uedlt apreements,ben . <br /> apreements,envlronm�ntat aprsemYnte,qusnntlas,security aqreementa,mortyaqes,deads of trust,a�d at1 otner instruments,e�reements and <br /> documenls,whether now or hereatter exlstlny,executed In Connection with the Indebtsdnsss. <br /> Renls. The word'Ronts"means all present and future rents,revenues,Income,Issues,royaltles,proflts,and other beneflts derived from the ; <br /> Properry. <br /> Trustoe. The wad"frustee"means UMTED NEBRASKA BANK and any substitule a successor trustees, <br /> Trustof. The ward'Trustor"mea��s 8ny and all persons end enti8es execudnp thls 06ed of Trust,Includlnp wilhout Ilmltatlon aE Trustors named <br /> BbovA. � ' <br /> THIS DHED OF TRU8T, INCLWING THE ASSIdNMENT OF RENTS AND TFIE SECURITY IMTEREST IN TFIE RENTS AND PERSONAL <br /> PROPERTY,IS OIVEM TO SECIIRE (1)PAYMEN7 OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (1)PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND AI.L�I.IGAT10N8 OF . ,Q. _�, <br /> ' TRUSTOR UNDER THE NOTE, TFIE RELATED OOCUMHNTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDIN�THE „.� �_ <br /> i ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY IHTERHST IN TFIB RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY,IS AL50 GIVEN TO SECURE ANY �'___ �� <br /> EVEN DA�FI�REWI H�F ANYSEYENTNOF DEFAULT ND'ER THE CON8 RUCT ON 0 N A R EMENT OR AHY�OF THE RELATED <br /> DOCUMEMTS REFERRED TO TFIEREIN,SHALL AL30 8E AH EVENT OF DEFAULT UNOER THI8 DEED OF TRUST. YFIE NOTE AND TH18 - <br /> OEEO OF TRUST ARE�IVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FQU.OWIHd TERMS: <br /> of TruAstNes heybecome dueA and shati strlcW atnd In a t mrelydmanner peAwm I orf T ustors obliyst onstu derthe Note,this Deed ofT busthand the <br /> � Related OoCUments. <br /> I POSSESSION AND MAINTENAHCE OF TFIE PROPERTY. Trustor ayrees that Trustor's possession and use of ihe Properly sha!be governed by <br /> the fdiowing provisions: — <br /> ' Possesslon�nd Uae. Until the occurrence of an Event of Default,Trustor may (a)remain In possesslon and conlrol of the Properly, (b)use. <br /> ,� operate or mnnaqe the Property,and (c)adlect any Rents hom the Property. <br /> Duty to MaintNn. 7rusta Sha11 malntaln the Property In tenant8ble condillon and promptty perform ail repafrs,replacements,and malntenance <br /> necessary to preserve Its value. <br /> Hazardoua Subst�nces. The terms"hezardous waste""ha�ardous substance,""dlsposal,""release;'and"tiveatened release;as used In this <br /> Deed of Trust,shall have the same meanlnps as set iorth In the Comprehenslve Environmentel Response,CAmpensetlon,antl Lltbllity ACt of <br /> amended.42 U.S.C.Sectlon 9601,et seq.("CERCLA�,the Superfund Amendments and ReauthodreHOn Act of 1988,Pub.L,No, <br /> gg.{99("$ARA'�,ihe Haiatdous Meterl8lS TranspOrtanon ACt,49 U.S.C.Seciivii i88i,8t 58q.,th8 R�otuCCCCt�Br.'a44n e�� R�overyAct. _.___ _ ,.___ _ <br /> a2 U.S.C. SeCtion 8901,et seq., or other appliCable state or Federal Iaws,ruies,or repulaUons adopted purswnt to any of the foropolny. The <br /> terms"hazerdous w�sta"and"hazardous substance"shall also Inciude,wilhout Ilmltauon,petroleum and petrobum by-produeta or�ny hactfon :`r ' <br /> thereof and asbestos. Trustor represents and warranls to Lender thar (a)Du�lnp the padod of Trusta'a owrarship of the Property,thare has <br /> been no use,peneration,manufacture,storage,treatment,dlsposat,rdease or threatened release ot any haxudous waste or eubslarxx�by any ,i� <br /> person on,under,ebout or from the Property; (b)Trustor has no knowledpo of,a reason to belleve thtt tha�has beon,excqt�s prevlously _,�.F T <br /> disclosed to and acknowledyed by Lender In writing, (I)any use,qenerntlon,manufaeture,storaqe,treetmed,dlsposal,rels�ss.a threatened : <br /> release ot any hexerdous waste or substance on,under,about or hom the Property by any prlor ownero or occupanls ot ihe Property or N)a�Y ���. <br /> actuni a threatened Iiligallon or clatms of eny kind by any person reiatlnfl to suCh mariers; and (a)Except as preulously disciossd lo and -t.:�: <br /> acknowiedyed by Lender in writing, (I) nelther Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,apant or other authorizad user of the Proparly shall usi, :tj��. <br /> penerete,manufacture,store,treat,dlspose ot,or relesse any hezardous waste or substance on,under,aboul or hom the Propsrty�nd (II)any x,�� <br /> such acllvity shall be conducted In complfance wlth an appllcabie federal,state,and Iocsi Iaws,repulatMns and ordinances,lncludlnp without ,��, �_ - <br /> Ilmiiatlon those Iflws,repuiatlons,8nd ordinances described above. Trustor authorize�s lender and Its agents to enter upon tta Properly to _;��,,,,_.— <br /> make such Inspections and tests,at Trustors expense,as Lender may deem approprlate to determine campliance oT tha Properly wilh this ,��u -- <br /> seCdon oi the Deed of Trust. Any Inspectlons or tests made by Lender shflli be for Lender's puryoses oniy and shaN not be construed to create .. n,��' � <br /> any responslbtlity or Nability on the part of Lender to Trustor or to any other person. The reprosentations and wartantiss conlafn�d hareln are � �,t r. <br /> b a s e d o n T r u s t o r's d u e d lil p ence In Investi gntin p the Property for hazardous wasle and hazardous substances.Trustor hereby(e)rebas�s and :�`', <br /> walves any(uture elalms agatnst Lendsr tor Indemnity or contdbutlon in the even t Trus tor beco m e s I ta b l e 4 o r c l a a n u p a o t h e r c o s t s u n d e r a r ry .,�,�,r.. ,���, <br /> such laws,end (b)agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lender apalnst any an d a M C ia lms,lo s s e s, N�b il itl e s, dama q�s, p ona�ties,and _. .,_�-�,_ <br /> expenses whlch Lender may dlrectiy or Indireciiy sustaln w suNer resu�inp from a breach of this seatbn of the Deed of Trust or as a , ..�.,��, <br /> consequence of any use,generaHon,menufacture,storupe,dlsposal, release or threatened rele4se oxurrkp prior to Truslors ownerehlp a - <br /> Interest In the Property,whether or nol the seme was or should have been known to Trustor. Tho provislons of thla suctlon qf Ihe Oe�d of Trus6 y�«,� <br /> including the obllpatlon to Indemnity,shall survive the payment of the Indebtedness and the oatlsfactlon and reconveyance of the Ilen of this 1_ �� r_ <br /> Deed ot Trust und shaq not be affeeted by Lender's acqulsitlon ot any Interest In the Propeiiy,whether by toredosure or othenvlse, '.��.-•- <br /> Nule�nce,Weste. Trustor shalt not cause,conduct or perm�t any nulsance nor commlf,permlt,a suNer any st�ippinp of or waste on or to the '��;;;_ <br /> "r"�:.. <br /> Property or any po�tion of the Properly. Wlthout Ilmiting the generality ot the fore{�olnq,Trustor will not remove,or qront to any other parly the � "�•:��';h= � <br />� right to romove,any Ilmber.minerals(Inclutline al and gas),soll,gravel or rock products withoul ihe prlor writlon consent of Lender. � 'r�• <br /> Removel of Improvemente. Truslcr shall not demoi�sh or remove any Improvements from the Real Properry wlihout the p�br written consent <br /> s�.. <br /> of Lender. As a condltfon to the remova�ot any Improvemenls,Lender may requlre Trustor to make arranqements Satisfactory to Lender to <br /> replace such ImprovemeMs w�ch Improvements of at least equal value. <br /> Lender'8 Ripht to Entet. Lender and Its agents and representatives may enter uDOn the Real Property at all reasonnble imes to attend to <br /> ` Lender's fnterests and to inspect the Property for purposes of Trustor's compllenCe wlth the terms and condllbns of thb Deed of Trusf. <br /> _ , Compllance with(iovernmentei Requlrements. Trustor shell promptty comply with all taws,ordlnnnces.and repulalions,now or herea8er In , <br /> � eHect, of all gOVernmentai euthorilies appllcable to lhe use or a:eupflncy of the Prope�ty, Includinp with0ut NmlteNOn, the Americans Wllh <br /> Olsabilitles ACt. Truslor mey Contest In good falth eny such law,ordinance,or regulatlon and withhold CampllenCe du�irp any prxeedinp, <br /> including approprlate appeais, Go lonq as Trustor has notifled Lender In wdtinp prlor to dolnp so and so bnq as,In Lende�'s sole opinlon, <br /> Lender's interests In lhe Property are not Jeopardized. Lender may requlre Trustor to post adequate secudy or n surety bond,reasonably <br /> satisfaclory to Lender,to proleCt Lender's Interesl. <br />_ I Duty to Protect. Trusta agrees nellher to abandon nor Ieave unnttended the Property. Trustor shall do all dher acts,in addition to those acts <br /> set fortli above in this secllon,which irom ihe chsraCter and use of the Prop8�ly are reasonably necessary to proteCt and preserve ihe Prope►ty, I <br /> DUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may,at Its optlon,declare lmmodiately due and peyable a�l sums seCUred by this Deed ot Trust i <br /> upon the sale or transter,wfihout the Lender's pnor w�itten Consenl,of all or any�ert of the Real Property,or any fnte�est In the Reel Prope�ty. A <br /> _ . . . . ._____.�____._..__......l D.....n.fv.,,a�„.4,ti� f�t�o nr�nlwraat thArAln:whethet 120a1,bene�Ci41 or equltflble;whelher voluntury <br /> $$IB Of It$Itbltlt �Ittltl�W���o�.�n�ro�w.wv v.•.w....�p....�-. -..� ..o-.•. - - <br /> or involuntary:whother by outright sale,deed,Instanment sale contracl,land conlract,coniract for deed, leasehdd interest wlth a term greater tnan i <br /> three (3)years,leaso-option contract,a by sale,assignmenl,or transter of any benefiClal Inlerest In or to any land trust hold�ng tille to the Real <br /> Property,or by any olher method of canveyar�Ce of Real Property interest. If any Trusior IS a corpaation,pa�l�ersh�p or Ilmited IiebYity company, <br /> iransfer also �ncludes nny change in ownership of more than twenly-five porCent(2596)of the voting stock,padn9rshlp Interesls or Mmfted NabNlty <br />�, company mterests,as the case may bo,of Trustor. However,this optlon Shsll�ot be exerC�sed by Lender if suCh exerclse Is p�ohibiled by federel <br /> lew or by Nebreska lew. <br /> TAXES AND LItNS. The following provis�ons relating to Ihe 18xe5 end Ilens on the Property aro a purl of this Deed of Trusl. <br />' Payment. Truslor shall pay when due (and in all events p�or to delinquency)all texss,spec�a�ta�:es,asseuments,charges (i�cludinp wale� <br /> end sewer�,hnes and imposdions lev�ed egalnsl o�on account o�ihe Properiy,and Shell p8y when due ell Cle�ms fo� work done on or fa <br /> serwces rendered or mfltenal furnished to Ihe Proporty. Trustor,hell melntein the Property free of till liens having priority over or equel to ihe <br />;=, mlerest o�Lender under 1hi5 Deed ol Trusl,except for ihe lien ol taxes and Assessments not due end exCeplas olherwise prov�ded fn ihls Deed <br /> R � <br /> � <br /> . <br />